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Why is Reproductive Health Necessary

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Reproductive Health and its Importance

Reproductive health is a part of sexual and reproductive health and rights that helps in addressing the well being of a person in relation to reproductive processes, functions and systems at all stages of life. WHO defines health as a collective state of complete well-being, including reproductive health in addition to others like physical, mental and social well-being. This gives us the reproductive health definition.

Why is Reproductive Health Necessary? Reproductive health is important for psychological well-being in addition to its physical necessities. It is very important for safe sexual reproduction that can be defined as the natural way of producing the young ones, where two parental organisms are involved in a course of events. Organisms that undergo sexual reproduction include humans, birds, reptiles, animals, insects as well as plants.

Reproductive Health in Humans 

Reproductive health ensures that people can have a satisfying and safe sex life, they are capable of reproducing and have the freedom to make a decision regarding when and how often to perform it. Male reproductive health, as well as, female reproductive health are important aspects of the overall reproductive system as both are equally important to create a new organism. 

Sexually transmitted diseases

Reproductive health also deals to prevent themselves from getting any sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STDs or STIs). STDs (or STIs) are diseases that are mainly spread by sexual intercourse and these diseases can be seriously dangerous as a cure to some of them had not been found yet. For example Syphilis, HIV, Gonorrhea, etc.

Birth Control Method

There are various types of birth control methods available to a couple for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, but these methods can be classified into six types, which are - Natural methods (traditional methods), barrier methods (use of condoms are included in it), Intra-Uterine devices (IUDs), Oral contraceptives, Injectable (also include implants) and finally the Surgical Methods. The couple can use any method whichever they feel suitable, but for some methods, the couple may require a prescription from a doctor.

Importance of Reproductive Health

The importance of reproductive health is for a healthy state of physical and mental conditions in the human body where the proper functioning of reproductive organs takes place. All phases of reproduction can take place safely when reproductive health is well taken care of. And it ultimately results in the formation of new offspring or a whole new organism. 

The reproductive organs are one of the most sensitive organs of the human body and proper care of them has to be taken care of them in order to protect oneself from the suffering caused by the various reproductive issues, and also to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to come close. Taking proper reproductive health is needed in order to have a safe and satisfying sexual life. It is also a necessity for having healthy children.

The three components of reproductive health are - family planning, sexual health, and maternal health.

  1. Family planning - Family planning is one of the most important components of reproductive health. As defined by the WHO, family planning is the ability of a couple to anticipate and attain their desired number of offspring with proper spacing and timing between their births. This can be achieved via taking proper precautions and birth control methods. The use of contraceptives and treatment of involuntary infertility is an important part of family planning. 

  2. Sexual Health: This component of reproductive health deals with sexual relationships with a positive approach. It does not only deal with the proper use of contraceptives for unwanted pregnancies but also with the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STI).

  3. Maternal health: It mainly refers to taking care of a woman’s health during the period of her pregnancy and to providing her the proper access to all the medical care and assistance that might be needed in cases of emergency.

Underlying Objectives That Should Be Highlighted While Talking About Reproductive Health

  1. It aids in making the youth understand sexual health. 

  2. It helps in creating awareness among the crowd that falls under the category of adolescence as this is the phase when hormonal changes in the body take place leading to the development of reproductive interest.

  3. It helps in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections such as AIDS or HIV.

  4. It keeps the mother and the child away from infectious diseases and helps in delivering a healthy baby.

  5. Complete knowledge regarding early pregnancy, problems like infertility or problems to conceive, male sexual problems, birth control methods, pregnancy, and post-childbirth care of the mother and baby can be achieved and taken care of. 

  6. Adolescents can follow safe sexual practices and not get involved in wrong methods and illegal practices. 

Reproductive Health in Different Sexes

One of the most fragile systems in the human body is the reproductive system. A safe, controlled, and nurtured approach towards it will take care of our overall health for a longer time. 

  • Male Reproductive Health

Men’s reproductive system includes the penis, testes, scrotum, epididymis, prostate, vas deferens, and seminal vesicles. A clean and hygienic personality should be maintained for a healthy male reproductive system. Also, safe sex methods should be adopted. This avoids sexually transmitted infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like itchy genitals or anus. Blisters and sores can also be formed around the genitals or anus as symptoms of STIs or sexually transmitted diseases. Also, regular health checkups should be followed regularly in case of any problem suspected or even normally as a part of the whole body checkup once in a year. 

