CBSE Class 8 English Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket Poem Worksheet - Download Free PDF with Solution
FAQs on CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket Poem - PDF
1. What is The Ant and The Cricket poem?
Aesop wrote a fable called "The Ant and the Cricket" in the form of poetry. This poem tells the tale of a miserly ant and a stupid, desperate cricket. During the summer and spring, the Cricket would sing.
2. Why does the poet refer to the ant as miser?
Because the Cricket approached the ant asking for food and shelter, the ant is referred to as "Miserly" in this poem. He did this out of concern that if he fed the Cricket, he wouldn't have much left over for himself.
3. What is the poem The Ant and the Cricket's piece of advice?
The poem "The ant and the cricket" lesson is that "if we enjoy today, then we will undoubtedly suffer tomorrow." In the poem, the Cricket sang day and night in the summer, but the ants did work day and night.
4. What did Cricket discover?
Cricket teaches us to constantly plan for the future so that we won't have to rely on others for support during hard times.
5. What was Cricket's problem?
The Cricket's issue was that he didn't save for his future and instead enjoyed his good times and made merry, which caused him to now be hungry.