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Vestigial Organs

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Definition of Vestigial Organs

Vestigial organs could be defined as organs or parts of human, plant, and animal bodies that do not have any clear function and are considered to be residual parts from their respective ancestors. Vestigial organs are proof that all living organisms have evolved over time and are also helpful in explaining adaptation. Some of the examples of vestigial organs are wisdom teeth in humans, dewclaws in dogs, wings of a female cockroach, etc. 

The Key Features of Vestigial Structures

  • They have no apparent function and are residual parts from an ancestor.

  • These structures can become detrimental but in most cases they are harmless.

  • These organs take a long time to be phased out and eliminating them may require major alterations which can have negative effects on the body.

The Evolution of Vestigial Organs

These organs are generally homologous to organs that function normally in other species, which is why they can be considered as evidence of evolution. The existence of vestigial traits can be attributed to changes in the environment or behavior patterns of an organism. If a function of a trait is no longer beneficial for the survival of an organism, the chances of its future offspring inheriting the trait’s normal form would be lower. The transition will take place over many generations and the trait may also be eliminated through genetic drift and other random events. 

It should be mentioned that gene mutation which can result in a change in protein structures can also give rise to vestigial organs. A good example is the degraded eyes of blind fish and salamanders. Mutation in genes has increased the number of taste buds in their tongue but have made them blind.

Examples of Vestigial Organs

  • The human appendix and coccyx.

  • In septic weed (Cassia occidentalis) the androecium is vestigial.

  • The teeth of the whale shark. It cannot be used to bite anything and is a filter feeder.

Below we will talk about different types of human, animal, and plant vestigial organs.

Vestigial Organs in the Human Body

  • Sinuses: The human face consists of air pockets called sinuses. They are lined by a thin layer of mucosa but they do not have any significant functions. However, an infection can lead to sinusitis.

  • Coccyx: Also known as the tailbone, the coccyx forms the last part of the vertebral column. It is the residue of the lost tailbone and is observed during human embryogenesis. When our ancestors started to walk, the tail became useless and started to disappear slowly. It has been suggested that the Coccyx or the tail helps the pelvic organs and minor muscles. However, there have been many cases where the tail has been removed by surgeries and had no adverse effects on the body. 

  • Appendix: The appendix is a close-ended finger-like tube connected to the cecum from which it develops in the embryo. It sits in the lower right abdomen and is the storehouse of good bacteria which helps in the digestion of food. In our ancestors, it is believed to assist in the digestion of cellulose. Herbivores such as rabbits have appendixes that are much larger. This is because their diet includes a large amount of cellulose and the appendix helps to digest that. However, if anything blocks the opening of the appendix, then it can lead to a disease called Appendicitis. The symptoms of the disease include high fever, vomiting, headaches, constipation, and bloating. It is advised to remove the appendix by a surgery called an appendectomy. 

  • Wisdom Tooth: Wisdom tooth helps in the formation of the third set of molars in our buccal cavity. In their prime ancestors, they helped in chewing raw and rough food, but in the present, they have no function. They can cause pain infection and are generally extracted.  The reason behind this is that the ancestors had larger jaws. The human jaw has become much smaller than its ancestor’s jaw. There are four wisdom teeth in total and a person can get zero to four teeth. The pain caused by the wisdom tooth is because our jaw cannot fit the tooth inside. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the tooth by surgery at a younger age as they get more problematic with time. 

  • External Ear: The outer rim of our ears is made of underdeveloped muscles which make us incapable of moving our ears. It is a vestigial organ. 

  • Plica Semilunaris: Also known as the third eyelid is observed in the inside corner of human eyes.  It has no role in protecting our eyes from any contaminant. (In animals, it’s known as the nictitating membrane and protects it from foreign particles and also keeps it moist whilst maintaining visibility)

  • Tonsils: Tonsils play a role in protecting the body from harmful microorganisms. However, when they become inflamed and infected, they are removed.

  • The Palmaris Longus Muscle: About 16% of the human population does not have this muscle. Scientists think that this muscle helped early humans with their grip. Since we've begun to walk straight, over generations it has lost its purpose because we did not need to hand one to something for a very long while.

