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English Grammar Class 7 Noun Numbers - PDF


Download English Grammar Noun Numbers for Class 7 PDF

The English language has two noun numbers – singular and plural. A noun that denotes one person or thing is known as a singular number, and a noun that denotes more than one person or thing is known as plural numbers. Learning noun numbers is essential for students of Class 7 as it enables them to form sentences that are grammatically correct, and also aptly represent the scenario in hand. It is noteworthy to mention that the Class 7 English grammar 3 includes noun numbers. 

There are various rules of noun numbers, and with consistent practice, they can easily become a part of the child’s everyday vocabulary. Therefore, in addition to the NCERT textbook and exercises, it is imperative that parents and teachers opt for ancillary resources to provide further insights to the children.

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Importance of Noun Numbers for Class 7 Students

It is important for young minds to learn noun numbers, and understand its rules so that they can enhance their command over the English language. Knowing what noun to use for multiple objects and for single objects is crucial to polish the English grammar of students.

  • Learning noun numbers is important to improve the communication skills of young minds.

  • Changing the noun numbers from singular to plural has several rules, and their thorough understanding requires classroom learning.

  • Grammatical errors are considerably reduced when children learn the proper usage of noun numbers. 

Examples of Noun Numbers for Class 7 Students 

  • Article – Articles (plural noun created by using the suffix ‘s’)

  • Ash – Ashes (plural noun created by using the suffix ‘es)

  • Hero – Heroes (plural noun created by using the suffix ‘es’)

  • Foot – Feet (plural noun created by changing the inside vowels)

  • Leaf – Leaves (plural noun created by using the suffix ‘ves’)

  • Fish – Fish (plural noun is same as the singular noun)

For students to grasp the rules for changing a singular noun to plural noun, the Class 7 English grammar solutions ought to include simple examples that students find relatable. 

Interesting Facts About Number Nouns 

  • Nouns whose plural forms cannot be made by using the suffix ‘s’ and a different suffix is needed are known as irregular nouns. For example, ox – oxen

  • If a singular noun ends in a ‘y’ with a vowel preceding it, then the plural is always made by adding an ‘s.’ For instance, donkey – donkeys 

  • If a singular noun ends with an ‘o,’ the plural is made by adding an ‘es.’ Eg: Mango changes to mangoes.

  • The meaning of some nouns such as abuse, advice, scenery, goods, forces, etc., is different in their plural and singular form. For instance, goods and goods do not have the same meaning.

Incorporating interesting facts with the Class 7 English grammar noun numbers activities is a good way to make the learning process more fun and exciting for children.

Important Topics for Class 7 English Grammar Nouns 

Our exercises of Class 7 English grammar solutions will cover the following topics 

  • Understanding singular noun

  • Understanding plural noun

  • Rules of changing sentences from singular to plural noun

  • Countable and uncountable nouns

  • Nouns used in both the singular and plural

Why Should You Download Class 7 English Grammar Noun Numbers PDFs from Vedantu?

Your child’s learning should lever be limited to school textbooks and exercises. In today’s world, going out of the box and absorbing knowledge from additional sources is extremely important. It is in such a context that Vedantu’s English grammar PDFs come into the picture. The PDFs are free to download from a click of the mouse.

  • The topic on Class 7 English grammar noun numbers is equipped with interesting examples, activities, and exercises.

  • The curriculum of Vedantu’s PDFs is regularly updated.

  • Every rule related to noun number and the exceptions to them are also explained with sufficient examples keeping in mind the grade level.

Curated by adept and experienced subject matter experts, the PDFs of Vedantu include all the Class 7 English grammar Chapter 3 solutions. Make your child’s English grammar strong to build a better foundation for English by downloading Vedantu’s noun numbers PDF for free. Follow how the experts have solved the exercises and try to learn from them in order to master the chapter.

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FAQs on English Grammar Class 7 Noun Numbers - PDF

1. What is the plural noun of sheep?

The plural noun of sheep is also sheep. We can denote the plural of sheep by using a collective noun – that is herd. 

2. What is the plural noun of mouse?

The plural noun of mouse is created by changing its inside vowels. Thus, the plural of mouse is mice. 

3. What is an uncountable noun?

An uncountable noun is a noun that does not have a plural and cannot be typically used with ‘a’ or ‘an.’