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Define Nematode

Nematodes are a group of worms. They occur naturally and are very hard to detect visually. These are common soil pests that affect plants. The soil at low levels contains numerous Nematodes. Nematodes can enter the farm through infected transplants. They are parasites of both plants and animals and attack the insects also. However, they cause severe damage to plants. But not all Nematodes are harmful to the plants. Some play an essential role in nutrient recycling.

Commonly known as roundworms, they are unsegmented vermiform pests. They are free-living organisms. Sometimes they enter the plant to extract nutrients from the root cell. They stress tolerance of the plant. Plants abundant with water and nutrients help can tolerate nematode attacks. Once they are present in the soil, It is almost impossible to eliminate. 


In 1758, Carolus Linnaeus described some nematode genera (such as Ascaris), then included in the taxon of worms, Vermes. The name of the group Nematoda, also called “nematodes", originally was defined by Karl Rudolphi in 1808. The term came from Nematoidea, defined from Ancient Greek. It was later treated as family Nematodes by Burmeister in the year 1837.

Nematoda - Definition, Characteristics and Classification

Following are the Nematodes Characteristics

  1. Tubular in appearance. It has an elongated and thin body (hair-like).

  2. The alimentary canal is distinct, but the head and tail are not visually different.

  3. The majority of these are tiny and can be microscopic. 

  4. They are free-living organisms. 

  5. They reproduce sexually. They produce amoeboid sperm cells.

  6. They have a nervous system. 

  7. They are parasites of both plants and animals.

  8. They have cuticles that moult periodically.

Classification of Nematodes 

Approximately 15000 species of Nematoda have been identified till now. Some nematodes live in the roots of plants; some spend their life inside the plants. These are not plant-specific. Following are the main three classes of Nematodes that has been classified further in subclasses and subclasses: 

  1. Kingdom Animalia 

  2. Phylum Nematoda

  1. Class Rhabditea

  1. Parasite Rhabditea 

  2. Free-Living Rhabditea 

  3. Rhabditis 

  4. Tylenachia

  1. Class Enoplea 

  1. Enoplia 

  2. Dorylaimia

  1. Class Chromadorea

  1. Chrimadoria

  1. Kingdom - Animalia

Nematodes are multicellular eukaryotic organisms like other organisms (animals, plants, most algae, fungi, Metazoa, and protists) in the kingdom Animalia. Their cells contain a nucleus and other organelles. They obtain nutrients from organic sources, just like other organisms.

  1. Phylum - Nematoda

Nematodes, also known as roundworms, make up the phylum Nematoda. 

Phylum Nematoda Classification

Phylum Nematodes are further classified into three major classes and subclasses:

  1. Class Rhabditea

Class Rhabditea has both free-living and parasitic nematodes. The majority is of parasite nematodes in this class. Rhabditea Free-living feeds on bacteria as a source of energy. They can be found in between soil particles as well as in water. 

General Characteristics of Rhabditea

  • They are unsegmented. 

  • They Possess a cylindrical body. 

  • They are tapered at either end.

  • They possess a cuticle and hypodermis.

  • Adult species have intestines, gonads and pharynx. 

  • They have invaginated cuticles with nerves.

Rhabditea is Further Classified into Two Subclasses

  1. Parasitic Rhabditea

Parasitic Rhabditea nematodes examples are Ascaris species, Enterobius species (e.g. human pinworm), Necator, and Wuchereria species. These species cause many serious diseases in human beings. This species is common in the tropics.

  1. Free-Living Rhabditea Nematodes

They are found in temperate environments. They live in bacteria-rich habitats such as compost to obtain nutrients. They depend on other insects for transport from one location to another. Caenorhabditis Elegans worm is the best example of Free-Living Rhabditea Nematodes. 

Further Classification is as Follows

  1. Rhabditis - They have well-developed Phasmids and poorly developed invaginated cuticles with nerves called aphids.

  2. Tylenchia - Found in plants often in the form of parasites.

II. Class Enoplea

Enoplea makes up the phylum Nematoda. These ancestrally diverge nematodes. Some examples of Enoplea nematodes are Trichuris, Diotyphyme, and Diotyphyme.

