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Cervix Meaning

The lowest region of the uterus is known as the cervix. It is responsible for attaching the uterus to the vagina. It also provides a passage between the uterine cavity and the vaginal cavity. According to doctors, it is about 4 centimetres long and projects about 2 centimetres into the upper layer of the vaginal cavity. The cervical opening through which waste moves into the vagina is known as the external os, and the internal os is the opening of the endocervical canal into the uterine cavity.

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Anatomical Structure

The cervix normal is said to be composed of two regions which are known as the ectocervix and the endocervical canal.

The region ectocervix is considered to be a portion in the uterine cervix that moves into the vagina. According to many doctors, it is proved that the ectocervix region is lined by stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium. The opening in the ectocervix and the external os are present in order to mark the transition that starts from the ectocervix to the endocervical canal.

The next region, which is known to be the endocervical canal or endocervix, is considered more proximal and is present in the uterine cervix's inner part. According to doctors, this region is lined by mucus-secreting simple columnar epithelium. The endocervical canal ends at a narrowing region, and from here, the uterine cavity begins; this narrowing region is known as the internal os.


The cervix normal is responsible for producing mucus in the cervix. The mucus in the cervix tends to change in consistency during the menstrual cycle. During the time of greatest fertility, the cervix produces a good amount of mucus which is enough for promoting pregnancy.

At the time of pregnancy, the mucus which was produced by the cervix starts to become thick so that it can create a cervical plug. This plug is responsible for protecting the growing embryo from all types of infections. This cervical plus gets thin with time when the date of childbirth comes nearer.

At the time of menstruation, the cervix opens a little bit to allow the passage of menstrual flow. When the cervix starts opening for some purpose, it is known as an opened cervix. During pregnancy, the opened cervix starts to close down in order to help keep the fetus in the uterus until birth.span>

Another important function of the cervix is seen during the time of labour. The cervix tends to widen so that the fetus can come out of the uterus to the real world — this one of the key functions in the childbirth process.

Common Problems of the Cervix

There are various problems that can affect the functioning of a cervix ranging from mild inflammation to cervical cancer. Some of the problems that you will experience with your cervix are common among all, but some of them are serious and need immediate medical treatment. Every problem occurs differently and has its own symptoms, so it is always recommended to get diagnosed by a doctor so that he/she can rectify the actual disease and treat you accordingly. Some of the problems that woman face in their cervix are as follows:


The main cause of infections are germs, such as bacteria and viruses present in the body. These germs cause inflammation of the neck of the womb, which is generally known as the cervix. When there is inflammation in your cervix, the phenomenon is known as cervicitis. When a woman suffers from cervicitis, the most common symptom is vaginal discharge. Some other symptoms are pain while urine is passed, pain in the lower tummy and bleeding between periods.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Most of the infections that affect your cervix are transmitted sexually while having sex.  Some of the most common sexually transmitted infections that affect the cervix and create problems are as follows: 

  • Gonorrhoea

  • Chlamydia

  • Genital Herpes

  • Trichomonas

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Other Causes for Inflammation of the Cervix

Cervicitis occurs when there is inflammation in the neck of the womb, which is also known as the cervix.  This disease can occur due to various causes, such as 

  • Allergies - for example, many humans have allergies to condoms and spermicides.

  • Irritation - one can get irritated by tampons.

  • Radiotherapy - cervicitis can be a side effect of radiotherapy, which is a cancer treatment.

 Other Problems Affecting the Cervix

There are a whole lot of problems that will come in your life, and you have to handle them. Some other problems that affect the cervix are endometriosis,  cervical ectropion, etc.

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FAQs on Cervix

1. What Do You Understand by the Short Cervix?

Ans: A cervix is considered to be short when the length of the cervix is less than the normal size. Some women are born with a short cervix. Usually, this doesn't happen to every woman, but you can experience such cases rarely. This type of cervix is prone to dilation. It is incapable of providing good protection to the fetus and the pregnant woman. A woman who has a short cervix is prone to experiencing pregnancy loss, preterm labour and early delivery. To know whether you have a short cervix or a bigger one, you need to do an ultrasound test for proper clearance on this matter.

2. What Do You Understand By the Low Cervix?

Ans: A cervix that is found to be low is considered not fertile. This type of cervix is firm and closed.  When the cervix is low, it is considered that the woman is not ovulating or has already ovulated. Low cervix occurs due to childbirth, pregnancy or difficult labour and pregnancy.  A cervix becomes low when the muscles present in the cervix starts weakening, and this generally occurs after childbirth. This also occurs when the woman starts ageing. When a woman becomes old, there is a natural loss of hormone estrogen, which causes the cervix to move low. The low cervix is not dangerous; it is just a natural phenomenon.

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