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English Grammar Comprehension For Class 6


English Grammar Class 6 Comprehension - Download Free PDF with Solution

A second-age grader is frequently regarded as the start of their official schooling. Therefore, teaching English comprehension for Class 6 is needed when pupils start to learn how to comprehend what they read. There are various methods to improve comprehension. When applying different techniques, patience and ongoing guidance are required. Stories might be entertaining ways to improve comprehension. 

When working with kids, remember to provide guided practice and strategy modelling. Reduce your guidance as they develop their skills. The objective is to have kids employ the techniques on their own. Worksheets for reading comprehension concentrate on particular subjects, such as a texts "primary concept versus details," sequencing, and story aspects (characters, setting, plot). 

English Grammar for Class 6 Comprehension Download Free PDF

In today’s lesson, we will discuss comprehension. The noun form of comprehend is comprehension. To comprehend something is to intellectually grasp it in order to fully understand it. 



Understanding a given unseen passage is known as comprehension. It is a really easy workout. The passage's overall meaning should be understood by the students before they completely comprehend the questions' nature and provide their own original answers.



Tips to improve Comprehension

The below-mentioned points shows how to improve comprehension skill and they are:

  • Reading can only occur when one can comprehend what they are reading.  Communication between the author and the reader is necessary for comprehension.

  • Understanding and interpreting what was read are components of comprehension.

  • Actually, the word understanding is derived from the Latin comprehension, which means "a grabbing."

  • Any mental grasp of a concept or subject qualifies as comprehension.

There are three stages of comprehension, and they are as follows:

  • Literal understanding

  • Understanding by inference

  • Analytical understanding

1. Literal Understanding: Literal comprehension involves the processing of factual information that has been explicitly stated.

  •  Examples of literal-level comprehension tasks include recalling or recognizing the main ideas, specific sequences of events, comparison, character traits, and cause-and-effect relationships that have been explicitly stated in a story.

  • When a reader or viewer acknowledges what they can see and hear, literal comprehension takes place on the surface level. The specifics are laid out and easy to understand for everyone. Literal comprehension is sometimes known as "right there" or "on the page" comprehension. This is the most basic type of understanding.

2. Understanding by Inference: When the reader infers meaning beyond what has been clearly given, they have reached the level of inferential comprehension. 

  • Similar to literal understanding, inferential comprehension entails drawing conclusions about themes, plot points, character attributes, and other elements. 

  • The main distinction is that this knowledge is implied rather than expressed. To understand at an inferential level, children must "read between the lines.

  •  It combines speculation and justification using a combination of the literal context, one's own experience, intention, and imagination.

3. Analytical Understanding: Even when heat is continuously applied, a substance's temperature doesn't change while melting or boiling because the heat is expended in overriding the force of attraction between molecules to change the state of the substance. An agent's ability to read a customer's email and determine what the customer requests rather than just what the customer says is known as analytical reading. This is the key difference between analytical reading and what might be referred to as superficial reading.


Difference Between Three Comprehensions

Difference Between Three Comprehensions

Literal comprehension

Inferential comprehension

Analytical comprehension

Asking the reader to remember the sequence of events, cause and effect, and significant words in a story

Requesting the use of additional knowledge or prior knowledge to help the reader understand the story

Request the reader's personal judgment

List, name, count, summarise record, and narrate

Provide the date and location, for instance, categorize, clarify, foresee, and analyze

Think, relate, rate, criticize, contest, challenge, expand, copy, and adapt

Difficult Word Meanings:




the process of developing a hypothesis or conjecture without solid proof.


Clearly and precisely, with no room for misunderstanding or doubt.


involve as an essential or inevitable component or outcome.


abruptly and brutally clutch or grasp.


grab hold of tightly.

Practice Question

Read the sections below, and answer the questions that follow.

We must exert every effort to avert war and civil unrest. The majority of conflicts take place in underdeveloped nations, particularly those that are poorly governed or where income and power are not allocated equally among various tribal or religious groups. Therefore, creating a political structure with representatives for each group is the best method to stop fighting. It is essential to guarantee everyone's economic prosperity and human rights.

The UN charter does not mention the following essential freedom. The leaders had no idea that a situation like this would develop in 1945. Future generations will have the freedom to inhabit this planet.

