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How to memorise Fast? - Tips for Memorisation

By ShiwaniJune 27, 2023
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Tips to memorise Your Lesson Quicker

The variety of courses studied by students across the globe has a curriculum with a mass quantity of information to memorise. Many students feel overwhelmed with the amount of content they have to learn. They often analyse they don’t have sufficient memory skills to retain the studied subjects. It is a concern common among the students. 

How to memorise fast? - Tips to learn lessons quicker

Also Read: How to Focus on Studies Without Getting Distracted? : Tips and Tricks

Competitive memorising techniques, which are scientifically approved, claim that using visual and memory techniques can give better results. These tricks can help retain even large chunks of information for longer. With these methods, people have remembered concepts for years. These memory tricks lead to better understanding and higher-order thinking skills in individuals. Continue reading about such techniques and their use for you - “How to memorise fast?”

How to Remember What You Read?

How to remember what you read? It is essential to understand your study patterns. A strategic memory plan can help you to remember what you read and study for longer. Mentioned are some tips for applying strategic planning in this section.

Understand Your Learning Patterns

Who doesn’t want to have good results for all the efforts they put in? But it is necessary to understand ourselves to achieve that. It helps us to know the method of understanding; by which we best interpret and absorb new data. Generally, there are four main learning styles, referred to by the acronym “VARK”.

VARK stands for:

Visual: People who prefer learning by their sense of sight. 

Auditory: Learners who understand and learn better by listening.

Reading (or Writing): These people prefer learning through written notes.

Kinesthetic: These learners best learn by experiencing or doing things.

Analyse and understand the best learning method for yourself.

Use the 3 R’s of Learning.

The 3 R’s of memorisation are the foundation of fast and easy learning; they are:

Registration: The first step to learning is registering the information in your long-term memory for effective learning.

Retention: In this step, you try to retain the information in your brain and transfer it from short-term to long-term memory.

Recall: This is the final stage of memorisation; you use methods to retrieve the information in your brain at intervals.

Learn How to Memorise Fast and Conveniently.

This idea focuses on identifying tricks for you to memorise information conveniently. Mnemonics, Substitution method, Link and Story method and Memory Palace method are some methods that have helped people in the past.

Utilise Spaced Repetition Method Strategically.

The human brain tends to forget things when not reminded time and again. This concept works to counter this trait. It trains the brain by revising the subject at intervals referred to as “Spaced repetitions” to recall the data until it moves into long-term memory.

Memory Techniques - How to Memorise Fast?

Memory technique is a brain-training method to retain information longer and memorise the subjects faster. Students face the problem with retention and memorisation and question, “How to memorise fast?”. Here are some tips to help:

  • Understand Information First: Understanding the gest of the topic you are studying creates an image in your brain. It helps you to create a plan to learn the content strategically and retain it longer.

  • Link it with Already Learnt Information: Linking the studied information with previously studied information helps you retain both concepts better.

  • Study Before Sleep Time: Research shows that sleeping right after studying allows the brain to process and store it more conveniently.

  • Take a Test for Yourself: Self-test is a method of active recalling. Self-test for yourself after a gap allows you to test your memory and revise the subject.


  • Use Distributed Learning Patterns: Repetition of subjects over time allows your brain to test itself. This method ensures that the content is well memorised to be recalled whenever required.

  • Write Everything Down: Writing helps in encoding information and helps to learn as there is a connection between our hands and brain. Thus, writing helps to memorise better.

  • Put Mnemonics to Rescue: Mnemonics are small tips and tricks to make information memorable. They are formed from the first letters of words to remember in a specific order. “King Harry Died Mother Didn’t Cry Much”, remember?

  • Use Visual Tools for Memorising: For visual learners, visual tools such as diagrams, flow charts, and others are the most suitable tool to memorise faster.

  • Songs and Jingles Help: For auditory learners, songs, jingles, and podcasts of lectures are more convenient sources of memorising and retaining information.

  • Regular Exercise Schedule: Studies show that exercises such as cardio and weight training can create neurons in areas that help to memorise better. So, having an exercise schedule can do wonders for you.

Applying these tips can solve your concern of “How to memorise fast?” and give you better results.

How to Learn Big Answers in 5 Minutes?

The common worry of students who have to memorise those long paragraphs to excel in their exams is “How to learn big answers?”. We have mentioned some tips that can help you in learning better.

  • Use old-school Methods: Pen and Paper, the old-school technique for note-taking, has scientific reasons attached. It allows students to memorise faster and retain longer.

  • Use Daily Life Examples to Understand: Attaching reference of real-life examples with topics make them easy to understand and convenient for learning.

  • Use Mnemonics: Mnemonics are abbreviations or silly phonetics for words to remember in a specific order. It makes the learning process easier.

To learn big answers quickly, keep these few things in mind:

  • Read the content first to get a gest of it.

  • Don’t try to memorise everything in one go.

  • Break the answer into parts (as many as you like).

  • Read the sections aloud to learn.

  • Hide it to check if you’ve memorised it or not.

  • Repeat this with the complete answer; until memorised.

  • Check yourself by speaking the answer out loud.

  • Remember, you can learn it after you have understood it instead of cramming it.

  • Don’t put yourself under pressure. Be gentle and kind.

How to Memorise Faster and for Longer Time?

How to memorise subjects and information faster? In this article, multiple ways are mentioned and elaborated on to solve this concern among students.

But to memorise faster and for a longer time, It is suggested to use the 3 R’s or Spaced repetition after understanding your preferred mode of study.

The 3 R’s: Registration, Retention, and Recall will allow you to remember the information in the long run by storing the information in long-term memory.

Choose the method that works for you, and resolve your problems.


Lengthy subjects with varying backgrounds make it difficult for students to memorise and retain information. Using memory tricks and practising them allows the human brain to adjust to the learning patterns and retain information for longer. In this article, we have mentioned various tips and tricks. Put them to use and resolve your concerns.

FAQs on How to memorise Fast? - Tips for Memorisation

1. How does visualisation help in memorisation?

Visualisation helps to create images in the brain which are often easy to recall.

2. Can we learn long answers without understanding them?

Yes, but in that case, your concept won’t be clear, and you might not be able to retain it for a longer time.

3. What are the 3 R’s of memorisation?

The 3 R’s stands for Registration, Retention, and Recall.