Enoplea Nematodes Characteristics:

  • Cylindrical or bottle-shaped oesophagus.

  • Well-developed Amphids

  • The simple excretory system made up of a few ventral or glandular cells

  • Do not live in marine environments 

  • Possess teeth-like structures

Subclasses of Enoplea Nematodes

  1. Enoplia - They have oval or pouch-like amphids, cylindrical oesophagus, and smooth bodies. 

  2. Dorylaimida - The majority of this species is a free-living organism. They can be predators or omnivores. Some, like Trichinella, exist as parasites. 

  3. Class Chromadorea

This class can be found in a broader range of habitats as it consists of about four distinct lineages. This class also has both free-living and parasitic members. Chromadorea is smaller in size. But they are higher in number in their habitats as they reproduce at a higher rate.


  • Three esophageal glands.

  • Spiral aphids.

  • Pore-like amphid of Chromadorea.

  • Possess annulated cuticles.

  • Glandular of tubular excretory systems.

Sub-class: (i) Chromadoria

Control Nematoda

The infected plants by nematodes cannot grow well, are paler than normal, often dwarfed, and may wilt in the heat of the day, small leaves. These symptoms can be misunderstood with symptoms of nutrient deficiency. It has been noticed that infected plants can look healthy while growing in fertile soil or during cool weather.

The growth of plants with nematodes will lead to a larger population of it. Try to inspect the roots of plants before placing them into the farm. Because if nematodes are present in the soil, they are almost impossible to abolish altogether, but the damage to plants due to them can be reduced.


The phylogenetic relationships of the nematodes and their immediate relatives from the Metazoans family still remain unresolved. They were assigned to the group Ecdysozoa during the 1990s together with moulting animals (such as arthropods). However, they were identified quite succinctly with their closest relatives of Nematodes evidently by the morphological characters and molecular phylogenies. They are placed in a sister taxon to the parasitic Nematomorpha, which form Nematoda. The Scalidophora and Nematoda from the clade Cycloneuralia, but with some disagreement between the available morphological and molecular pieces of evidence. Cycloneuralia, with the validity of the available data, often makes the rank of superphylum.


Nematodes are about 5 to 100 µm thick and 0.1 to 2.5 mm long. They could be from the microscopic range to as much as 5 cm, while some could be even larger, reaching over 1m in length. The body has ridges, rings, bristles, or other distinctive structures.

The radially symmetric head of a nematode is relatively distinct, while the rest of the body is bilaterally symmetrical, having sensory bristles protruding outwards around the mouth. The mouth, which often bears teeth, has either three or six lips. The caudal gland is often found at the tip of the tail.

The epidermis is a single layer of cells covered by thick collagenous cuticles. The cuticle is of a complex structure and has distinct layers. Beneath the epidermis, a layer of longitudinal muscle cells is found. The relatively rigid cuticle with the muscles forms a hydroskeleton. Projections originate from the underlines of muscle cells towards the nerve cords in which nerve cells normally extend fibres into the muscles.

Digestive System

In carnivorous species, the oral cavity is lined with cuticles strengthened by ridges. The mouth often includes a sharp stylet to thrust into its prey. The stylet could be hollow and be used for sucking liquids from plants or animals. Digestive glands are found in the pharynx, producing enzymes that start to break down the food. The stomach is absent, with the pharynx connecting directly to an intestine that forms the main gut. This produces further enzymes to absorb the available nutrients with the help of its single-cell thick lining. The rectum is further lined by tiny cuticles to expel the waste generated through the anus just below and at the tail tip.

Excretory System

Nematodes excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of ammonia through the body wall, while salts are excreted by osmoregulation. In many marine nematodes, there are renette glands present. These glands are responsible to excrete salt through a pore present on the animal’s ventral side. The transverse duct opens into a common canal connecting the excretory pore in mostly other nematodes.