  • Female Reproductive Health

The reproductive system of females consists of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, vulva, mammary glands, and breasts. All of these organs play important roles in the production and transportation of gametes and also the production of sex hormones. There are different life stages associated with sexual lives and reproductive health issues that include fertility, menstruation, contraception, sexually transmissible infections, menopause, and chronic health problems like PCOS or PCOD. 

Taking care of reproductive systems in the female body requires attention to one’s health and regular checkups. Early diagnosis and preventive measures and care can transform conditions and help in early recovery and healing. A variety of problems associated with female reproductive health are uterine fibroids, HIV/AIDS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, STDs, gynecologic cancer, and endometriosis.

Methods to Keep a Healthy Reproductive System

  1. Eating a balanced diet with fibre-rich and low in fat foods.

  2. Drinking plenty of water as water helps in flushing out the body toxins.

  3. Getting regular exercise will help all the reproductive cells function well.

  4. Maintaining a healthy weight to not put stress on reproductive organs.

  5. Getting enough sleep to ensure a healthy body and mind that contributes to the well-being of the reproductive system.

  6. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs is equally important.

  7. Managing stress in a healthy manner with various activities like meditation and yoga.

  8. Regular consultation with healthcare providers to discuss one’s issues and get a proper diagnosis and treatment on time.

Must-Follow Practices for Reproductive Health

  • Counseling and Education to children on sexuality and sexual health at the right age.

  • Adolescent and Youth health care.

  • Prevention of sexual violence against women and children.

  •  Treatment of infertility and sexual dysfunction.


This is all about the reproductive system of human beings and its various aspects. It should be an important topic of discussion among young adults to promote good health and a good lifestyle in this aspect.

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FAQs on Why is Reproductive Health Necessary

Why is Reproductive Health Necessary for Men and Women?

Reproductive health is equally important similar to that of physical and mental health as all are related to keeping a healthy body and mind. Reproduction is the process where a man and a woman are involved to bring out a new life on the Earth and for this, a healthy reproductive system plays an utmost role. Following safe sex methods, hygiene conditions, and gaining knowledge about safe practices is a must for people of all ages.

What Are the Important Factors That Contribute to Healthy Reproductive Systems?

The major factors that contribute to healthy reproductive systems include safe sex practices, hygienic conditions, timely check ups, exercising regularly, eating balanced bood, less consumption of alcohol, intake of plenty of water, stress management, and many more. All of these factors contribute towards well reproductive functioning and overall health.

What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are also called sexually transmitted infections (STI) or venereal diseases (VD) and refer to the various medical condition that can be spread or passed from one person to another via sexual contact only or by the transfer of fluids like injections. 

A person can get such diseases as STDs after having unprotected vaginal sex, anal sex or even just be having oral sex with a person suffering from the STDs. Through, sexual intercourse is not the only way to get such a disease, some STDs can be transferred by the exchange of needles too. 

There are many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) nearly 25 STDs and STIs exist that can affect a person’s life, some of these diseases are - Chlamydia, Genital herpes, Gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS (HIV - human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), HPV, Pubic lice and many more. HIV/AIDS is the most famous one of those, as there is no cure available to treat this disease.

Are there any natural methods of birth control? If yes, discuss those methods.

Natural methods work on the principle of having sexual intercourse by preventing the fusion of the sperm and the egg. There are some natural ways to prevent or lower the risk of unwanted pregnancies. These methods do not have any side effects like with chemical methods but their effectiveness is not assured. There are majorly three ways of a natural barrier to prevent pregnancies, these are - 

  1. Periodic Abstinence: During the 10th and 17th day of the menstrual cycle chances of ovulation and fertilisation are maximum, hence this period is called the fertile period. In this fertile period of the female menstruation cycle, the couple has to prevent themselves from indulging in vaginal sexual intercourse. There is a lower chance of getting pregnant in the remaining days of the menstruation cycle.

  2. Coitus interruptus or Withdrawal: The method entails that during the time of intercourse, the male partner has to withdraw his penis from the vagina just before the time of ejaculation. By doing so, preventing the sperm (semen) from entering the vagina of the female partner results in the prevention of the fusion of the sperm and the egg.

  3. Lactational amenorrhea: This method refers to having coitus in the lactation period which a female goes through just after birth for only six months of time frame, during this time the menstruation cycle stops and thus no ovulation occurs in the female resulting in the reduced chances of getting pregnant.

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