RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 8 Chapter-3 Squares and Square Roots (Ex 3F) Exercise 3.6 - Free PDF
FAQs on RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 8 Chapter-3 Squares and Square Roots (Ex 3F) Exercise 3.6
1. What are the properties of square numbers?
There are many properties of square numbers, some of them are- if a number has 1 or 9 in the unit’s place, then its square ends in 1. when a square number ends in 6, the number whose square it is, will have either 4 or 6 in unit’s place, there are 2n non-perfect square numbers between the squares of the numbers n and (n + 1), the sum of first n odd natural numbers is n2, if a natural number cannot be expressed as a sum of successive odd natural numbers starting with 1, then it is not a perfect square. These properties are explained in depth in the RS Aggarwal book.
2. What are the important topics studied in this chapter?
The important topics studied in this chapter include- properties of square numbers, adding triangular numbers, Numbers between square numbers, adding odd numbers, a sum of consecutive natural numbers, a product of two consecutive even or odd natural numbers, Finding the square of a number, Pythagorean triplets, square roots, finding square root by division method, Square roots of decimals, estimating square root. Studying these concepts from RD Sharma can give you a better understanding of how they work and practicing and solving questions increases your speed and helps you save time during the examination.
3. Are the practice questions given in RS Aggarwal difficult to solve?
The practice questions given by RS Aggarwal are not at all difficult to solve in fact they increase the understanding of all the concepts covered in the NCERT book as RS Aggarwal is based on the curriculum set by the CBSE. RS Aggarwal is known for simplifying complex topics. All the practice questions in RS Aggarwal have a reasonable solution, all the solutions are written in a step-by-step manner that makes learning and understanding easier and promotes self-study. The CCE test paper in MCU questions helps in further understanding and also helps students to check their progress.
4. Why are Squares and Square Roots an important chapter?
Squares and Square Roots is considered an extremely important chapter because it forms the foundation of Mathematics. It is a chapter prescribed by the CBSE and it is only after understanding and learning the concepts present in this chapter one can move forward with their studies. Students are advised to study from RS Aggarwal as it simplifies complex concepts and all the study material related to RS Aggarwal is available on the Vedantu website. A link to the important questions based on this chapter is -
5. Is RS Aggarwal a good book to study?
RS Aggarwal is considered a good reference guide as it is based on the CBSE curriculum and contains CCE test papers and MC queues that helps the students to keep a check on their progress. The Book explains difficult concepts in a very simple language. Teachers Vedantu have curated all the study material related to RS Aggarwal. The links are available easily and the PDF downloads are for free. The best part about the book is that it acts as self-study material and all the answers are explained in a step-by-step manner with reasoning so that there can be no room for doubt.