Nervous System

Four peripheral nerves are found to run along the length of the body on the dorsal, ventral, and lateral surfaces. The ventral nerve is the largest, while the dorsal nerve is responsible for motor control and the lateral nerves are for sensory actions. The nervous system contains cilia which are all nonmotile with a sensory function. The body of nematodes is shielded with numerous sensory bristles to provide the touch sense. Two small pits or 'amphids' have nerve cells and chemoreception organs.

Agriculture and Horticulture

Depending on its species, a nematode might be useful or detrimental to plant health. Two categories of nematodes are the predatory ones, which kill garden pests, while the pest nematodes (root-knot nematode) attack plants. There are vectors spreading plant viruses between crop plants. Eelworms or plant-parasitic nematodes often attack leaves and buds. Parasitic nematodes can be managed by the rotation of plants of nematode-resistant species. Natural antagonist such as the fungus Gliocladium roseum is used as a treatment method. Chitosan produces plant defence responses to destroy parasitic growth of nematodes on roots of various crops such as soybean, corn, sugar beet etc., without harming beneficial nematodes in the soil. However, soil steaming is an effective method to kill nematodes and eliminate both harmful and beneficial soil microbiota.

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FAQs on Nematoda

1. How can the damage to plants due to Nematode attack be reduced?

The following practices can reduce damage to plants due to nematode attacks:

  • Chemical Nematicides to reduce the damage to plants.

  • Cultural practices to lower the nematode level.

  • Crop rotation to reduce nematode levels in the soil. Many nematode-resistant plant varieties are now available.

  • Early-season cropping/late-season plantings can avoid serious nematode damage due to reproduction.

  • Root destruction to avoid nematodes feeding on and reproducing in the root in the soil.

  • Increased water and nutrients will surely help plants to reduce damage due to nematode attacks.

  • Soil Solarisation. The high temperature will help to control nematodes.

2. Are all Nematodes parasites?

40% of the nematodes are free living and usually feed on bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other 40% of the nematode parasites. Most nematodes are parasites on animals (44% of the species -invertebrates and vertebrates. Also 15% of the species is on plants. Almost 90% of nematodes reside in the top section of the soil, say up to 15 cm. They do not decompose any organic matter. However, they are parasitic and free-living organisms feeding on the living material. They are greatly effective in regulating bacterial populations and maintaining the community composition. They may consume up to 5,000 bacteria per minute.

3. Are there any advantageous Nematodes and how do they work?

The advantageous nematodes are microscopic and non-segmented families which appear naturally in soil throughout the world. Beneficial bacteria reside in the gut of nematodes when released inside an insect, killing it within 24 to 48 hours. Nematodes use carbon dioxide and other substances produced in waste products as chemical signs to find their hosts. Then, they enter via the digestive or respiratory system of the pest and stop its metabolism from working. This prevents the pest from feeding within 48 hours and killing it within a few days. They reproduce inside the pest and are released further generations into the soil.

4. What do nematodes do for soil?

Nematodes help the distribution of bacteria and fungi through the soil and along with roots by driving live and dormant microbes on their surfaces and in their digestive systems. Nematodes are also food for higher-level predators, including predatory nematodes, soil microarthropods, and soil insects. Soil nematodes can also help to maintain adequate levels of soil nitrogen required in farming. They mineralize critical soil processes in the inorganic forms available for plants. Nematodes enhance decomposition and nutrient cycling by skimming and reviving the old, dormant bacterial and fungal clusters.

5. What are the Amphids and their function?

Amphids are the primary olfactory, chemoreceptive, and thermo-receptive organs in nematodes. Amphids are invaginations of cuticles in nematodes. They are usually found in the anterior head of the animal at the lips’ base of the lips. The amphids contain mucoid material, which is partly a glycoprotein. This glycoprotein element of the amphid mucus is different among various nematode species. Each amphid is made up of 12 sensory neurons with ciliated dendrites. Some nematodes have dual functions as chemoreceptors and photoreceptors.

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