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Identify the acute angles, right angle and acute angle from the following.
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Last updated date: 17th May 2024
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Hint:The basic definitions of acute angle, right angle and obtuse angle area based on the comparison with the right angles. The notations used to show the angles at the vertex are also trivial; observe the notations shown in each figure carefully. Note that we can’t measure the angle by just looking at it.

Complete step-by-step answer:
First observe each figure correctly. The right-angle measures ${90^ \circ }$ and it is shown by a square drawn at the vertex.
The angle which measures less than ${90^ \circ }$ is known as acute angle and it is shown by a smaller angle than the right angle at the vertex.
The angle which measures greater than ${90^ \circ }$ is known as the obtuse angle and it is shown by a greater angle than the right angle at the vertex.
We will start from figure 1. The first angle is less than the ${90^ \circ }$ therefore, we can safely say that it is an acute angle.
Now observe the figure 2. The second figure is greater than ${90^ \circ }$ therefore, we can say that it is an obtuse angle.
Similarly, the figure 3. The figure follows the line of figure 1 and it is an angle less than ${90^ \circ }$ therefore, figure 3 is an acute angle.
The fourth figure is clearly a right angle as it has a square drawn to its vertex.
The figure number 5 follows the path of the second figure and it has an angle greater than ${90^ \circ }$ therefore, it is an obtuse angle.
The last figure is the same as the third figure but in the different direction. Thus, it is also an angle less than ${90^ \circ }$ implies that the angle in the 6th figure is an acute angle.
Thus, in the given figures, figure 1, 3, 6 are acute angles, figures 2 and 5 are obtuse angles while the 4th figure is a right angle.

Note:Observation should be very keen in this case. There are different angles with different directions so don’t confuse yourself with the directions of the angle. Compare every angle with the right angle so that it will be easier to differentiate each angle with the right angle.