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CBSE Class 7 Civics Worksheet Chapter 6 Understanding Media - PDF


CBSE Class 7 Civics Worksheet Chapter 6 Understanding Media – Download Free PDFs with Solutions

Civics is an essential component of the overall syllabus of Class 7. A strong foothold on Civic enables young minds to become politically aware citizens in the future. The sixth chapter of the Class 7 SST NCERT book is titled ‘Understanding Media.’ The chapter encapsulates an in-depth overview of what media is and explains its various dimensions such as the impact of changing technology on media, how finance determines media, and how media itself can sway the opinion of the general public.

The chapter is extremely relevant in the current socio-political scenario, wherein Indian media has come under harsh scrutiny for its alleged biasness. As it is widely said that media is the fourth pillar of a democracy, the chapter will help students hone their political and civic sensibilities.

Civics is the avenue from where young minds enter into the wider discipline of Political Science. The subject is pivotal as it helps students understand their political rights and responsibilities as a citizen of democratic India. However, the concepts of Civics are challenging, and students may find them tough. It is in such a context that additional academic assistance above and beyond NCERT textbooks and exercises becomes crucial.

Access Worksheet for Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 - Understanding Media

1. Fill in the blanks

  1. ____ has given us the ability to see ourselves as part of a bigger global community.

  2. The majority of the cartoons we watch on television come from ____ or the ____.

  3. It is crucial that the information provided by the media should be ____.

  4. In the Chitrakoot area of ____, eight Dalit women manage the Khabar Lahriya newspaper.

  5. The _____ that changes often in mass media.

2. State True or False for the following.

  1. The technology used by the media is always evolving. 

  2. Government power and sway over the media's news coverage would be considered independent. 

  3. Only the shows that can draw in the most people are shown since TV time is so expensive.

  4. The print media provides a wide range of information to accommodate the preferences of many readers.

  5. The media is crucial in informing the public about government initiatives and projects. 

3. Match the following.

Column 1

Column 2


Newspapers and Magazines

Print media



Main source of income of media


Japan or The united states

Local media

Community Radio and newspapers

4. Among the list below, which one is a media form?

  1. Television

  2. Radio

  3. Newspaper

  4. All of these

5. Which has made the world more accessible to us?

  1. Television

  2. Taperecorder

  3. Typewriter

  4. None of these

6. Which media give a wide range of information to fit the preferences of various readers?

  1. Electronic media

  2. Print media

  3. Mass media

  4. All of these

7. What factors are used to determine the cost of advertising?

  1. The popularity of channe

  2. Popularity of product

  3. Both (a) and (b)

  4. None of these

8. What impact do you believe television has on us?

9. What do you mean when you say "media"?

10. What makes newspapers considered print media, in your opinion?

11. Define broadcast.

12. Define censorship.

13. Why do we need to analyse the news?

14. Mention a manner that the media makes money.

15. Why are certain commercials displayed repeatedly on television?

16. Define a balanced report.

17. What does the frequent closeness of the media to business mean?

18. What is the price of advertising on a news channel?

19. Why is it crucial to understand both sides of a story?

20. A public protest—what do you mean by that?

21. Describe the function of the media in a democracy.

22. Write a short note on the activities of the media.

23. What topics are the media focusing on?

24. What benefits does evolving technology provide to the media?

25. What justifies the necessity of independent media?

Answers to the worksheets:


  1. Television

  2. Japan, USA

  3. Balanced

  4. Uttar Pradesh

  5. Technology


  1. True

  2. False

  3. True

  4. True

  5. True


Column 1

Column 2



Print media

Newspapers and Magazines


Japan or The united states


Main source of income of media 

Local media

Community Radio and newspapers

4. (d) All of these

5. (a) Television

6. (b) Print media

7. (a) Popularity of channel

8. It moulds our worldviews, beliefs, attitudes, and values.

9. The word "media," which is the plural of the word "medium," refers to the numerous channels through which we communicate in modern society.

10. Because newspapers are printed so, they are referred to as print media.

11. A TV or radio show that receives a broadcast is one that is broadcast broadly.

12. This is a reference to the authority that the government has to forbid the media from publishing or broadcasting particular stories.

13. The "factual information" included in a news story is frequently incomplete and may have bias. As a result, we must evaluate the news.

