CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 8 A Game of Chance Important Questions - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 8 - A Game of Chance
1. What did Uncle warn the narrator in “A Game of Chance”?
“A Game of Chance” is a short story about a young boy named Rasheed. Rasheed and a bhaiya that worked for his family had gone to an Eid fair. They were accompanied by Rasheed’s uncle. The fair was a crowded place. Soon, Uncle’s friends found him. While going with his friends, Uncle told Rasheed not to buy anything and not to go far away because the boy could get lost in the crowd, or people might misuse his innocence.
2. What is the moral of the story “A Game of Chance”?
The moral of the story “A Game of Chance” is how people may take advantage of someone’s innocence and lack of awareness. Rasheed was played by the Lucky Shop shopkeeper and his friends. It tells us about how we might be tempted to play games such as lotteries or lucky charms. The story tells us that there is no good luck and bad luck. You do not have to wait for your good luck. You make your luck with your efforts and hard work.
3. How did Uncle explain “A Game of Chance”?
Rasheed lost all his money in the Lucky Shop. He blamed his bad luck for it. His uncle taught him how games like these work in reality. He explained to him how the shopkeeper and his friends made a fool out of him and lured him to spend all his money. He made him realize how the shopkeeper manipulated the young boy with his friends to make Rasheed believe that if others can win free articles, so can he.
4. What lesson did Rasheed learn from his experience at the fair?
Rasheed had a learning and awakening experience at the fair. He understood how futile games and shops like the Lucky Shop are. He realized how people misused his innocence for their benefit. He realized that there is no good or bad luck. There is no free lunch. He understood how innocent people like him can be lured in by people who are driven by their selfish pursuits. He understood how he too can make his luck good - with his hard work.
5. Why didn’t Uncle scold Rasheed?
When bhaiya told Uncle the entire story, he didn’t yell at or scold Rasheed. This was because Uncle understood how this was all new to him. He accepted Rasheed’s mistake and made him understand how it was not Rasheed’s fault. He knew that the shopkeeper exploited Rasheed’s innocence. He explained everything to Rasheed calmly so that he wouldn’t commit the same mistake in future. He also helped him understand that not everything is dependent on luck alone.