What is Ling Fish?
The ling fish is a commercially important marine fish found near Scandinavia, British Isles, and Iceland. They are native to the north Atlantic coast of Europe and the Mediterranean basin. They belong to the cod family Gadidae. The scientific name of Ling fish is Molva molva. The ling fish has a long, slim body with a characteristic long anal fin. The body is covered with small scales. It also has two dorsal fins. The second dorsal fin is larger than the first one.
The ling fish is related to two deepwater ling fish of European variety- the blue ling (M. dypterygia, or M. byrkelange) and the Mediterranean or the Spanish ling (M. macrophthalma M. elongata).
The ling fish is also called the white ling or common ling. It belongs to the family Lotidae, which represents a group of fishes that resembles the cod. It is also related to rocklings but has a single barbel and is much larger in size. However, the ling fish is not related to pink ling (Genypterus blacodes) found in the Southern Hemisphere. Let’s know more about what is ling.
General Description of Ling Fish
The ling fish is considered to be the longest and also one of the largest fishes that resemble the cods. It can reach up to a length of 200 cm and can weigh up to 30 kilograms. The long slender body is accompanied by a small head bearing small eyes and a largemouth. The ling fish also have large teeth. The upper jaw of the fish projects beyond the lower jaw. The lower jaw has a single sensory barbel. The entire body is covered with small scales.
As stated earlier, the second dorsal fin is longer in size than the first dorsal fin. The anterior dorsal fin has around 14 to 15 fin rays and has a rounded shape. The posterior dorsal fin has around 61-68 fin rays that are uniform in height. The fish has around 63 to 65 vertebrae depending on the species. It also has short pelvic fins and a caudal peduncle. The pelvic fin does not reach the pectoral fin.
The dorsal part of the body is greenish-brown in color. It is sometimes reddish-brown, mostly on the upper parts/ the skin color lightens on the flanks and the underparts of the body. The edges of the dorsal and anal fins have distinct white colors. The posterior end has a dark spot. This spot is more conspicuous on the anterior dorsal fin than on the posterior dorsal fin. The adult fishes are darker in color than the juvenile fishes. The juveniles often have purplish iridescent lines that are pale in color.
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Important Ling Information on Its Habitat
The key ling information is that the common ling is considered to be a demersal species found on rocky surfaces. Demersal species are those species that prefer to live near the sea bed. It is mostly found at a depth of 15 to 600 meters. Most common ling sightings take place between 100 to 400 meters. Juvenile lungs are mostly found near the coastal region at a depth of 15 to 20 meters. They also exhibit pelagic behavior. They start to migrate to deeper waters after the age of three.
Important Points on Sexual Reproduction and Body Growth of Ling Fish
Ling fishes attain sexual maturity at different times and body sizes for males and females. Male lings attain maturity at the age of 5 when their body length is around 80 centimeters. Females attain maturity at the age of 5-6 years when their body length is around 90 to 100 centimeters.
The spawning period of ling fish is between March and July. The larva and the eggs also exhibit pelagic behavior. Pelagic behavior refers to the preference of the fishes neither in the deeper level nor near the shore. Each female ling fish can carry around 20 to 60 million eggs.
Lings have different spawning depths in different seas. They are found at a depth of 200 meters in the stretch of water from the Norwegian Sea to the Bay of Biscay. In southern Iceland, they spawn at a depth of 100 to 300 meters. In the Mediterranean sea, they spawn at a depth of 50 to 300 meters.
After their birth, ling juveniles exhibit rapid growth. They can gain around 8 to 10 centimeter in length every year. For example, they grow to a length of 20 centimeters after one year and to 30-35 centimeters after two years. The female ling fish demonstrate a faster growth rate than the males. Males generally live for around ten years, while females can live up to 14 years. At that age, the female ling fish can grow to a length of 200 cm.
Food Habits of Ling Fish
Ling fishes do not prefer to swim in schools. They are solitary species that prefer to hide in crevices, rocks, and wrecks. However, in deep water, they prefer to swim freely. They are benthic species that feed on prey generally found in the benthic zone. Some of these prey include the Atlantic cod, flatfish, Atlantic herring, and Trisopterus esmarkii. Although they are chiefly piscivorous, they are also found to feed on certain crustaceans, cephalopods, and echinoderms. Some of these species include European lobsters, munida, scampi, and starfish.
Ling fishes show voracious instincts while feeding. They can feed on anything that moves around and are small enough to be their prey. They can even swallow crayfish as a whole. They also feed on Hoki fish during their spawning season.
Common Human Use of Ling Fish
Humans mainly fish common lings for food. Ling meat is marketed in the dried, fresh, or salted form. They are also sold as fishmeal. In Spain, the salted roe of the fish is considered to be a delicacy. It is sold by the name of Huevas de maruca. The ling fish is also used to make lutefisk.
