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Sensory Perception

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An Introduction

Perception simply means the use of the senses in our possession to get a better understanding of the world. It is the process of becoming aware of something through the senses.

When we use our senses with our possession in order to gain a better understanding of the world around us, it means we are perceiving things and the phenomenon is known as perception. Sensory perception is the perception in which an individual or an organism is capable of processing any stimulus in the environment. This processing is done when the sense organs are coordinated with the brain. 

The five senses that we possess include sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch and the sensory perceptions involved with these senses include recognizing, detecting, responding, and characterizing. The stimulus can be classified into five different types including chemical, mechanical, electrical, temperature, and light.

What is Sensory Perception?

An organism or individual must be capable of performing the neurophysiologic process of the stimuli in their environment for them to possess what is called a sensory perception.

This process happens to be done through the organs, usually the senses like sound, hearing, vision, taste, smell, and touch. The sensory perception involves detecting the stimuli, characterizing, and recognizing it.

The process of sensory perception stimulates when something in the real world encourages the sense organs.

For instance, stimulating the eyes or warmth, light reflects off a surface, emanates from a hot cup thereby stimulating the touch senses or receptors in the skin.

The commonly known senses are represented as processes beneath sensory perception.

Some have common names like visual perception or electroreception. The sensory perception of pain would come from mechanical, temperature, electrical or chemical stimuli. The senses of both smell and taste use the chemical stimuli. The senses tend to weaken along with age.

There are five different stimulus types involved in sensory processing, i.e. chemical, mechanical, temperature, electrical, and light.

Sensory perception has three steps:

We perceive the world through the five senses (smell, hear, touch, taste, sight)

  1. The human sense receptors are stimulated by sensory information.

  2. The brain translates the sensory information into sensations such as taste, temperature etc.

  3. Higher centers in the brain would recognize or ignore the sensations and their meanings.

Sense perception is an important dimension of comprehending the world around us. The sensory perception allows us to gather the outside information and hopefully make sense out of it.

The things that affect the sense perception are:

  • Motivations

  • Emotions

  • Biases

  • Interests

  • Expectations

  • Cultural perspectives

  • background experiences

Every living organism has a unique range of senses. All organisms have a different range of senses. Humans are limited to five senses. When humans sense the world around them, they will not be able to understand the surroundings; they can only comprehend the environment through a limited range of senses.

Advances in modern science all know that radio waves, infrared radiation, and sounds at high and low frequencies’ and many more are constantly in the environment. So, the humans cannot detect any of these and perceive 100% of their surroundings. In this way, they are limited by a range of human senses.

The sensory receptor is a cell or a group of cells that detect the stimuli. The sensory receptors can be classified based on stimuli to which they respond. 

  • Chemoreceptors

  • Mechanoreceptors

  • Thermoreceptors

  • Photoreceptors

  • Baroreceptors

Chemoreceptors are those which respond to the chemical stimuli.

Mechanoreceptors are those which respond to mechanical stress or strain. i.e. movement.

Thermoreceptors are those which respond to temperature changes.

Photoreceptors are those which respond to variations in light.

Baroreceptors are those which respond to pressure.

Sensory Perception- Process

When an individual interprets a particular sensation, the phenomenon is known as perception. Perception occurs when the sensory receptors are activated and then send signals to the higher level in the nervous system which is the brain. Then through a sensory pathway, the sensory stimuli are distinguished by the brain. Then along the neurons, the action potentials travel through the neurons that are dedicated to a particular stimulus, and these dedicated neurons synapse with the particular neurons in the brain or spinal cord.

All sensory signals transmit through the central nervous system to the thalamus and the appropriate region of the cortex with the olfactory system being the only exception. Thalamus is the clearinghouse and relay station for the motor or sensory signals and when these signals exit the thalamus, it is conducted towards a specific area in the cortex which further processes that particular sense.


Sight or vision describes the ability of the eyes and brain to detect the certain wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation i.e. light and to interpret the image as sight. Different receptors are responsible for the perception of color and the perception of brightness. Photoreceptors are found in the retina. As shown in the figure:

The structure of the eye owes completely to the task of focusing light on the retina-inner layer of the eye, and is light sensitive. First, the light passes through the clear protective layer called the cornea. Then the light passes through the pupil which is the opening in the iris and into the interior of the eye.

After passing through the pupil the light travels through a lens, a transparent biconvex structure, along with the cornea helps to focus on the retina. Muscles attached to the lens change the shape of the lens to bend the light rays so that they can focus on the retina. The light hitting the retina causes chemical changes in the photosensitive cells of the retina.

