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Delhi Summer Camp

By FathimaMay 06, 2024
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Popsicles. Lemonades. Sprinklers. Sandcastles. And lots and lots of sunshine!

Yes. The summer is here!

Let's start Fun Filled Vacation with Summer Camp

And so are the summer camps. A perfect solution that guarantees your little ones have a fun-filled vacation.

If you are wondering where to take your child for an all-encompassing summer camp in Delhi, you have come to the right place.

The capital city offers a wide range of summer camps catering to various interests and age groups, providing a fantastic opportunity for your child's skill development and enjoyment. Whether your child is a budding artist, an aspiring scientist, or a thrill-seeker, there's something for everyone in these camp offerings.

Read on to find out the different types of summer camps in Delhi and what it brings your little one!

Before you let your child embrace the summer spirit, check out Vedantu's Summer Camp 2024 for an engaging educational experience. Secure your little learner’s spot now!

Delhi Summer Camp

Educational and Skills Development Camps

1. IIT-Delhi Summer Boot Camp

The summer boot camp program at IIT Delhi caters to high school students. It aims to spark curiosity and build proficiency in diverse fields like Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Humanities. 

  • Participants will explore key concepts in STEM and engage in real-world problem-solving activities through hands-on learning experiences guided by experienced IIT Delhi faculty members, students, and alumni

  • The program goes beyond academics and offers a perfect balance of fun-filled trips and activities for participants to have a well-rounded experience

  • These activities will stimulate children’s intellect while offering social and recreational experiences that will create cherished memories

All in all, this immersive boot camp is an excellent opportunity for high school students to unlock their potential, widen their horizons, and become future changemakers.

If your little genius is an aspiring math wizard, they'll be hooked on the challenging math puzzles and lightning-fast mental math games in Vedantu’s Mental Math series! Discover arithmetic tricks and engage in hands-on activities that make learning math an epic adventure.

Arts and Creative Expression Camps

1. Barry John's Workshop

Barry John's in Saket hosts a summer camp in Delhi tailored for theatrically inclined children aged 16-22 years. 

  • Over the course of four weeks, participants take to the stage and showcase their talents through skit performances

  • This camp also guides them through the art of playwriting. The young playwrights craft their works of art, complete with well-developed characters and  dialogues

  • Each participant receives a certificate of participation

In short, this theater camp nurtures your child's dramatic flair through skit performances, playwriting, and character development.

Also Read: 30+ Summer Camp Activities for Teens

Adventure and Outdoor Activity Camps

Adventure and Outdoor Activity Camps

1. New Delhi Nature Society

The NDNS Summer Camp by New Delhi Nature Society offers a seven-day series of eco-friendly workshops for children aged 7-12. These engaging sessions are held in various picturesque locations around Central and South Delhi.

Activities include:

  • Tree climbing

  • Making seed bombs 

  • Nature walks

  • Tent pitching

  • Animal interactions

Each two-hour session is designed to be both fun and educational, promoting outdoor skills and environmental awareness. At the end of the camp, participants receive a certificate of completion. 

If your child loves discovering new places, they'll be thrilled by "Around the World in 14 Days!" This virtual camp by Vedantu takes them on a global adventure from the comfort of home. Embark on this cultural expedition – enroll your explorer with us today!

Life Skills and Personal Development Camps

1. Pathways World School

The flagship campus offers a 10-day summer camp in Delhi, helping children in Grades 3 to 10 explore diverse interests and rediscover the joy of learning.

Activities included:

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Theatre

  • Dance

  • Music

  • Design & Technology

  • Nature Exploration

  • Leadership & Self-confidence. 

With all these modules, Pathways World School summer camp in Delhi is all set to give your little one a truly immersive camp experience.

Also Read: Introduction to Summer Crafts for Preschool Kids

Specialized Learning Opportunities

1. AES Turning Point Camp

AES Turning Point Camp offers a well-rounded summer camp in Delhi experience for kids of all ages.  

  • Their traditional, age-appropriate camp activities nurture the development of mind, body, and soul

  • The program features a diverse assortment of challenges and experiences, exposing children to various skills and enriching their growth

  • Skilled counselors facilitate daily adventures, guiding campers in acquiring social, intellectual, physical, and creative abilities

For preschoolers aged 3 and 4, AES Turning Point Camp provides half-day sessions focused on hands-on, child-centered learning experiences. The camp includes a variety of activities, including art, music, movement, and outdoor play, building creativity, imagination, and self-expression in these young campers.

Also Read: Fun Outdoor Summer Activities for Kids and Friends

Selecting the Right Camp

Consider your child's interests, passions, and the skills you want them to develop. Do they love getting their hands dirty with art projects? Or are they more inclined toward outdoor adventures? 

Matching the camp to your child's personality and preferences will make sure they have a valuable and enjoyable experience.

Don't just take our word for it! Hearing from other parents about their child's camp experiences can provide invaluable insights into the benefits of attending specific camps. Many parents rave about the positive impact these camps have had on their children, from boosting their confidence and social skills to nurturing their talents and passions

Also Read: 26 Things to Do and Love in the Summer Season


Happy camping with a Camp Fire

No matter which summer camp in Delhi you choose for your child, the experiences and memories they'll create will be something to treasure for a long time. These summer camps provide a nurturing environment for kids to explore their interests, develop new skills, and create meaningful friendships. 

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Delhi summer camps and give your child a summer they'll never forget! Happy camping!

Vedantu makes this summer learning extra sweet by giving your child a transformative educational experience that steps up their talents and prepares them for future success. Go beyond traditional summer camp activities and dive deeper into subjects, skills, and hobbies your child is passionate about through immersive, instructor-led online sessions. Book a free demo session with Vedantu today!