CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with The Sun Chapter 4 The Old Clock Shop Important Questions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with The Sun Chapter 4 - The Old Clock Shop
1. What message did the old clock impart?
When Ray, the owner of the old clock shop sensed the intentions of the customers and realized that they were in need of money, he kept himself unruffled. He gave a pretty big sum of money to the customer in exchange for the old watch. This made the customer pleased and to make this moment even more worth it, the old clock started chiming a tune as if it was complementing the message of peace and goodwill shown by the old man.
2. Why were the lights still on in the old clock shop?
It was the time of Christmas and the clock had struck twelve. All the shops around the streets were almost closed except one. In the whole dark street, this shop was shining brightly. This shop was an old clock shop owned by a deaf and dumb owner named, Ray. He was working on a clock that he had sold. This is why the Old clock shop was open till midnight. To know more about the story, visit Vedantu website and app.
3. What do you know about the old clock shop?
'Old Clock Shop' is Chapter 4 in Class 6 English Supplementary. This lesson illustrates the power of honesty and trueness in any situation, regardless of the circumstances. The chapter revolves around an old clock shop owner, Ray, who is deaf and dumb. And how he tackles two robbers without making any fuss. Even robbers can be dealt with effectively if they are dealt with in this manner. He protected himself and showed the robbers the right way to go as well.
4. How did Ray know the customers were in need of money?
In spite of the fact that he could not hear or speak, Ray had a good sense of right and wrong. This new visitor to his shop at such a late hour was not a shopper or a customer. His eyes were cold and unfriendly. Besides that, Ray saw that the man was carrying a gun. He understood that the man is not here for shopping but might be planning to loot him for cash. That is how he knew that the man was in need of money.
5. How can I write impressive answers for Class 6 English Supplementary Chapter 4?
English is all about the magic of words. One doesn’t have to use huge vocabulary to make an answer look good. To express your views in a simple manner that is understandable enough is an art in itself. Your answer should revolve around the question that has been asked. Keep the word limits in mind and write the answers accordingly. Underline the important sentences to grab the attention of the examiner. You can improve your answer writing by practicing important questions of Class 6 English Chapter 4 from Vedantu. Students can download the PDF of important questions to study offline as well.