Humans mainly catch ling fish commercially using trawls. However, some Faroese and European-based fisheries also use long lines to catch ling fishes. Since ling fishes are residents of deepwater, their swim bladders get badly damaged when they are brought to the surface.
Most sport anglers are advised against overfishing of ling fishes. IUCN has no data on the population trend and population size of ling fishes. The majority of the ling fish population is found in the Atlantic, although some are also found in the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the ling fish species are considered in the list of data deficient in the IUCN list.
Since ling fishes are caught by trawlers, the Marine Conservation Society recommends that consumers avoid catching the fish. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, Norway had the largest catch of ling fishes followed by the United States.
Ling fishes are deepwater fishes found mostly in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean basin. They belong to the family Lotidae or Gadidae. They are similar to code. They have two dorsal fins and one characteristically long anal fin. The second dorsal fin is longer than the first dorsal fin. They are similar to other ling fishes like the blue line or the Spanish ling but are unrelated to the pink ling.
The ling fish has a long slender body with a small head. The small head bears two small eyes. The fish also has large teeth. It has an elongated upper jaw bigger than the lower jaw, with a single barbel that distinguishes it from other catfishes.
The adult fishes are demersal and live in the benthic zone. However, the young larvae are pelagic in nature. Therefore, they prefer to live near the surface. However, as they grow older, they move into the deeper regions of the sea. Unlike other fishes, ling fish prefer to stay solitarily in the rocks, crevices, or wrecks commonly found in the sea or ocean.
Ling fishes are voracious feeders and show predator instincts. They look for prey that is located near to them and are small in size. They are strictly piscivorous, although they can also feed on some crustaceans that are found in the benthic zone.
Humans feed on ling fish. Although the IUCN has not yet determined its population dynamics and size, several organizations aim the prevention of overfishing.
FAQs on Ling Fish
1. What Kind of Depth Does Ling Fish Prefer at Different Stages of Their Lives?
Ans: The common ling fish prefers deeper water for their survival. They are mainly demersal in nature, feeding on living organisms found near the sea bed. Ling fishes are mostly found at a depth of 100 to 400 meters. However, they can also be found at a greater depth of 600 meters. Some long fish come near the surface of the water during their spawning season. Therefore, many fishermen can see these fishes as shallow as 15 meters from the surface from March to July.
The Juvenile ling fishes mostly prefer to live in the shallow waters. They prefer a depth of 15 to 20 meters. They are mostly found in the coastal regions. After the age of three years, the juvenile fishes move to deeper waters.
2. What are the Essential Points to Know About Sexual Maturity and Reproduction in Ling Fishes?
Ans: Ling fishes are solitary fishes that live in rocks and crevices. However, they meet with their partners when they attain sexual maturity. Male ling fishes attain sexual maturity at the age of 5 years when they reach a length of around 80 centimeters. However, female ling fishes attain sexual maturity at the age of 5-6 years and when they are longer (body length= 90-100 centimeters).
Ling fishes generally spawn in the months of March to July. The eggs and larva are released in shallow water, where they perform pelagic behavior. Each female ling fish has the capacity to carry around 20 to 60 million eggs at a time. The ling fishes spawn at different depths based on their geographical locations. However, they normally perform spawning at a depth of 50 to 300 meters.
When the eggs hatch, the larvas are released. These juvenile fish grow rapidly. They can grow up to a length of 20 centimeters at the end of the first year and 30-35 centimeters after the second. The average growth rate of lungfishes is around 8 to 10 centimeters per year. Female ling fish exhibit a faster growth rate than males. Although males can live up to 10 years, female ling fishes can live up to 14 years and grow to a length up to 200 centimeters.
3. What Kind of Food Does the Ling Fish Eat?
Ans: Ling fish are solitary species that live in the rocks and crevices found on the seafloor. They are benthic, demersal species that feed on smaller benthic organisms. They are voracious predators and attack any organisms that are smaller than them. In deep water, they prefer to swim freely. They are strongly piscivorous, feeding on other small fishes like the flatfish, Atlantic cod, Atlantic herring, and Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii). They can swallow a crayfish as a whole.
One of the most common prey of the ling fish is the Hoki fish. It is also known as the Blue Grenadier. Ling fishes generally target the Hoki fish during their spawning season. Apart from fishes, the ling fish also feed on other small organisms like cephalopods, crustaceans, and echinoderms. Some of these common prey species include European lobsters, munida, scampi, and starfish. Ling fish have large teeth to help them crush through the hard shells of the crustaceans.
4. Which Fishes Resemble Ling Fish to a Large Extent?
Ans: Ling fishes belong to the family Gadidae. They are also considered in the family Lotidae. They are bottom dwellers and have several resembling structures with other fishes.
Ling fishes resemble codfish in several ways. They are also similar to catfishes. However, they have one barbel instead of two as generally found in cat and codfishes. They are also similar to the blue ling and the Spanish ling fish. However, they do not bear any similarity with the pink ling fish found in the Southern Hemisphere.