  • Body Hair: When we are surprised or tense or under stress, the hair on the body raises a little. This is when our body forms goosebumps. They are also considered vestigial reflexes. In our ancestors, the main purpose of goosebumps was to scare their predators. By the rise of the hair on their body, their body appeared to be larger. In some cases, it also gave warmth to the ancestors. Animals such as cats and dogs also use this to cover their body in winters. 

Vestigial Organs in Animals

  • Galapagos Cormorant Wings: Although these birds have wings they can’t use them. The two possibilities for the loss of flight as proposed by the scientists are that the birds might have enhanced their ability to swim or they do not require wings anymore as they do not have to migrate or escape. 

  • Female Cockroach Wings:  Female cockroaches have rudimentary wings which they cannot use to fly. The wings are small and underdeveloped. 

  • Boa Limbs: Boa constrictors have residual pelvic bones and back legs which are not immediately noticeable but can be observed with an X-ray. As snakes are descended from lizards, these are the skeletal remnants of their ancestors. It is believed that the snakes lost their legs when their ancestors modified their way of living and started hunting in burrows. Burrows is now the shelter for many snakes. 

  • Plover Toes: The black-bellied plovers in North America have small vestigial hind toes.

  • Dog’s Dew Claw: The toe is found higher up on a dog’s leg and it does serve a function. When a dog runs, its front feet bend in a way that the dewclaws come in contact with the ground. When they turn at high speed or run on slippery surfaces, the dewclaws provide them extra support and help stabilize the joint. Some dogs also use their dewclaws to help them climb trees and hold objects. Since they are useful they should not be removed, how in some cases dew claws also may be infected and might cause a disease. These are removed by veterinarians via surgery. The dewclaws can also be maintained easily as they are just like the dog’s nails. 

  • Palmar Grasp Reflex: The palmar grasp reflex is a vestigial behavior that appears as early as 16 weeks in utero and remains until a child reaches six months old. This kind of reflex also lasts in your toes also. 

Vestigial Organs in Plants

  • Gynoecium: In Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) the gynoecium and the staminode are vestigial organs

  • Androecium: In Septic Weed (Cassia occidentalis) the androecium is vestigial and is called a palinode.


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FAQs on Vestigial Organs

1. What is a Vestigial Reflex?

A vestigial response in a species can be defined as a reflex that has lost its original function. In humans some examples are

  • Palmar and foot sole grasp reflex: This is generally noticed in newborns and they automatically want to get hold of anything that is put in front of them. The reflex which disappears after 3-4 months is still observed in modern primates.

  • Goosebumps: It is the pilomotor reflex and its original function was to raise fur to provide additional insulation against cold in our ancestors.

2. Why are Sinuses Vestigial?

Sinuses are non-vital organs. They are present as four air-filled holes behind the nose and around your eyes. Minor functions of sinuses include helping your voice to resonate and make your head feel light. Sinuses can be surgically removed if necessary. These are some of the reasons that sinuses are considered vestigial.

3. How do Vestigial Organs Support the Doctrine of Evolution?

Charles Darwin noted vestigial organs in both humans and animals are evidence for evolution. These organs in one species are similar to completely functioning organs in another species. With respect to this fact, biologists have come to a common notion that two different creatures can share a common ancestor. According to organic evolution, modern plants and animals have gradually evolved from simple forms over the course of millions of years. As they evolved, they lost the use of some organs which became vestigial. Thus, the presence of vestigial organs does support the doctrine of evolution.

4. What is the function of Appendix in humans?

The appendix is a close-ended finger-like tube connected to the cecum from which it develops in the embryo. It sits in the lower right abdomen. The scientists are not clear what role the appendix has in the body, and removal of the appendix does not have any negative health consequences. For many years it was believed that the appendix was a vestigial organ. But theories have come which prove that the appendix does serve a purpose in our bodies. The study shows that the appendix contains a particular type of tissue that carries the white blood cells needed to fight infections. They also believe the appendix encourages the growth of some beneficial gut bacteria, which plays an important role in human digestion and immunity.

5. From where can I get notes on the topic- Vestigial organs?

Students can download the free notes on Vestigial Organs from the official website of Vedantu that is The notes are available in PDF format and are written in easy and simple language. The notes can help students to revise the important topics and help them to clear their doubts if they have any. Students can access these free notes and score good marks. 

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