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Microbes and Diseases

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What are Microbes?

Microbes are better known as microorganisms that are very tiny to be seen through naked eyes. Microbes that are harmful and capable of producing microorganism diseases are also termed pathogens. But not all microbes are harmful and they do not cause microbial infection. Rather some are useful as well and serve in our everyday life. Hazardous microbes are responsible for creating human bacterial disease and microbial diseases through various means and unhealthy practices. Microbes are unicellular organisms and can be located anywhere on this earth be it any place or in our bodies themselves. Typically there are four major types of microorganisms that cause infection. They are bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. The pathogenesis of microorganisms is efficient in causing infections upon the hosts themselves. 


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Pathogens are capable of causing many harsh diseases. Few disease examples of bacteria are rabies, malaria, cholera, and many more. Upon the invasion of these microorganisms, the cellular activities are very likely to get disturbed. Thus we can say microorganisms and diseases are directly proportional to each other. 


Diseases and Cause

There are many diseases caused by microorganisms most of which can have adverse effects on an individual. Even recent studies reveal that these tiny organisms can be indirectly responsible for creating non-infectious diseases as well that are mostly chronic such as cancer. The human bacterial disease is largely responsible for creating irritating health problems. Now, we shall discuss in detail some of the major problems that they can initiate and the way behind that, and the list of bacterial diseases.


Ways of Transmission of the Disease

After reaching the targeted portion of the body they start to multiply very quickly. The microbes handle a counter-attack from the immune system very efficiently and continue to affect the portion. Further, they pull out nutrients from the recipient's body as well. Microbes and diseases stay interconnected and one needs to have much concern to prevent them. 



Diseases caused by microorganisms transmitted through different sources are ample in number. One needs to have the right idea about them to take the needful precautions right on time. Studies say the list of bacteria diseases is on a rise and needs to have the right precautions taken. Here we will see those diseases caused by them, learn about parasitic microorganisms definition, and the treatments that can be adapted to prevent them. 


1. Virus

Viruses are tiny organisms and are called parasites. A virus is known as a viral organism and hence the diseases transmitted through them are called viral diseases. They are capable of causing many infectious diseases putting serious effects on one's health. There are times when these microorganisms further have a release from the cell resulting in the death of the same. This closely establishes the relation between microorganisms and diseases. 


10 Diseases Caused by Microorganisms

  • Common types of flu-like influenza 

  • Cough and cold

  • Rabies

  • Measles

  • Polio

  • Chickenpox

  • Rubella 

  • HIV, 

  • HSV, 

  • HPV

Treatments that Can be Adapted

In this regard, the diseases caused by microorganisms can be faced with the help of immunity systems as it is beneficial in clearing the infections. There are antiviral drugs available to fight infections like hepatitis C, HIV. There is evidence that some viruses can dwell lifelong in one's body and can rejuvenate further such as HSV. 


There are past examples as well as microbial infection being dismissed through treatments.


2. Bacteria 

The bacterium or pathogenic bacteria, in particular, is responsible for the cause of human bacterial disease. The commonly noted or known ones among people are Diphtheria, cholera, etc, these are a few human diseases caused by bacteria. Billions of bacteria reside in the human body or intensities and many are also denoted as "healthy bacteria" as they turn out to be positive for physical health. But, there are harmful bacteria as well as capable of causing diseases. Even they are efficient to pour toxins that can readily work as a factor to damage the body. There are a number of harmful diseases caused by bacteria. 


Studies say there are at least 10 diseases caused by bacteria. 

  • Coliform Bacteria are mostly the cause of Urinary Tract Infections. 

  • Food poisoning due to bacterial pathogens. 

  • Cholera

  • Tetanus 

  • Botulism 

  • Anthrax 

  • Lyme 

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cough 

  • Vaginosis due to bacterial attacks. 

Some examples of pathogenic bacteria are cryptosporidium, Salmonella, etc. These pathogenic bacteria examples can be really harmful to human health.


Treatments that Can be Adapted

The list of bacteria diseases is indeed long and in most cases, antibiotics are applied to get rid of it. Antibiotics can steadily disrupt the multiplication of bacteria and are capable of diminishing them completely. The type of bacteria pouncing upon your health is understood by the physician and they prescribe you as per the need. There are instances of the misuse of these antibiotics resulting in adverse health issues. 


3. Fungal Infections

The list of diseases caused by microorganisms and the carriers are innumerable in number existing on this planet. Fungi are among the types of microorganisms that cause infection lying all over the environment. They are basically yeasts and molds mostly found in patchy areas, soils, any moist places even in our washrooms. Normally molds can be detected but there are times when these microbes are extremely small and are impossible to be pointed out through naked eyes. 


