RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions Chapter 6 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities (Ex 6.2) Exercise 6.2 - Free PDF
FAQs on RD Sharma Class 8 Solutions Chapter 6 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities (Ex 6.2) Exercise 6.2
1. Apply standard Identities on the following equations.
A.(2x + 3y)2
For A
Using (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 +2ab
(2x + 3y)2 = (2x)2 + 2(2x)(3y) + (3y)2 = 4x2 + 12xy + 9y2
For B
Using (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab
(103)2 = (100 + 3)2 = 1002 + 2 x 100 x 3 +32 = 10000 + 600 + 9 = 10609
2. Where can one find the study material for Algebraic Expression?
Algebraic Equations and Identities is an important chapter in Class 8, as it lays a foundation for future concepts of Algebra in higher classes. Therefore, it is very important for students to have a strong command of this chapter and a clear picture of each and every concept in this chapter. For reference, Vedantu has provided study notes for the Chapter Algebraic Expressions and Identities in a step-by-step and easy-to-understand manner. After going through the notes the student will have all his doubts cleared regarding algebraic equations as the notes are specially designed by subject experts for the ease of students.
3. What are the properties of Algebraic Equations?
There are 9 properties of Algebraic equations which are as follows-
Commutative Property of Addition- The commutative property of addition states that regardless of the order of any two numbers while adding, the sum remains the same, that is, x+y=y+x.
Commutative Property of Multiplication- The commutative property of multiplication states that regardless of the order of two numbers while multiplying, the product remains the same, that is, x x y=y x x.
Associative Property of Addition- The associative property of addition states that regardless of sets of grouping together of two numbers while adding, the sum remains the same, that is, x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z.
Associative Property of Multiplication- The associative property of multiplication states that regardless of sets of grouping together of two numbers while multiplying, the product remains the same, that is, x x (y x z)=(x x y) x z.
Distributive Property- The distributive property of algebraic equations states that equality is always true in elementary algebra. Distributive property generalized the distributive law, that is, x x (y±z)=(x x y)±(x x z).
Identity property for addition- The identity property of addition states that the number remains the same if zero is added to it, that is, x+0=x.
Identity property for multiplication- The identity property of multiplication states that if 1 is multiplied by any number, the number remains the same, that is, x x 1=x
Inverse property of addition- The inverse property of addition states that whenever a number and its opposite is added, for example, 2 and -2, the result will always be 0, that is, x+(-x)=0.
Zero Property of Multiplication- The zero property of multiplication states that whenever we multiply any number by 0, the product will always be a 0, that is x x 0=0.