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English Grammar Comprehension for Class 8


English Grammar Class 8 Comprehension - Download Free PDF with Solution

A second-age grader is frequently regarded as the start of their official schooling. Therefore, teaching English comprehension for Class 8 is needed when pupils start to learn how to comprehend what they read. There are various methods to improve comprehension. When applying different techniques, patience and ongoing guidance are required. Stories might be entertaining ways to improve comprehension. 

When working with kids, remember to provide guided practice and strategy modelling. Reduce your guidance as they develop their skills. The objective is to have kids employ the techniques on their own. Worksheets for reading comprehension concentrate on particular subjects, such as a texts "primary concept versus details," sequencing, and story aspects (characters, setting, plot). 

Importance of An Unseen Passage for Class 8

Reading comprehension skills are required for children to comprehend what they read and learn how to read. A youngster who struggles with reading comprehension will probably continue to struggle in subsequent grades. In the second grade, students start to enhance their reading comprehension skills. 

In the second grade, students should be taught how to decode words and determine if a text is persuasive. They must evaluate the book's arguments and analysis. The purpose of comprehension for Class 8 pdf worksheets is to assist pupils in improving their literacy and strategic thinking abilities. Their self-assurance and rate of learning all improve.

English Grammar for class 8 Comprehension Download Free PDF

In today’s lesson, we will discuss comprehension. Comprehension simply means comprehending. You'll probably need to look up a word's definition and usage in a practical manner via online dictionary if you don't understand it. Often in English grammar, comprehension includes an unseen passage that the students have to read and understand precisely to answer the questions following the passage.



How to Decode and understand Comprehension?

Understanding a subject means you have taken in information and assimilated it into your own understanding. Any mental grasp of a concept or subject qualifies as comprehension. 

  1. Give it one read of all the paragraphs in the passage.

  2. While coming across a word whose meaning you are not familiar with taking the help of a dictionary or other internet sources to find the meaning.

  3. Try and understand the objective of the comprehension.

  4. By the last stanza the moral if any, should be clear.

  5. Now with an understanding of all the above-mentioned points give it a final read which will help you answer the questions with ease.



There are some points for the introduction to comprehension and they are: 

  • The sum total of intentions—that is, the attributes, characteristics, marks, properties, or qualities that an object possesses—or, alternatively

  • The term "intention" is commonly used in less technical contexts to refer to both the composite and the essential ideas.

  • The phrase "comprehension approach" describes a method of learning a new language that places a greater emphasis than other methods on understanding the meaning of the language's words and expressions.


Types of Comprehension

Types of Comprehension

1. Literal Comprehension: When a reader or viewer acknowledges what they can see and hear, literal comprehension takes place on the surface level.

  • Literal comprehension is sometimes known as "right there" or "on the page" comprehension.

  • The story's precise meaning was that Billy constructed a tower out of blocks.

  • Questions with literal meanings will always have their answers in the text.

  • For instance: Who was constructing the tower? The solution is Billy.

2. Reorganization Comprehension: Students must use information from different areas of the book and combine it for deeper knowledge while reorganising because it depends on a literal understanding of the text.

3. Inference Comprehension: More than literal comprehension is required for drawing inferences.

  • Due to the fact that the answers to inference questions are based on information that is present in the text but not clearly expressed, students may initially struggle to provide accurate responses.

  • The capacity to analyze written information and comprehend the text's underlying meaning is known as inferential comprehension.

4. Prediction: The fourth sort of comprehension, prediction, asks students to forecast what will happen next or after a tale has ended by methodically applying both their comprehension of the passage and their own knowledge of the subject and related material.

  • Prediction questions after reading typically have no correct answers since students cannot go on to read to support their predictions.

5. Evaluation: The learner must provide a global or comprehensive judgment about some parts of the text for the fifth form of comprehension, evaluation.

  • In order to fully understand an evaluation, the reader must think critically about their own thoughts and beliefs in connection to the text's message.

  • Based on their prior knowledge, past experiences, cultural beliefs, and reading goals, students can evaluate content.


Unseen passage (Solved)

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Water that is clean and safe for consumption must be made available to the public by the corporation or municipality. Additionally, they need to ensure that the water supply is routinely maintained. Better quality control is needed to ensure that drinking water meets standards. Rainwater can be gathered (harvested) and stored in a tank. In dry seasons, it might satisfy our needs. On their part, citizens are expected to fulfil their obligations. Every citizen has a responsibility to prevent water pollution. When washing clothing or using the bathroom, they shouldn't squander water. They should refrain from using drinking water to water the garden or plants, or to wash their cars. It is a valuable resource that shouldn't be thrown away.


Read the questions below, then select the right answer from the list of possibilities.

  1. People rely on the- in large part for clean and safe water.

(a) Police Station

            (b)The municipality

            (c)  Forests

  1. Which of the following alternatives would best help us meet our water needs?

            (a) Hand pump.

            (b) Complaining

            (c) Harvesting Rainwater


  1. (b) The Municipality

  2. (c)Harvesting Rainwater 

Importance of Reading Comprehension

  • Reading comprehension is the ability to comprehend what has been read. If kids are unable to understand, they are merely repeating words with no meaning.

