CBSE Class 6 Hindi Vasant Important Questions Chapter 12 - Sansar Pustak Hai - Free PDF Download
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1. Where can I download Important Questions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12?
To download important questions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12, follow these simple steps:
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All of these questions are available for download at absolutely no cost. You can also download them from the Vedantu mobile app.
2. Are Vedantu’s Important Questions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12 easy to comprehend?
Vedantu's important questions for Class 6 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12 can be easily understood by the students and used for exam preparation. These questions have been cautiously prepared by highly experienced teachers who have taught Hindi to CBSE students for years. Therefore these questions will help you prepare efficiently for the CBSE exams. Moreover, the answers to these questions are well suited to the learning level of Class 6 students.
3. Who wrote the Chapter 12 of Class 6 Hindi Vasant and why?
This mesmerizing chapter was a letter written by our first honourable Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to his daughter Indira Gandhi. Through this letter, a father tries to introduce his daughter to a fascinating world that has a billion stories to tell. It calls upon the reader of the letter to reflect and wonder about the mysteries of nature that surround us. It beautifully describes how every single thing of nature around us has a story to tell if we paid slight attention.
4. What does this letter attempt to teach us?
Although the letter was written to the writer's daughter, it teaches the readers valuable lessons. Just like little Indira, young students will be able to read this letter and build up curiosity within themselves. This letter calls on students to work on their power of reflection and teaches them to look carefully at everything around them and ponder upon it. When human beings look at everything around them with an investigative eye, nature actually talks to them and tells them its story.
5. What can a little pebble teach us if we try to reflect upon it?
Mr Jawaharlal Nehru tells us to reflect upon everything in nature, even a small pebble. Even a small pebble has an amazing story to tell. When we look around us and see stones they have ragged edges. Then how come a pebble has a round shiny surface. Reflecting upon this tells us that maybe that pebble went through many paths and ended up in a river and the ocean. Being in the water for so long made its surface shiny.