14. The mass media makes money in a variety of ways, including through promoting various goods like automobiles, chocolates, clothing, mobile phones, etc.

15. In an effort to encourage consumers to buy the product being sold, advertisements are repeated.

16. A balanced report presents all sides of a given subject and then gives the readers the chance to form their own opinions.

17. Nowadays, a fair report might be hard to get because of the media's strong association with the business.

18. Depending on the popularity of the news station, the price for a 10-second advertisement might range from Rs 500 to Rs 8,000.

19. Because we as people base our decisions on the information provided by the media, it is crucial to understand both sides of any topic.

20. A big group of individuals gathered together to voice opposition to a matter of public concern is referred to as a public protest. Some techniques to register a public protest include signature drives, rallies, roadblocks, etc.

21. The media is crucial to a democracy's ability to discuss and report on national and international events. Citizens are informed by the media, empowering them to take appropriate action.

22. The media is crucial for reporting news and debating current events in a democracy. Programs, policies, new legislation, state of execution, and other concerns are debated on TV and radio every day. The daily TV broadcasts also feature a variety of other events, such as sports, social protests, and political debates. As a result, media may also be used to disseminate information.

23. The media focuses on the news that the public finds interesting. Such tales are therefore provided in order to make this a captivating genre. A variety of TV serials serve as examples of this presenting style. The media mostly covers business-related events. As a result, social issues frequently receive attention.

24. Technology becomes more modern as a result of evolving machinery, which also increases the media's audience. Additionally, it enhances the audio and visual quality.

25. Because individuals build opinions based on the information they get from multiple media sources, independent media is crucial. Therefore, it is crucial that this information be trustworthy and unbiased. Otherwise, a false impression will be created in people's minds, which might be highly detrimental to both the people and the nation.

Importance of Studying Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 Understanding Media

Synonymous to its name, the concerned chapter explains to students the nitty-gritty of Indian media, and how media is an extremely political tool. 

  • Young students who are always inundated with social media get an opportunity to dive into the deep end of what it is all about, particularly the socio-political dimensions of media.

  • The chapter enables students to firmly grasp the essence of Freedom of Speech and how media serves as its cradle.

  • Students also get to learn about censorship and different types of advertising.

Exercises on Class 7 Civics Chapter 6 Understanding Media 

1. Match the Following.

  1. Independent Media            i) Larger message for the society

  2. DefineCensorship Class 7   ii) Spread culture

  3. Mass Media                        iii) Restriction of sharing a piece of media to the public

  4. Social Advertising               iv) Media free from government control and corporate interested


  1. iv)

  2. iii)

  3. ii)

  4. i)

All the Understanding Media with Class 7 Worksheets with answers contain fun exercises like the one given above to make the learning process more fun for students.

Important Topics of Understanding Media

All the exercises on Understanding Media with Class 7 Worksheet with answers cover the following topics:

  • Media and Technology

  • Media and Money

  • Media and Democracy

  • Setting Agendas

  • Importance and Role of Media

  • Censorship

  • Advertising

  • Social Advertising

Learn Class 7 Civics with Vedantu’s Well-Curated PDFs

Learning Civics is now easy breezy with Vedantu’s SST PDFs. Crafted and curated by adept, experienced, and reliable subject matter experts, Vedantu’s PDFs are a minehouse of knowledge. They contain Understanding Media Class 7 question answers, explanations, interesting facts, and much more. The PDFs are a one-stop destination for all students aiming to expand their horizons and score good marks in their examinations. 

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FAQs on CBSE Class 7 Civics Worksheet Chapter 6 Understanding Media - PDF

1. Define Censorship.

Censorship can be defined as the prevention of the circulation of a particular piece of media to the public by the government. The Indian government from 1975 to 1977 had censored the media during the Emergency.

2. Define Broadcast.

Transmission by radio or television is known as broadcast.

3. What is the function of the Censorship Board?

The main function of the Censorship Board in India is to analyse and verify the suitability of particular pieces of media like movies, documentaries, etc. for public viewing.

4. Who invented the early prototype of the television?

John Loogie Baird.

5. What is Bundeli?

It is a an eight-page local newspaper that reports on Dalit issues, violence against women, and political corruption.