One of the biggest hurdles in the path of success is laziness and procrastination which come uninvited especially during our exams. Most of us succumb to it, but what if we can control it? It is just one small step that keeps us away from our target. Just a step that holds us from achieving what we are capable of. We need to get to a point where we have to prioritize our ambitions. NEET is one of the most challenging competitive exams for medical aspirants. When you prepare for NEET, there must not be any space for laziness.
So here are some tips that will help you to do away with laziness and remain super active during the NEET preparation.
1) Have a Well-lighted Study Room
The biggest mistake a student can make is to study in a dimly lit room. Let the sunlight fill the room. Sunlight is important because it keeps you active. In fact, it is best if you place your study table in front of a window through which sunlight enters the room. If it is night, make sure your whole room is well-lighted, instead of using a table lamp. This will help you not to get tempted by your cozy bed.
2) Sit on a Chair and Not on a Bed
Your sitting posture affects your concentration in your studies. Sitting on a chair that is not highly cushioned like your bed will be beneficial if you study for long hours. The moment you sit on a bed, you will feel like resting on your back or lie down, and you wouldn’t even realize when you fell asleep. Sit on a chair and keep doing some free hands exercises at regular intervals, so you do not feel sleepy.
3) Have Lighter Meals
It is suggested not to have heavy meals before studying to avoid drowsiness. Having lighter food helps in better digestion and also keeps the mind light and fit for concentration. Having meals with high carbohydrates and fat content or having too much food induces sleep, so we struggle to keep our eyes wide open. In extreme cases, we rest on the bed. We become lethargic after consuming a heavy meal because we feel sleepy. Therefore we should eat more protein-rich food and have a light balanced diet.
4) Hydrate Yourself
Water is a magical liquid that works wonders. It not only keeps you hydrated but also active and alert. The amount of learning that is needed to prepare for exams like NEET exhausts us, so it becomes necessary to keep our body hydrated. Moreover, our body is made up of 70 percent of water and it is important to consume more amounts of water so that our body can function properly. On a casual note, drinking enough water makes you take short breaks from study to go to the washroom. In this way, we move our body parts and stretch a little.
5) “Early to Bed and Early to Rise” Should be the Mantra
We have been told since childhood that we should sleep early and wake up early. There was also a nursery rhyme on this.
“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
Most of us don’t know why it is important to sleep early and wake up early. During the early morning hours, our mind feels fresh and functions properly. The whole day we engage ourselves in so many activities that by night we feel tired and our minds are exhausted. It is important to get adequate sleep so waking up early means we also have to sleep early to get good sleep. A proper sleep cycle helps to concentrate on studies better and improves our memorizing power.
6) A Nap is a Must
Long hours of study often make us tired and we cannot concentrate. This problem can be solved by taking a small nap of half an hour maybe. Napping for a while will also discard the drowsiness and we can study late at night. The short naps will render your mind fresh.
7) Be Active and Awake
Studying continuously at the same posture can make anyone feel lazy and drowsy. Get up the moment you feel sleepy and walk around in your room. Also, when the understanding part is done, and only learning is all you have to do, you can walk around the room and try to learn.
8) Louder the Voice, Better the Study
The best trick that will guard you against being lethargic is to read aloud. This will minimize the chances of you falling asleep while studying. Also, learning becomes easier and faster when you read aloud and listen to what you read. You can also explain the concepts to your friends in a group study session to learn your lessons better.
9) Learning by Writing
Reading the text continuously with an intention to learn something will create a monotonous situation, and you might start feeling bored and it’s a call for the devil, an invitation to drowsiness. But you can avoid being lethargic if you start learning by writing. Observe what you write and recall what you have written, this will directly click with you and make the learning process easier and faster.
10) Keep the Difficult Topics for the Morning
We often feel sluggish during the night especially when we try to solve complex problems or try to learn a new or a difficult topic. This is because, after the whole day of rigorous hard work, our mind gets tired and is not ready to learn any new topic. So it is best to deal with simple and easy topics of the syllabus at night. All the tough areas should be kept for the day time. Mornings are the best for these activities as the body and mind are fresh and active.
Preparing for the NEET examination needs proper planning and strategies. The first and foremost thing that you need to do is to make a daily time-table. However, to follow the time-table that you make, it is important to have the right attitude and do away with procrastination. Practice the above-mentioned points and make the most of the time you have before the NEET examination, to pass with flying colours.