The retina has two important photosensitive cells that are needed for the vision- they are rods and cones. The rod cells are highly sensitive to light, which will allow them to respond to dim light and dark but cannot detect the color. These allow humans and animals to see by the moonlight or dim light.

Cone cells respond to the different wavelengths of bright light to initiate the nerve impulse. They are responsible for the sharpness of the images. A cone cell does not respond well in the poor light conditions. 

This figure shows how light is focusing on the retina. This also shows how light from the distant source is bent by the stretched lens to strike the retina. And in the second figure, it shows how light from a closer source is bent even sharply by the relaxed lens to strike the retina.

The humans have three different types of cone cells that respond to the different wavelengths of light; they are red, green, and blue. The cone cells contain the pigment that absorbs the energy from different wavelengths of light to initiate the nerve impulse.

The brain integrates the nerve impulses from the cone cells and perceives the world in all the colors of the visual spectrum.


Hearing is the sense of sound perception that results from the movement of tiny hair fibers in the inner ear. Sound can be detected as vibrations that are conducted through the body. Sound wave frequencies that are too low or too high to be heard by the ear can be deducted through this way. Audible sound is sensed by the ear.

The folds of the cartilage surrounding the outer ear canal are called the pinna. Sound waves gathered by the pinna and channeled down the auditory canal that is a tube-shaped opening of the ear that ends at the tympanic membrane or the eardrum.

Sound waves traveling through the ear canal hit the eardrum and cause it to vibrate. These vibrations travel across the air-filled middle ear cavity and through the group of three tiny bones that are delicate- the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup.

The group of bones that are delicate will amplify and transfer the eardrum vibration to another membrane called the oval window. The oval window splits the inner ear from the middle ear.

The inner ear contains the cochlea. The cochlea is a coiled tube that is filled with a watery fluid that moves in response to the vibrations coming from the middle ear through the oval window. As the fluid moves around, thousands of mechanoreceptors call the hair cells to bend, releasing neurotransmitters.

A very strong movement of the fluid within the cochlea caused by very loud noise can kill the hair cells. This is a common cause of partial hearing loss and is the reason why users of firearms or heavy machinery should wear earmuffs or earplugs.

The destruction of hair cells usually leads to permanent hearing loss; once the hair cells are destroyed the hairs do not generally grow back.

Balance and the Ears

The ears are also fundamental for the sense of balance. The semicircular canals are three fluid-filled interconnected tubes formed inside the ear. They can be seen directly above the cochlea. The canals are positioned at an angle between 95 to 115 degrees relative to one another. The angles between the canals are not perpendicular so movements of the head cause the fluid to move in two canals at the same time.

Each canal is filled with a liquid called endolymph, and motion sensors with little hairs called cilia. The hair cells sense the strength and direction of the fluid movement and send electrical signals to the cerebellum, which interprets the information and responds to help keep the body's sense of balance.

The balance will be interrupted when there is dizziness and nausea. Balance can be upset by an inner ear infection, a sinus infection, a bad cold, or several other medical conditions. The balance can be temporarily disturbed by rapid and repetitive movements like riding, spinning around the circle etc.

Taste and Smell

Taste is one of the main chemical senses- and the other is the smell. There are four types of taste receptors on the tongue of humans. The human tongue has about 100 to 150 taste receptor cells. Taste stimuli from each receptor send information to a different region of the brain. The four receptors detect the sweet, salt, sour, and bitter. The existence of a fifth receptor, for a sensation, is called umami. Tomato is a major component of umami.

The umami receptor detects the amino acid glutamate, which causes a savory flavor in foods. The chemoreceptor of the mouth is the taste cells that are found in bundles called taste buds. Most of the taste buds are embedded within the tiny papillae that cover the tongue. The tiny papillae are otherwise called bumps.

Each receptor has a different way of detecting certain compounds and begins an action potential that alerts the brain. The compounds present to bind to receptors in the taste cells and stimulate the neurons in taste buds. The tongue can also feel sensations that are not generally called tastes. These include temperature, spiciness, hotness, fattiness, and coolness.


Smell is another chemical sense. The chemoreceptor of smell is called the olfactory receptors. About 40 million olfactory receptor neurons line in the nasal passage. Smell is the most primal of the senses. It is also an interactive sense.

Different odor molecules bind to and excite olfactory receptors that are specific. The combination of excitatory signals from different receptors makes up what humans identify as the smell. Olfactory receptor neurons in the nose differ from most other neurons in that they die and regenerate on the regular basis.

A dog’s keen sense of smell is due to the large areas of its nasal passages that are covered by olfactory receptors in the nose and many nerves that bring nerve impulse from the receptors to the dog’s brain. 

