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Kids Planner: How is it Useful?

By Shiwani PandeyAugust 01, 2022
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How does Kids Planner help Kids?

Planning and organizing aren’t only for adults anymore. Today’s kids live a busy childhood. With the competitive and fast-growing world, they have more pressure than ever before. There is a requirement to manage several tasks in less time. Thus, they need good planning to cope with multiple tasks.

Kids planner is a time management tool to help them organize things they need to do. Handling tasks in an organized way is an essential life skill to master, even for adults. Exercising and following a planner make things easier. Planning with your kids will show you how to:

  • Use routines to make your mornings manageable, evening easier & find out some ‘me time’.

  • Teach your children to share a little household work along with adults.

Steps to Use Kids Planner

Learning how to use a planner is a valuable skill for life. Be it for now or when your children grow up, planning ahead keeps things on track. Here are some tips worth following-

  • Choose a good planner that has a flexible format a child can follow.

  • Choose a place to decorate, add stickers, doodles, and eye-catching stationery.

  • The planner should have plenty of space to write down tasks and track other important things in life.

  • High-quality paper and materials that can sustain for days, months, and even years.

  • The planner must be durable enough for a kid’s usage.

Kids Planner

Kids Planner

How to Follow Kids Planner?

Children are prone to imitate. They do what they see their elders are doing. Teach them how to take control of their responsibilities. Share things like goal setting, experience, and satisfaction. A kids planner guide is actually a tool to help them prepare for real life.

Set expectations by all means and encourage them to meet those. But this planner is theirs, so don’t force things. Let them have fun and follow plans in their own style. Doing so will let them grow as a self-dependent individual.

Importance of Maintaining a Kids Planner

Writing things down leaves a longer impact on human memory. Things we learn through academics, we mostly either read or write. Share a few basics for what to include in a planner. The planner and ‘to do’ things must be according to the child’s age and capacity to carry things.

For instance, they could have the extra pressure of assignments, projects, and overall studies before the exam from time to time. Contrary to that, the post-exam weeks will not be that heavy on them. Guide them in making a Weekly planner for kids based on their priorities.

Let them make the plan for themselves

That is where we elders let go and let be. Allow your child to write down, and it is okay if he messes up for the first few plans. Make them draw pictures, and use doodles, highlighters, and things that boost their creativity. Even writing the plan creatively will impact better in executing the same. For instance, if your child loves poetry, let them make plans with self-made rhymes. On the whole, there must be a touch of individuality exclusively by the child themself.

Just Start

Initially, making short-term (weekly) goals and plans is better. Encourage your child to take the baby steps. Successful planning will automatically invite a positive attitude toward further execution. They can start with plans written with bullet points or check-boxes. As each plan is done, put a tick mark on that. Discuss family vacations and weekend outings with them so that they do not feel left out.

Blue-Pink Kids Planner

Blue-Pink Kids Planner

How do you keep track of your kid’s schedule? Here is how kids planner will help children-

Keep Track of Commitments 

Kids have busy schedules with home tasks, assignments, extracurricular activity classes, social outings, and family time. Keeping track of all these will save your kids from being overwhelmed.

Time Management

Written plans on a weekly planner for kids offer a visual reminder of ‘to do tasks’. The chance of missing out on a little or big thing is less when the plan has been already written down. Your child can have an overview of a chunk of time to help them plan better and balance commitments.

Mindful Planning

Planners help free up your brain’s space. When the brain is not preoccupied with the small stuff, it can be used in creative pursuits. A child who maintains a planner is likely to stay stress-free regarding what they should work on. This further benefits them with the process of learning, studying, and activities that demand mindfulness.

Maintain a Journal

Most planners come with inspirational dialogues, motivational one-liners, and daily affirmation quotes. It impacts children in a positive way. They can include a list of things they are thankful for. Practising gratitude raises a positive vibration in daily affirmation. A happy and grateful mind inspires people to carry on in life.

Helps in Fulfilling Goals

Kids planner is a tool that helps to set goals step by step. Meeting small goals can bring more confidence. A young child feels better and even does better when there is a sense of achievement. That attitude leads him to crack harder nuts in life as he grows up. 

So these are some of the notable benefits of maintaining a kids planner. You will find more when your kid starts using one.

Overall a Kids Planner Helps

  • Better time management

  • Boost confidence and a sense of achievement

  • Improving mindfulness

  • Keeping track of daily activities

  • Meeting the commitments

  • Improving ways to do things


All the great jobs that have ever been done were started as a plan. Planning is the first and foremost step to executing. As they say- the act of learning starts early. Let your child learn good habits. Start with a Kids planner.