RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 10 - Quadratic Equations (Ex 10H) - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 10 Chapter 10 - Quadratic Equations (Ex 10H) Exercise 10.8
1. How to graph the Quadratic Equation ax2+bx+c=0?
The graph of a Quadratic Equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 can be obtained by defining its as a function ax2+bx+c=0. By solving and substituting values for x, values of y are obtained and then, many numerous points can be obtained. These points are presented in the coordinate axis to obtain a parabola-shaped graph for the Quadratic Equation. This how a graph can be plotted for the Quadratic Equation ax2+bx+c=0. Class 10 students can find more questions on graphing of Quadratic Equations in RD Sharma and Vedantu’s official site.
2. How to study Class 10 Quadratic Equations?
Quadratic Equation is one of the most important chapters of Class 10 maths as it carries a lot of weightage and also appears again in higher classes. Class 10 students can start their preparations with solving NCERT Exercises and then moving on to reference books like Rd Sharma. Rd Sharma has a lot of good questions that will help the student to understand the questions patterns. Students can then move on to the previous year’s papers which will test the children in an exam-like situation. This is how a Class 10 student should study for Quadratic Equations.
3. What is the factorization of the Quadratic Equation?
Factoring Quadratic Equations is one of the methods of representing the polynomial as a multiplication of its linear factors. Factoring Quadratic Equations is a process that enables the Class 10 students to simplify the given quadratic expressions and find their roots and solve equations. A quadratic polynomial is of the form ax2+bx+c=0, (where a, b, and c are real numbers). Factoring quadratics is a method that helps us to find the 0s of the Quadratic Equation ax2+bx+c=0.
3. What are the methods to solve the Quadratic Equation?
Quadratic Equations are 2nd-degree forms of algebraic expressions. A Quadratic Equation can be solved to get the 2 values of x or the 2 roots of the equation. These values are very useful and can be used to get other values that will make the graph of the given Quadratic Equation.
The 4 methods of solving the Class 10 Quadratic Equations are as follows-
Factoring of Quadratic Equation
Formula Method of Finding Roots
Method of Completing the Square
Graphing Method to Find the Roots
4. What is the Quadratic Formula?
The Quadratic Formula is the easiest method to find the roots of the given Quadratic Equation. In Class 10 Quadratic Equation, certain Quadratic Equations cannot be easily factored and there the students can use the quadratic formula to find the roots in the quickest possible way. The roots of the Quadratic Equation help to find the sum of the roots and the product of the roots of the given Quadratic Equation. The 2 roots in the quadratic formula are presented as 1 expression. The positive sign and the negative sign can be alternatively used to obtain the 2 distinct roots of the given Quadratic Equation.