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CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket Poem - PDF


CBSE Class 8 English Chapter 1 The Ant and the Cricket Poem Worksheet - Download Free PDF with Solution

For students in Class 8, we provide the resource you may be looking for: CBSE Solutions for Class 8 English The Ant and The Cricket poem worksheet. Our subject-matter experts have crafted the Class 8 CBSE Solutions to provide the students with trustworthy and precise solutions.

The poem "The Ant and the Cricket" depicts the intriguing story of an ant who works diligently every day to accumulate enough money for the winter. On the other side, there is a cricket who enjoys himself by singing and dancing throughout the summer. Due to his poor use of the time and resources at his disposal, he ends up going hungry throughout the winter season. 

Access Worksheet for English Class 8 Chapter 1 Poem - The Ant and the Cricket

1. Fill in the blanks using suitable words:

(borrow, save, silly, young, smart, futuristic, grain, shelter)

  1. One must______ for the future.

  2. The Cricket was______ and _______.

  3. The Ant was ______ and _______.

  4. The Cricket wants the Ant to help him with ______ and _______.

  5. The Cricket only wanted to _______.

2. Match the column:

Column I

Column II





















3. Multiple Choice Questions

(i) What is the opposite of a miser?



  1. Extravagant 

  2. Smart

  3. None

(ii) What is the meaning of famine?



  1. a condition of saving for the future.

  2. a condition of having no food and water 

(iii) Who is smarter?

  1. Ant

  2. Cricket 

  3. Both

(iv) What does the following image depict?

Two-legged crickets

Two-legged crickets

  1. Type of Cricket 

  2. Humans

  3. None

(iv) The opposite of borrowing is:

Give and Take of Money

Give and Take of Money

  1. Lend

  2. Trembling 

  3. Repay

4. Which weather does Cricket enjoy?

5. Which adjectives have been used to describe Cricket?

6. What did Cricket do during the summer and spring seasons?

7. What did the Ant do during the summer and spring seasons?

8. What did the Cricket complain about?

9. Why was Cricket's cupboard empty?

10. Why was Cricket worried?

11. Whose help did he want?

12.. What did he ask the Ant for?

13. What was the Ant's rule?

14. What advice did Ant give to Cricket?

15. Which adjective is used for the Ant in the poem?

16. What is a fable?

17. What did the Cricket do after the Ant's denial to help him?

18. What do we learn from this poem?

19. What promise did the Cricket make with the Ant?

20. What was the Cricket’s condition during the winters?

21. Why did the Cricket not save for winters?

22. Who is  described as the “Cricket with two legs?”

23. Why have people been compared with the four-legged Cricket?

24. Why should we save for the future?

25. What did the Ant ask Cricket when he went to ask for some grain? 

Answers to the Worksheet


  1. Save

  2. Silly and young

  3. Smart and futuristic

  4. Shelter and grain

  5. borrow


Column I

Column II






















(i) - (a) Extravagant

(ii) - (b) a condition of having no food and water

(iii) - (a)Ants

(iv) - (b) humans

(v) - (a) lend

4. Cricket enjoys the Summer and Spring seasons the most.

5. Silly, young, poor, and little are the adjectives used to describe Cricket.

6. The Cricket was busy singing and dancing the whole summer and spring season and kept enjoying the time.

7. The Ant collected food for the winters and arranged shelter for herself.

8. The Cricket complained about not having any food and shelter during the winter season.

9. Cricket's cupboard was empty as he didn't collect any food for the winter and kept enjoying the whole summer and spring seasons.

10. The Cricket was worried about his survival during the chilling winter season without any shelter and food.

11. He wanted the Ant's help.

12. He asked the Ant to lend him some grain and to provide him with some shelter during the winters. 

13. The Ant's rule was that they neither borrowed nor lent anything to anyone.

14. The Ant advised the Cricket to dance away the winters too.

15. The miser is the adjective used for the Ant in the poem.

16. A fable is a moral-giving fictional story having animals as the characters.

17. He turned out of the door after the Ant's denial to help him.

18. We learn that one should never wait for the future but one should always keep working hard and be prepared for unfavourable situations.

19. The Cricket promised the Ant that he would repay everything that the Ant would lend him.

20. The Cricket was not just starving without food but was also dripping wet and trembling in the cold.

21. The Cricket didn't save for winter as he was busy singing and dancing during the happy days of summer and spring and didn't prepare himself for the unfavourable situation.

