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What is Chlorella?

Chlorella is a genus name of green algae. The Chlorella belongs to the family Chlorellaceae. Chlorella is a unicellular or multicellular organism.  Cholera algae can be encountered in single or cluster form in saltwater or freshwater or in soil. There are around 30 species of chlorella around the world, but Chlorella vulgaris and Chlorella pyrenoidosa are the commonly used species by researchers. Chlorella is widely used for photosynthesis studies, purifying sewage effluents, and mass cultivation experiments. Cholera will start multiplying rapidly. It is a rich source of proteins and Vitamin B. This is the potential food product for human beings and other organisms on earth. Chlorella is an excellent food source for vegans to satisfy their nutritional supplements. Chlorella structure has a hard cell wall, so it is quite difficult for human beings to digest. The chlorella supplements are available in extract forms, capsules, tablets, etc. 

Structure of Chlorella

The Chlorella diagram shows that it is a roughly spherical shaped algae. This is a cup-shaped chloroplast and contains numerous starch grains. This genus can reproduce asexually by nonmotile reproductive cells. Which can rupture through the mother cell. The rupture cells form a new colony of chlorella cells.

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Health Benefits of Chlorella

  1. Chlorella meaning single-cell algae is a rich source of nutrition. Chlorella has 50-60% of protein and it contains all 9 essential amino acids. Chlorella is the main source of vitamin B12. Chlorella is a good source of Iron, this alone can satisfy 6 - 40% of the daily iron needs of the human being. Chlorella provides all other nutrients like magnesium, copper, potassium, folic acid, calcium, and other antioxidants. 100gms of Chlorella approximately contains 3 grams of omega 3s. Chlorella is a rich source of fibers, which can help with diet planning. 

  2. Chlorella has the ability to bind with heavy metals and assist in detoxing the body. Which means it can remove harmful compounds from the body. Chlorella can remove the cadmium and lead from the body, which can create toxic in a large amount. In animals, these metals provide toxically to the liver, brain, and kidneys.

  3. Often Chlorella uses can enhance the immune system. This will improve the complex system of body mechanisms and gear up the immune system to invade against the infection that enters the body.  The research study of chlorella has proven that it can enhance the immune response of both animals and human beings. A small study has shown that the regular intake of chlorella helps to produce more antibodies in the men. It also improves the immune system of people under the age group of 50 - 55 years. But does not show any notable effect in the people who are above 55 years.  

  4. Chlorella helps to maintain good cholesterol levels in human beings. A study has shown that the regular intake of 5-10 grams of chlorella improves the HDL in the human body and it helps to control high blood pressure.  The vitamin B, Fiber, Carotenoids, and antioxidants present in the chlorella helps to reduce the LDL and triglycerides level. 

  5. Chlorella contains Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein act as a good source of antioxidants. This antioxidant helps to fight against many chronic diseases. The advanced glycation end product helps to reduce complications of diabetes.

  6. Chlorella helps to promote the health of the heart and kidney and assists to maintain normal blood pressure.  A study has proven that the regular intake of 4 grams of chlorella for 12 weeks will reduce the risk of blood pressure.  This also stiffns the arteries of the heart. Potassium, arginine, omega-3s, and calcium present in chlorella helps to protect arteries.

  7. Chlorella helps to improve the blood sugar level. The researchers proved that the regular intake of chlorella for 12 weeks helps to lower the blood sugar level and improves the health of an individual. This shows the best result for insulin sensitivity patients and helps to prevent fatty liver disease. 

  8. Chlorella also plays a major role in helping patients who are affected by asthma and other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The antioxidants present in the chlorella will reduce the inflammation of respiratory systems.

  9. An adult can take 6 grams of chlorella for four weeks to enhance their aerobic endurance. Also, it improves the capability to saturate their lungs with oxygen. This is mainly due to the balanced amino acid content in the chlorella 

  10.  Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two carotenoids present in chlorella that help to protect the health of the eye and reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

  11. Supplements present in chlorella will help to improve the liver health of people. And assisting them to back from liver diseases. 

Chlorella Side Effects

Chlorella has been generally marked as a safe supplement by the FDA for prescribing to human beings. Though chlorella has many health benefits, it usually shows positive and negative side effects. The side effects caused by chlorella descriptions are shown below. 

  1. The people who are taking chlorella may feel nausea and abdominal discomfort. 

  2. Many countries around the world do not have chlorella as a regular supplements 

  3. The nutrition content of chlorella algae varies depending on its species, growth condition of algae. 

  4. Even though chlorella acts as an immune booster, it may not support people who are suffering from immunodeficiency diseases.  

  5. Chlorella algae are not safe to apply on the skin, while they may cause any skin diseases.  

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FAQs on Chlorella

1. What Does Chlorella Do to Your Body?

Ans: Chlorella is a unicellular or multicellular type of algae, which is a big source of nutrients. Chlorella is a green flavor and easily chewable, much less bitter tasting algae. Chlorella is a good source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Cholera algae is a natural source of chlorophyll. It has a rich source of beta carotene, vitamin C, iron,  mixed carotenoids, and protein. The research study on chlorella provided that it throws toxins out of the body and improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels. But it may cause any discomforts while taking it on an empty stomach. 

2. What are the Side Effects of Taking Chlorella?

Ans: The chlorella will give some side effects, during the initial stage of consumption like diarrhea, green discoloration of the stools, nausea, flatulence, stomach cramping. The chlorella algae also cause skin for extra sensitivity to the sun. 

3. Does Chlorella Have B12?

Ans: An alternative source of vitamin B12 for meat is algae. Every 100g of sun dried  Chlorella Vulgaris contains 10-50 micrograms of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 present in chlorella is a natural source. It is an excellent natural supplementation for vegetarians to avail enough sources of vitamins as in meat. Also, the nutrient called tryptophan present in chlorella will act as a sleep enhancing amino acid. This is used by the brain to produce neurotransmitters, melatonin, and serotonin, which help to relax the brain for sufficient sleep. Usually, young people will have high melatonin levels. This is the reason for young people to have better sleep. 

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