The area in which olfactory receptors are located inside the human nose, also called olfactory epithelium, measures about 12 cm² and the olfactory epithelium of some dog’s noses can measure about 15 cm².

The olfactory receptors and taste receptors both contribute to the flavor of food. The tongue can only tell among a few different types of taste, while the nose can distinguish between hundreds of smells even if only in tiny amounts. The combination of the tongue’s tastes, and nose smell information is used by the brain to determine the taste.

Touch, Pressure, and Pain

Touch is the sense of pressure perception which is felt in the skin. There are a variety of pressure receptors that respond to variations in tension and pressure. Mechanoreceptors are most numerous on the tongue, lips, face, soles of the feet and palms.

There are several types of pain receptors called nociceptors which would respond to potentially damaging stimuli. They are mostly found on the external parts of the body like skin, mucous membrane, cornea, also found in muscles, joints and some internal organs.

Nociceptors are classified according to the stimuli to which they respond to mechanical, chemical, and thermal. But some of the receptors respond to many of the different damaging stimuli of a chemical, thermal or mechanical nature.

The thermal receptors are activated by potentially harmful cold or heat. The cold temperature would range from below 5 degree Celsius or 41 degrees Fahrenheit. And heat temperature would range from above 45 degree Celsius or 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

The mechanical receptors respond to excess pressure, bending, squeezing. These are the types of painful stimuli that a cactus would cause.

Mechanical pain receptors in the skin would warn the human if they get too close to this prickly cactus. The nociceptors allow the organism to feel the pain in response to damaging pressure, excessive heat and cold, and a range of chemicals, the majority of which are damaging to the tissue surrounding the nociceptor.

Sensory Perception- Important Terms

  • Mechanical stimulus

When a stimulus brings about a physical change in the body such as changes in pressure and contact with objects, the stimulus is known as a mechanical stimulus. The mechanoreceptors in the case of mechanical stimuli respond to the physical movement caused by the receptor. 

  • Chemical Stimulus

When there is an activity or a change in the taste (gustatory) or smell (olfactory) receptor cells when they come in contact with specific electrolytes or molecules, the stimulus is known as a chemical stimulus. Examples of chemical stimulus include- In the presence of formic acids, ants and bees get alarmed. 

Sensory Perception- Example

An example of sensory perception includes when light hits a surface, it is reflected by the surface and creates a simulation in our eyes. Another example would be whenever we hold a cup that is having a hot beverage, our touch senses are stimulated and we feel the warmth.

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FAQs on Sensory Perception

1. What is meant by senses and what are their types?

The five basic senses that humans possess are touch, sight, hearing, taste, and smell, and each of these senses is attached to a sensory organ that helps to send information to the brain. Touch includes various distinct sensations which are communicated to the brain with the help of specialized neurons which are present in the skin. The sense of sight helps us to perceive everything through our eyes. Hearing is possible because of the complex labyrinth which is the human ear. Humans are able to smell because of the olfactory cleft along with the olfactory bulb and fossa. Taste is possible because of the gustatory sense.

2. How are the neural signals interpreted?

Neurons send electrochemical signals and once it is stimulated an electric potential is generated which travels down the length of the cell to the axon. When the electric current is reached to the axon certain chemical messengers are released.  Among individuals of the same species, the interpretation of sensory signals is quite similar because of the inherited similarity of the nervous system. Though there may be some differences such as dental pain which is intolerable to certain stimuli.

3. What is meant by sensory transduction?

The process in which the sensory signal is converted to an electrical signal which is to be processed in a specialized area inside the brain is known as sensory transduction. The translation of the sensory signal to an electrical signal is one of the most fundamental functions of the sensory system. The sensory transduction occurs at the sensory receptors and the change which is produced in the electrical potential is known as receptor potential.

To learn more about receptors, students can visit Vedantu for a better understanding.

4. What is meant by a neuron?

The neuron is a special type of cell which is referred to as an information messenger. Electrical impulses and chemical signals are used by neurons in order to transmit information from different areas of the brain and the rest of the nervous system. The three basic parts to which a neuron is composed are the cell body, two extensions, and one axon. The nucleus is present within the cell body where the cell activities and genetic material are controlled. The message is transmitted via the axon.

5. What are some of the differences between sensory and motor neurons?

Neurons carrying the sensory impulse to the central nervous system from the sensory organs are referred to as sensory neurons while neurons carrying the motor impulse to specific effectors from the central nervous system are referred to as motor neurons. The sensory neurons can be found in the skin, eyes, ears, nose, and tongue while the motor neurons can be found in glands and muscles. The sensory neurons are classified as unipolar while the motor neurons can be classified as multipolar.

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