22. Humans are described as the Crickets with two legs.

23. The comparison of humans has been made with the four-legged Cricket because even some humans have the tendency of enjoying the good times and not being futuristic and preparing for the rough days too.

24. We should save for the future so that we can survive unfavourable situations too in the future and don't have to depend on anyone for our survival.

25. The Ant asked him what he had been doing the whole summer and spring season and he didn't save anything for winter.

Benefits of Class 8 English The Ant and The Cricket Poem Worksheet

The Class 8 English The Ant And The Cricket poem worksheet is answered simply and engagingly. It also includes interactive worksheets with solutions and related 'Learning Concepts'. The worksheet addresses all the possible questions that the child may have.

The Class 8 English The Ant and The Cricket poem question and answer is a comprehensive resource for teachers of students in Class 8. Through the use of these English worksheets, educators can gain knowledge and understanding about the development of students as well as methods and techniques for teaching them effectively.

These English Worksheets have been developed by educators, linguists, and psychologists to facilitate the development of oral language skills and reading comprehension.

Examples of Class 8 The Ant and The Cricket Poem Questions and Answers 

Here are some common examples of Ant And The Cricket Class 8 PDF Questons and Answers.

1. “Oh, what will happen to me?”, the cricket asks. When and why does he say it?

Ans: When the cricket realised that winter had arrived yet his cupboard was empty, he uttered the phrase, "Oh! What will become of me?" On the snow-covered ground, he couldn't discover a single crumb, and the tree's flowers and leaves were invisible to him. He feared that he would soon perish from malnutrition because it was growing chilly, and he had nothing to eat to stay alive.

2. What do you think of ant's beliefs, as described in the poem from NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Unit 1?

Ans: The ant's concept teaches us that we should conserve money so we won't have to borrow or lend from others in the future. When the sun shines, we should work hard and utilise our time and resources wisely.

3. "Dance the cold away," the ant commands the cricket. Do you believe "dancing" fits in this context? Why, if so?

Ans: The cricket didn't make good use of his valuable time and the resources available during the summer to build up money for the cold season, which is what the ant meant when she encouraged him to "dance the winter away." The sun shone brightly while he was dancing and having a good time. As a result, when the ant uses the word "dance," she means that the cricket should strive to dance and sing in the winter just as he did in the summer and not trouble her by needing food and a place to stay. Consequently, the word "dancing" in this sense connotes a reckless and careless attitude.

What Does the PDF Consist of? 

The ant's philosophy can teach us that we should set aside enough money for the future so that we won't need to take out loans or borrow money from others during hard times. Subject experts at Vedantu have put forth a lot of effort and wisely utilise their resources and time. Here are important reasons why one should download The Ant And The Cricket Class 8 summary PDF from Vedantu:

  • The ant and the cricket poem extra questions answers help you save time and money at pricey coaching facilities and books.

  • These PDFs give you extra time for independent study.

  • You can study whenever it's convenient for you and use whatever method that works for you.

  • The course content is current and trustworthy because it is based on CBSE regulations.

  • You can check your understanding with the practising  MCQ on Class 8 The Ant and The Cricket Poem.

Thus, Vedantu's The Ant and The Cricket Poetry Class 8 PDFs are an excellent resource for students seeking to enhance their academic abilities. Don't hesitate to download them and prepare well for your exams. Students in nearly all courses can use the crisp, clear, and precise Vedantu course materials to study all the subjects listed on their syllabus. The course materials were created by knowledgeable instructors who thoroughly discussed each chapter and gave you a list of questions and their answers.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 8 English Worksheet Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket Poem - PDF

1. What is The Ant and The Cricket poem?

Aesop wrote a fable called "The Ant and the Cricket" in the form of poetry. This poem tells the tale of a miserly ant and a stupid, desperate cricket. During the summer and spring, the Cricket would sing.

2. Why does the poet refer to the ant as miser?

Because the Cricket approached the ant asking for food and shelter, the ant is referred to as "Miserly" in this poem. He did this out of concern that if he fed the Cricket, he wouldn't have much left over for himself.

3. What is the poem The Ant and the Cricket's piece of advice?

The poem "The ant and the cricket" lesson is that "if we enjoy today, then we will undoubtedly suffer tomorrow." In the poem, the Cricket sang day and night in the summer, but the ants did work day and night.

4. What did Cricket discover?

Cricket teaches us to constantly plan for the future so that we won't have to rely on others for support during hard times.

5. What was Cricket's problem?

The Cricket's issue was that he didn't save for his future and instead enjoyed his good times and made merry, which caused him to now be hungry.