CBSE Class 11 Hindi Aroh Important Questions Chapter 13 Poem Gazal - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 13 Poem Gazal
1. In the first sher, the word lamp appears once in the plural and the second in singular. What is its importance in terms of meaning and poetic beauty?
In the first part the word Chirac is placed in the plural in the lamp. The light here is a symbol of consolation. In an action, only the second butt is placed. Light means deep rest. There is an important reason for using these two words. In this Ghazal, the word light helps to show our imagination and the word light represents our reality. We see how a change in a single word can change in its meaning. For more information on this chapter, you can visit the Vedantu website or app.
2. Read the third sher of the Ghazal carefully. What kind of people is Dushyant referring to here?
In the third part of the ghazal, Dushyant refers to those who lack enthusiasm. Such a person does not adapt to any situation in life whether it is good or bad. He doesn't care about justice or injustice, he only cares about himself. That's why the officers and officials exploit the people. ‘Saye Mein Dhoop' is among the most significant parts of Chapter 13 of CBSE Class 11 Hindi Aroh, and students should study it if they want to obtain the best possible outcome on the exam. In Vedantu, the poetry is presented in detail using virtual assistance.
3. Clarify the meaning.
Your Nizam Hai Sil De Zubaan Shayar Ki,
This precaution is necessary for the deaf.
These lines were written to satirize the ruling class. People in power always suppress their poets or poems. He did this because he was afraid that the power of his authority might escape him, but it was not true at all. In a democracy, people have the right to express their views freely. They make an effort to address any issue that might be relevant to the poem's background and context. To maximize your potential, download NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Gazal of Class 11 Hindi Aroh. For complete solutions and all-important questions, you can visit the Vedantu website and download the PDF free of cost.
4. The mood of this ghazal of Dushyant is in favor of the change. Consider this statement.
Dushyant wants to bring social and political change with this symbol. Dushyant is worried about the injustice of the country and wants to bring change to society. Furious at the corruption prevailing in the country, Dushyant wants to raise his voice against this injustice and encourage the common people through this poem. The poet wants to arouse anger among the common people. The PDF solution for Chapter 13 of Class 11 Hindi Aroh is provided free of cost and can be obtained by just visiting the Vedantu website. It may be accessible both online and offline, and it is completely free.
5. We know the reality of paradise but
Ghalib this is a good idea to keep the heart happy
Read the fourth Shayari of Dushyant's Ghazal and tell how it relates to Ghalib's suitable sher.
The part 4 of Dushyant’s Ghaza is:- God is not corporeal. Human dreams come true. Eyesight is beautiful. This lion was infected with the caliph lion. Both mean the same thing. Caliph Jannat and Dushyant considered God as the human imagination. Both believe that their very existence is the reason for their satisfaction.
They make it easy for pupils to recognize the poet's point of view by clarifying the poem's underlying meaning and context. Learning this from Vedantu's NCERT solutions provides students an advantage because they will have more information and will be able to answer all of the questions in the exam.