RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 22 – Differential Equations ( EX 22.11 ) Exercise 22.11 – Free PDF
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions Chapter 22 – Differential Equations
1. What are the changes in Class 12 CBSE boards exam for the year 2024-25?
Due to the covid pandemic hitting around the globe, certain changes have been made in the educational system and in the way exams will be held as well. This year boards have been divided in two halves of 50 marks each. This also includes practicals. The exams will be held offline. Further changes can be made accordingly. To be kept updated students can refer to the official website of CBSE. The main change for this year's board exams is that these will be held in an MCQ type pattern making things difficult for students as this all will be new. Students can certainly pull off these exams with their hard work and dedication.
2. How to prepare for Class 12 Maths boards?
Class 12 board exams are important, and any student can perform well if he or she follows some basic points of preparation. The hard work always pays. Being attentive in the classroom and getting your basic concepts clear is the main key. When it comes to Maths practice is very important. Students must solve at least 20 to 30 questions on a daily basis. For other subjects, notes can be taken. Revision is another important part of any preparation. Previous question papers should be solved by students to obtain good marks. All such resources like previous years’ question papers and revision notes are all available in Vedantu.
3 . Which are the most important chapters in Class 12 Maths?
From the board’s point of view, all the chapters are important. But there are a few chapters that need more time and attention. Students can start preparation with these chapters. The practice of these chapters is essentially needed to obtain good marks. Some of the important chapters are:
Continuity and Differentiability
Application of Integrals
Differential Equations
4. How many exercises are there in the chapter Differential Equations?
Differential Equations in a bit lengthy chapter and an important one from the board's point of view. The weightage of this chapter is 8 marks though there can be certain changes. It has 6 exercises along with a miscellaneous exercise. The exercises are based on general and particular solutions of differential equations, formation of differential equations, etc. Students must solve all the given exercises as well as miscellaneous ones, including all the given examples before each exercise.