  • Reading comprehension skills must be developed over time, with effort, and with patience.

      Ways to Interpret a Comprehension


Main Idea

The central idea of a passage encompasses the entire passage, not just specific sections.

Supporting Idea

Each section is replete with evidence to back up the author's claims or other key points.


You are expected to infer meaning from information not provided in the piece directly. 


The beautiful thing about these questions is that a lot of information is provided to assist:

Organization and Logic

The passage's structure, relationship, sequence pattern, and/or summary will all be pointed out to you. You might also be asked to point out the passage's writing style, such as narrative, informational, persuasive, etc.

Tone, Style, and Figurative language

To respond to these questions, you'll need to comprehend the questions' mood, tone, point of view, and figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, pictures, irony, and personification).

Difficult Words with Meanings:




encircle, possess, or contain.


in a methodical or ordered way.


involves reaching a conclusion by using logic and evidence


is characterized by precision in expression or detail


fully or adequately stocked with anything.

Practice Questions

Read the sections below, then respond to the questions.

Italy's Florence was the birthplace of Florence Nightingale on May 12, 1820. Her passion for nursing was clear even as a young child. She would then spend time caring for her hurt dolls and animals. She eventually developed into a beautiful young girl, and she could have married a wonderful young guy and lived a happy life.

But she stayed alone and dedicated her life to caring for the sick and needy. when the Crimean War between Russia and England began. She traveled to the field with many other nurses. Soldiers who were ill or injured were cared for there. Florence Nightingale worked there nonstop, often tending to the sick and injured soldiers through the night while holding a candle. As a result, she gained widespread renown as "The Lady with the Lamp."


1. Where and when did Florence Nightingale get her start?

2. How did her early interest in nursing become apparent?

3. What made her choose not to get married?

4. What actions did she take when the Crimean War started?


1. May 12, 1820, saw the birth of Florence Nightingale in Florence, Italy.

2. She showed an early interest in becoming a nurse. She would then spend some time caring for her hurt dolls and animals.

3. She stays alone so she can care for the sick and impoverished.

4. When the Crimean War started, she and other nurses went to the battlefield to care for the sick and injured soldiers.

Example of An Unseen Passage for Class 8 with Answers

There are more than 4000 species of spiders known to date. Spiders have two body segments and eight legs. They typically consume insects. Spiders use the web they create at various locations to catch prey. The eggs of black ants make an excellent meal for house spiders. Jungle spiders are particular eaters of frogs and small birds.


1. How many different species of spiders have been identified to date?

2. What do jungle spiders eat?

3. Can a spider eat other insects?

4. What does a home spider eat?

5. Find a synonym of swallow from the given passage. 


1. More than 40,000 species of spiders have been identified.

2. Jungle spiders consume frogs and tiny birds.

3. Yes.

4. A home spider generally feeds on insects.

5. Consume is the synonym of swallow from the given passage.

What does the PDF Consist of, and How Does It Help?

Children cannot understand the meaning of what they read without comprehension. Children's comprehension of the text is improved by applying comprehension techniques, encouraging them to interact with the text and become active readers. 

Use Vedantu’s free, printable activities to practise and enhance your kids' writing, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Each worksheet consists of a brief fiction or nonfiction story, followed by a few questions and a vocabulary-building exercise for each section.


When reading, students must recognize the text's key theme and express it in their own words. The kids can easily sort through the material provided for the unseen passage for Class 8 by Vedantu to identify what is crucial and what is not. 

In the example comprehension in our worksheets, we summarise the text's most crucial details in easier terms while using the fewest number of words possible. We have also elaborated on the tactics the students should use to get to the narrative's conclusion.

In this chapter, we learned about understanding comprehension and the various kinds of understanding, such as literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding, as well as the distinctions between literal understanding, inferential understanding, and analytical understanding. The examples below demonstrate how to structure sentences for comprehension. Reading comprehension provides context for what is read. When words on a page convey more than just words, but also thoughts and ideas, reading comprehension happens. When reading is understood, it becomes more enjoyable, fun, and illuminating. The final section will cover practice questions and their associated solutions.

FAQs on English Grammar Comprehension for Class 8

1. What is Reading Comprehension?

The term comprehension describes the capacity to comprehend written language. Unlike the capacity to recognize words, it is different. Recognizing words without understanding what they mean does not achieve comprehension, which is the aim or objective of reading. Consider a scenario when a teacher assigns a text for a student to read. The youngster can read the entire chapter, but when asked to explain what was read, they cannot do so. What is read gains meaning when it is understood. Reading comprehension remains sustainable when words on a page are more than letters and sounds. Reading is joyful, entertaining, and educational when it is understood. 

2. What are some tips to improve reading comprehension skills?

The following simple yet useful advice will aid in the procedure of reading: 

  • Make reading enjoyable by reading aloud.

  • Ask yourself the important "WH" Questions.

3. What are the three crucial components of comprehension?

The ability to decode, read fluently, and correctly use language are essential for comprehension.