CBSE Class 6 Science Fibre to Fabric Worksheets with Answers - Chapter 3 - PDF
FAQs on CBSE Class 6 Science Fibre to Fabric Worksheets
1. How many worksheets should the students solve per day?
Following a proper strategy during preparation will almost guarantee a good result and hence, students are expected to plan their schedule out and decide the number of worksheets they will be solving in a given week or day. A good idea would be to solve the worksheets of a given particular topic the same day it has been taught in school or in tuition to make sure that the student practices the concepts that he has learned on the same day thereby boosting the chances of him remembering them well.
2. How to make sure you improve upon your previous scores?
If a student wants to improve upon his previous years’ scores, the first thing that he or she needs to do is to analyse what went wrong and try to tackle those by proper strategy. Some students have a hard time recollecting the formulas, some have a particular subject that they are not too confident in while some find it difficult to finish the paper within the allotted time. Different students have different areas where they can improve upon and this cannot be done unless the area that needs to be worked upon is accurately identified. Regularly solving worksheets practice problems, constant revisions, and getting frequent feedback from your parents and teachers or some of the things that students can follow to improve on their scores.
3. Is studying from the textbook enough for Class 6 exams?
There are tons of books available online that provide ample information regarding the syllabus for class 6. Not just informative books, but books that cover different types of problems, contain previous year question papers, contain solutions to different problems, provide some summary notes, etc are available to the students at nominal rates and even sometimes for free. It is natural to understand why students tend to bend towards such third party materials rather than sticking to the textbook. While it is not correct to say that all the 3rd party materials do not help the student at all, what one must realise is that all of these books are based on the textbook and not the other way around. Hence, students must avoid books that contain a lot of extra information and sometimes even provide methods of solving particular problems that are beyond the scope of the syllabus. Thus, we recommend students to think of the textbook as the whole and soul of that preparation and study it very well before referring to any sort of external material. Only after the textbook has been studied carefully shall the student look towards solving worksheets and other practice problems which are available online.
4. What should the student do to ensure he will finish the paper on time?
After the 5th standard, the paper gets more and more lengthy and it's not just the difficulty of the paper that the student has to worry about. Often students find it difficult to finish the paper on time and come back knowing that they could have performed better had they had enough time. Sometimes despite knowing the solution to certain problems, students cannot solve them due to the lack of time. To prevent this from happening to you, one should regularly solve papers by hand instead of just reading, try revising as much as possible, and solve worksheets honestly without referring to the solutions. Checking the solutions, analysing where you went wrong must only be done after you finish the worksheet.
5. Does getting a good score in class 6 help in the long run?
Many students fall right into the trap of thinking that class 6 scores and anything up until in the class 10th are scores that matter and won't hamper their progress at all. This is a very harmful strategy to follow because it is usually the habit of studying that one needs to get used to rather than the constant desire to get good marks. So students must take only the sixth standard but also the 7th, 8th and 9th standard just as seriously as the 10th and try to score as high as they can. Once they get used to scoring good marks, in the process, they build a very strong foundation which comes in handy during the class 10th exams. Students can head over to Vedantu in order to download the PDF of the solutions to the chapters, which will help them to understand the concepts better.