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Tips to Use NCERT Biology Book for NEET Preparation

By Aparajita DasMay 21, 2020
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Are you a NEET aspirant? Then you should study the subject Biology very carefully. Biology is the most crucial subject as far as the NEET is concerned. If you want to flourish your career in the medical line you have to captivate the subject Biology. NCERT books are the best way to prepare yourself for NEET. Why? We will discuss in detail about the NCERT Biology book for NEET preparation and also about the suggestions about how to use the books.

What Part of NEET Exam is Biology?

Have you ever wondered what the significance of Biology in NEET is? Biology is the most significant subject in the NEET exam. It contains 90 marks (45 marks in Zoology and 45 marks in Botany). So, to make a mark in the medical study in India you have to be a master in Biology. 

What are the Tips to Use NCERT Biology Book for NEET Preparation?

Since NEET is a competitive exam in all India level it is not an easy task. Also, if you follow the same pattern of strategy as the board exam, you will be making a big mistake. Then how will you prepare? The following points are made by studying the views of some experts and some toppers who have hit the bull’s eye previously. Just go through the points properly.

1. As far as the Biology is concerned for NEET preparation NCERT book is considered as the one and only. Can you use other books? Now, this is the question of severe confusion. You can use other reference books. But you have to study NCERT first. But whatever you read, you should practise the NCERT questions from the textbooks.

2. Since currently there is only one exam there would be more outside questions. But you have to do mastery in NCERT first.

3. You may use coaching modules for extra studies, but it should not be your main book. You have to rely on NCERT books.

4. What will you do for objective (MCQ) question? For objective questions you are advised to read coaching package and make sure to keep MTG NCERT handy. Both of them is regarded as quality books.

5. You have to revise Biology time and again because you have to complete a vast syllabus for NEET exam. 

6. Few of the chapters of Biology require very intense understanding. Give them their due respect by reading them rigorously from NCERT books and NCERT Solutions.

7. You have to memorize some chapters such as Morphology, Anatomy and Biodiversity etc. Study those chapters on a regular basis.  

You may use the above mentioned tips to use NCERT Biology books for NEET. Is that all? There may be other ways to study Biology for NEET exam but the above points are actually suggested by the experts. Some tips may be developed by yourselves at the time of study according to your convenience. You may add something or remove something from the above tips as per your way of studying. But one thing you must remember that whatever you do, don’t deviate from NCERT books of Biology for NEET exam.

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