Many of us still do not fully comprehend its significance. For the time being, we are utilizing all of the scarce resources. We are wasting them and using them excessively. In actuality, we are depriving our kids of their right to life.

Our wildlife, fisheries, and forests must all be protected. Because of our own behaviour of eating or destroying them, all of these are crumbling.


1. Why do disputes predominate in developing nations?

2. How should conflicts be checked?

3. What does it mean for future generations to be free to live?

4. How are we depriving our kids of their fundamental rights?

5. What must we keep for the sake of our kids?


1. Disputes predominantly are seen in developing countries because these poor countries are typically poorly run, and the majority of conflicts take place there.

2. Establishing a political system with representation for each group is the best method to prevent confrontations.

3. It refers to the future generation's right to life and a right to freedom.

4. For our current use, we are depleting the available resources. As a result, we are wronging the next generation by taking nature away from them.

5. For the benefit of our great-grandchildren, we must protect our forests and fisheries.

Importance of An Unseen Passage for Class 6

Reading comprehension skills are required for children to comprehend what they read and learn how to read. A youngster who struggles with reading comprehension will probably continue to struggle in subsequent grades. In the second grade, students start to enhance their reading comprehension skills. 

In the second grade, students should be taught how to decode words and determine if a text is persuasive. They must evaluate the book's arguments and analysis. The purpose of comprehension for Class 6 pdf worksheets is to assist pupils in improving their literacy and strategic thinking abilities. Their self-assurance and rate of learning all improve.

Example of An Unseen Passage for Class 6 with Answers

There are more than 4000 species of spiders known to date. Spiders have two body segments and eight legs. They typically consume insects. Spiders use the web they create at various locations to catch prey. The eggs of black ants make an excellent meal for house spiders. Jungle spiders are particular eaters of frogs and small birds.


1. How many different species of spiders have been identified to date?

2. What do jungle spiders eat?

3. Can a spider eat other insects?

4. What does a home spider eat?

5. Find a synonym of swallow from the given passage. 


1. More than 40,000 species of spiders have been identified.

2. Jungle spiders consume frogs and tiny birds.

3. Yes.

4. A home spider generally feeds on insects.

5. Consume is the synonym of swallow from the given passage.

What does the PDF Consist of, and How Does It Help?

Children cannot understand the meaning of what they read without comprehension. Children's comprehension of the text is improved by applying comprehension techniques, encouraging them to interact with the text and become active readers. 

Use Vedantu’s free, printable activities to practise and enhance your kids' writing, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Each worksheet consists of a brief fiction or nonfiction story, followed by a few questions and a vocabulary-building exercise for each section.


When reading, students must recognize the text's key theme and express it in their own words. The kids can easily sort through the material provided for the unseen passage for Class 6 by Vedantu to identify what is crucial and what is not. 

In the example comprehension in our worksheets, we summarise the text's most crucial details in easier terms while using the fewest number of words possible. We have also elaborated on the tactics the students should use to get to the narrative's conclusion.

In this chapter, we learned about understanding comprehension and the various kinds of understanding, such as literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding, as well as the distinctions between literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding. The examples below demonstrate how to structure sentences for comprehension. Reading comprehension provides context for what is read. When words on a page convey more than just words, but also thoughts and ideas, reading comprehension happens. When reading is understood, it becomes more enjoyable, fun, and illuminating. The final section will cover practice questions and their associated solutions.

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FAQs on English Grammar Comprehension For Class 6

1. What is Reading Comprehension?

The term comprehension describes the capacity to comprehend written language. Unlike the capacity to recognize words, it is different. Recognizing words without understanding what they mean does not achieve comprehension, which is the aim or objective of reading. Consider a scenario when a teacher assigns a text for a student to read. The youngster can read the entire chapter, but when asked to explain what was read, they cannot do so. What is read gains meaning when it is understood. Reading comprehension remains sustainable when words on a page are more than letters and sounds. Reading is joyful, entertaining, and educational when it is understood. 

2. What are some tips to improve reading comprehension skills?

The following simple yet useful advice will aid in the procedure of reading: 

  • Make reading enjoyable by reading aloud.

  • Ask yourself the important "WH" Questions.

3. What are the three crucial components of comprehension?

The ability to decode, read fluently, and correctly use language are essential for comprehension.