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Plants and Animals Made of the Same Types of Tissues

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Animal and Plant Tissues: An Introduction

Organisms with many cells exhibit a division of labour. In the body, cells with specialised functions are frequently clustered together. A tissue is a collection of cells that are similar in both structure and function. Due to structural and functional variations, tissues in plants and animals come in a variety of types. Are plants and animals made of the same types of tissues? We will also learn about why plant and animal tissues are different. To know more about plant and animal tissues, continue reading this article.

What are Plant Tissues?

The characteristics and divisions of plant tissues are based on their composition and use. The patterning of the organs they produce within a plant will help to further categorise the plant. The three fundamental tissue pattens found in roots and stems, which distinguish between woody dicot, an herbaceous dicot, and monocot plants, are a good illustration of this.

What are Animal Tissues?

Animal tissues are made up of a collection of animal cells. The origin, purpose, and structure of these tissues differ. These tissues differ in their origin, structure, and function. Animals have four different types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous.

Types of Plant Tissue

Based on the cells' capacity for division, plant tissues can be roughly divided into meristematic tissue and permanent tissue.

Meristematic Tissues

Meristematic Tissues

Meristematic Tissues

Meristematic tissues are made up of a collection of dividing cells. These tissues are made up of tiny, cuboidal, tightly packed cells that continuously divide to create new cells. According to the area in which they are found, meristematic tissues might be of three different types: apical meristems, lateral meristems, and intercalary meristems.

Permanent Tissues

Meristematic tissues give rise to permanent tissues, which are incapable of dividing. They are now in their fully developed shape. Simple and complex permanent tissues make up the next two categories.

Simple Permanent Tissues


The soft tissues of a plant, such as the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, are known as parenchyma. This tissue's cells are not tightly packed and have a lot of room between them. A vacuole is found in the middle of each cell. Parenchyma tissues serve as a plant's storage system, a site for photosynthesis, and a means of aiding in buoyancy.


Cells have thicker cell walls that resemble parenchyma cells. They are designed to give the plant structure, including the petiole of the leaf, mechanical support.


The cells in sclerenchyma tissue are defunct. They have thick, lignified secondary walls and are stiff. Their primary job is to strengthen and support various plant sections.

Complex Permanent Tissue

Complex permanent tissues are made up of more types of cells than simple permanent cells, which have the same appearance and are composed of just one type of cell. These several cell types work together to accomplish a task. Complex permanent tissues called Xylem and Phloem are present in a plant's vascular bundles.


Tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem fibres make up the xylem. Tracheids and vessels are hollow, tube-like organs that aid in the movement of minerals and water. The xylem only transmits in a vertical direction. The xylem parenchyma aids in the conduction of water and is in charge of storing cooked meals. The role of xylem fibres is supporting.


The phloem is made up of four components: companion cells, sieve tubes, phloem fibres, and phloem parenchyma. The phloem conducts in both directions, in contrast to the xylem. It is in charge of moving food from the leaves to the other plant sections. Except for the fibres, which are dead tissues, the phloem contains living tissues.

Types of Animal Tissue

There are mainly four types of animal tissues. These are epithelial tissues, connective tissues, nervous tissues, and muscular tissues. The structure of animal tissue is explained below.

Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissues form the outermost covering of the animal body. There are two types of epithelial tissues- simple epithelial tissue and compound epithelial tissue. Simple epithelial tissues are squamous epithelium, cuboidal epithelium and columnar epithelium. Compound epithelial tissues are made of more than one type of tissues.

Connective Tissues

Connective tissues are the tissues made of matrix and cells. There are many types of connective tissues such as areolar tissues, adipose tissues, blood, bones and cartilages.

Muscular Tissues

There are three types of muscular tissues: skeletal tissues, smooth and cardiac tissues. Skeletal tissues are voluntary muscles, and also multinucleated. Smooth muscles are spindle shaped, and involuntary in nature. Cardiac muscles only present in the heart and these are also involuntary in nature.

Nervous Tissues

Neurons are the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. It controls thought, movement and autonomic response of the body. It controls and coordinates all functions of the body.

Interesting Facts

  • Starfish are animals who do not have brains.

  • The actual colour of polar bear is black, but due to snow it appears white.

  • Shrimp is a creature whose heart is present in its head.

  • The snail can sleep for three years

Important Questions

1. What is the difference between animal and plant tissues?

Ans: The main difference between plant and animal tissue is the cell wall. Plant tissues have cell walls, whereas animal tissues do not have cell walls. Plant tissues are generally dead while animal tissues are made of living tissue.

2. What are similarities between plant and animal tissues?

Ans: Both plant and animal tissues are eukaryotic cells as they have membrane bound organelles and nuclear membrane.

3. What are different types of plant cells?

Ans: There are two types of plant cells: temporary and permanent cells. Meristematic cells are temporary cells. Permanent cells include parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma. Complex permanent tissues include - xylem and phloem.

Practice Questions

  1. Which is the best example of plant tissue?

  2. Why are plants and animals made of different types of tissues?

  3. What is plant tissue called?

  4. What are major types of plant tissue?

Key Features

  • Depending on their shape and location, plant tissues have various roles. Plant tissues aid in giving the organs suppleness and flexibility.

  • They enable the tissues to flex readily in a plant's numerous sections, such as its leaves, stems, and branches, without the plant being harmed.

  • The tissues of the xylem and phloem aid in the movement of materials within the plants. They support a number of cellular metabolisms, including respiration, regeneration, and photosynthesis.

  • The animal tissue is of four types: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue and nervous tissues.

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FAQs on Plants and Animals Made of the Same Types of Tissues

1. What distinguishes plant tissues from animal tissues?

There are many differences between plant and animal tissues. 

  • Each cell in plant tissue has a cell wall. The cell walls of animal tissue cells are absent. Since plant tissues do not move, they consume less energy and require less upkeep. 

  • Due to their significant bodily movement, animal tissues demand more energy and upkeep. 

  • The composition of the cell wall is what distinguishes plant tissue from animal tissue the most. 

  • A membrane made of protein is found in animal tissues, while a membrane made of cellulose is found in photosynthetic cells of plants.

2. What plant tissues provide a plant with strength and support?

The following tissues provide support and strength to plant tissues:

  • In dicot plants, collenchyma is located in the hypodermis and can have an oval, spherical, or polygonal shape. 

  • It is made of cells with deposits of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin at the corners that support the plant mechanically, aid in bending, and give stems tensile strength.

  • Dead, long, thin cells with thick, lignified cell walls and a few or many pits that offer mechanical support and are significant economically are called sclerenchyma. 

  • These are frequently discovered in the fruit walls of nuts, the coconut husk, the seed coat of legumes, jute, etc.

3. What does "Differentiation" mean?

The meaning of differentiation is explained below:

  • Many meristematic tissues deteriorate and harden to the point where their cells can no longer spread. 

  • These tissues develop into permanent tissues and begin to carry out a single job throughout their lifespan. 

  • Differentiation is the process of making the function, size, and shape permanent. 

  • In other words, it is the process by which the plant tissue cells found in the cambium, the plant's root, and its shoots. mature. 

  • They develop to carry out particular tasks in a plant.

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