All fungi aren’t capable of harming you but there are some that can cause several diseases. They are:

  • Aspergillosis

  • Histoplasmosis

  • Yeast infections

  • Infections like meningitis 

  • Thrush

  • Ringworm 

These are a few diseases caused by microbes.



Similar to the list of bacteria disease the fungal disease can be battled with antifungal medicines. The treatment depends on the type of fungi the human body is carrying. There are antifungal creams available in the market as well. 


4. Protozoa 

Protozoa are parasites and other types of microorganisms that cause illness. These are tiny organisms with a single cell that live on hosts and draw nutrients from the same. Some of the most common infections that can be gained for these microbes are: 

  • Malaria 

  • Cholera 

  • Sleeping sickness

  • Dengue

  • Amoebic dysentery

Treatments to be Adapted

A list of diseases caused by protozoa can be recovered with antiparasitic medicines. There are several drugs available in the chemist stores to treat the illness caused due to these parasitic microorganisms. Similar to that of bacteria and fungi the treatment relies on the type of protozoa presiding over an individual's body. 


Some waterborne pathogenic microbes are entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia, and soon. 


Comparison between Human Diseases and Pathogen

Human Diseases 


Bacterial Diseases

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Klebsiella pneumoniae

Pulmonary anthrax 

Bacillus anthracis


Legionella app. 

Whopping cough

Bordetella pertussis


Cornebacterium diptheriae

Fungal Disease


Aspergillus fumingatus


Coccidioides immits

Viral Diseases


Influenza virus 


Hepatitis Virus



Common cold

Picorna virus

Dengue fever


Hantavirus pulmonary synd 



How to Prevent the Dominance of Microorganisms and Diseases?

There are certain tips that one can follow to get rid of the harmful microbes that cause diseases. Fee precautions and immediate concern of an individual can readily help him in staying away from any such disorders or illness. 


1. Maintaining Hygienic Practices

Washing your hands at proper intervals especially before taking or cooking meals and food, touching your mouth or eyes is very important. Most of the diseases caused by microorganisms are evolved due to unhealthy Practices. 


2. Not to Share Own Items

One must not share his personal items with anyone. The list is specific like handkerchiefs, drinking glasses, toothbrushes, and similar items as such. Microbes and diseases are interlinked with each other. A small mistake in your step can bring drastic consequences. 


3. Getting Proper Vaccines

This is a crucial point. If you are getting proper vaccines there are high chances to prevent the diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. The diseases that can be restricted with this method are hepatitis B, cough, etc. 


4. Covering Cuts or Injured Places

Cuts need to be protected by all means so that the infection isn’t spread further.


5. Cleanliness of Food

Diseases spread by microorganisms are largely due to the uncleanliness. While preparing food all sorts of cleanliness need to be maintained under proper sanitization.

Maintaining proper sanitization,  Hygienic Practices can definitely help in the reduction of the spread of microorganisms and diseases. 


Fun Facts about Microbes and Disease 

The diseases caused by microorganisms might be large in numbers that are responsible for causing human bacterial disease as well. But there are certain amazing facts that you would love to know!


These surprising facts are going to hit you differently. Read it out! 

  • Every individual is born free of bacteria.

  • A human body consists of more microbes than cells. 

  • The DNA of a bacterial cell differs from the composition of eukaryotic cells. 

  • The combined weight of the microbes inside the body is similar to the weight of the brain! 

  • The diseases caused by microorganisms are large. But it is all true that microbes keep the immunity system updated to work properly. 

  • Microorganisms and diseases by all means are interlinked with each other.

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FAQs on Microbes and Diseases

1. What are the factors that signify bacteria is good or bad?

One of the most commonly asked questions in this field of biology is the detection of “good” or healthy bacteria. The list of Bacteria disease might be long but it is also true that without the existence of bacteria there would have been no plants on earth due to lack of soil. These are called healthy or “good bacteria” as they help in adjusting all the required conditions for food digestion. They are important for degrading the organic compounds that are necessary for energy consumption. These good bacteria assist in the smooth functioning of the body Pathogenic bacteria cause adverse health issues on the other hand.

2. Are algae a fungus or bacteria?

This is quite a very interesting question. Algae are generally photosynthetic creatures. In most of the cases, these are termed as plants. At times they are also considered as protists. They are usually categorized as organisms that are not considered being animals like plants, fungi, bacteria, and so on. They can be neither termed as plants or animals. Some are single-celled while some are unicellular. The interesting fact is that although algae are similar to moss, they harm even plants to a large extent. Hence, algae in rivers or ponds is a sign that the environment is not clean and there is a disbalance in the ecosystem.

3. What role does microbial diversity have in human health?

Our bodies' ability to develop an efficient defensive response against diseases is enhanced by exposure to a varied spectrum of microorganisms. Another element of our immune system generates "memory cells," which keep track of all the pathogens our bodies come into contact with.