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Class 6 Social Science Important Questions on Social and Political Life Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity


CBSE Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life Important Questions Chapter 1 - Understanding Diversity - Free PDF Download

The important questions with solutions for CBSE Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 1 - Understanding Diversity have been prepared by our expert Social Science teachers, who have made it certain that students don’t miss out on any important question that they need to prepare for their CLass 6 Social Science exam. This chapter is important in terms of socializing and finding uniqueness in the society we live in. Students will find these questions and solutions exceptionally useful during their exam preparation.

Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Our expert Social Science teachers have prepared the important questions with solutions for CBSE Class 6 Social Science - Social and Political Life Chapter 1 - Understanding Diversity, ensuring that students do not miss any important question that they need to prepare for their CLass 6 Social Science exam. This chapter is crucial for socialising and defining one's identity in the culture we live in. These questions and answers will be extremely helpful to students as they prepare for exams. Maths Students who are looking for better solutions can download Class 6 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Important Topics Covered in the Chapter

Following is a list of important topics that have been covered in the chapter:

  • Introduction

  • Making Friends

  • Diversity in India

  • Unity in Diversity

Study Important Questions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1- Understanding Diversity

Very Short Answer Questions(1 Mark)

1. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Ibn Battuta came to India in _____.

Ans: 14th Century

  1. The popular dress for women in Manipur is ____.

Ans: Phanek

  1. Dzos is also called _____.

Ans: Yak-cows

  1. _____ is the speciality of Ladakh.

Ans: Pashmina wool

2. State true and false.

  1. Cheena-vala is the common word for fishing net.

Ans: True

  1. Cheenachatti is the common word for frying pan.

Ans: True

  1. Kerala is famous for its spices.

Ans: True

  1. Pashmina silk is manufactured and sold by Uttarakhand people.

Ans: False

3. Match the following-

i. Goucha

Women’s headgear

ii. Perak

Common Ladakhi dress

iii. Johar


iv. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Greeting message by Adivasis


i. Goucha

Common Ladakhi dress

ii. Perak

Women’s headgear

iii. Johar

Greeting message by Adivasis

iv. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre


4. Choose the correct option:

1. “The discovery of India” was written by

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Abdul Kalam Azaad

  3. Chandrashekhar Azaad

  4. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Ans: (4) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

2. The name of the Tibetan national epic is

  1. Kesar Saga

  2. Mahabharata

  3. Ramayan

  4. None of these

Ans: (1) Kesar Saga

5. Define the following:

  1. Johar

Ans: It is a greeting message spoken by the Adivasis of Jharkhand for their loved ones.

  1. Communal Riots

Ans: When two or more communities fight on their religious differences; the term is given to this fight is known as “Communal Riot”.

Short Answer Questions (2 Marks)

6. Who was the Islamic traveller of the 14th century in India?

Ans: Ibn Battuta was an Islamic traveller of the 14th century who came to India.

7. Where is Ladakh situated?

Ans: Ladakh is a Union Territory of India. It is situated in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir.

8. What are the names of two great mountains surrounding Ladakh?

Ans: The two great mountains that surround Ladakh are the Karakoram and the great Himalayas.


9. What similarities do you find in Kerala and Ladakh?

Ans: Kerala and Ladakh both the states are residing at two different points in India one is at extreme North and one is at the south. But both the states are influenced by traders.

10. Define the term “Natural hazards”?

Ans: Natural hazards are the terrifying forces of nature that shatter the economy and livelihood of the people affected by these natural hazards. For example- earthquakes, floods, droughts, etc.

Short Answer Question (3 Marks)

11. Define the meaning of diversity?

Ans: Diversity refers to the differences among people based on their language, religion, eating habits, etc. We learn about different types of culture because of diversity. Even today, we continue to follow various cultures. We continue to assimilate cuisines and new costume traditions from around the world.

We are all Indians, notwithstanding our differences.


12. Define inequality?

Ans: Inequality is a term used for the things of people who are divided or distributed unequally on the grounds of governmental benefits, resources and cultural differences. For example, the caste system of India gives a hike to inequality.

To eradicate this inequality our leaders have made a provision in the constitution of India which is known as “Quota’’.

13. Explain the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

Ans: The Jallianwala Bagh massacre was a ghastly and provocative attack by the Britishers on freedom fighters. The bruises gave in the massacre still feel the same. A British army officer whose name was General Dyer commanded his troops to shoot dead every freedom fighter present in Jallianwala. Dyer’s troops fired till the last bullet of their gun on every protester present in the Jallianwala. Jallianwala had a single entrance and exit. Nobody could escape from this disaster and loathsome firing. Many hundred people were killed in the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

14. Define Communal Riots.

Ans: When two or more communities fight on their religious differences; the term is given to this fight is “Communal Riot”. People of different communities due to their religious differences start to kill each other on the grounds of inequality. These riots are most often politically motivated to benefit political parties to gain votes. Misguided people and political goons attract other innocent people and the riot takes place.

15. Name two states with their traditional dress.

Ans: Tripura- Rignai is a long and broadcloth worn by the woman of Tripura which is draped around the waist and reaches to knees.

Manipur- Innaphi is a traditional shawl wrapped around the shoulders and head by the women of Manipur.

Long Answer Questions (5 Marks)

16. Tell about the festivals celebrated by different religions in your surroundings.

Ans: India is a highly diverse country; followers of almost all religions of the World live in India. A few of the festivals which are shared by different regional and religious groups or communities are:

Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti. 

The huge diversity makes our country rich in terms of cultural differences. These are the national festivals, and every Indian, regardless of geography or faith, participates in them.

Other festivals celebrated are:

Diwali: Celebrated by all our Hindu friends.

Durga Puja: Celebrated by all our Bengali friends.

Eid: Celebrated by all our Muslim friends.

Christmas: Celebrated by all our Christian friends.

Baisakhi: Celebrated by all our Punjabi friends.

17. What are the learnings you earn from the rich and diverse heritage of India?

Ans: India is a country with a rich cultural heritage. Diversities have given many advantages in our life. The learnings that we earn from the rich and diverse heritage of India are:

  • Mutual respect for one another.

  • With respect to the religious sentiments of others.

  • Tolerance for each other.

  • Different ways to communicate with each other.

  • Help each other in diverse situations.


18. How does the term “unity in diversity” describe India? What has Jawahar Lal Nehru quotes about the diversity in his book “The Discovery of India”?

Ans: Yes, I agree that the phrase "unity in diversity" is a good way to characterise India. India is a vast geographical location with a diverse culture that promotes diversity. Different people from different religious and cultural backgrounds live happily in a vast society. Diversity adds variety to the way we live. Pt. Nehru in his book “The Discovery of India” has aptly written that it was something quite deep-rooted among the people and different customs were practised with tolerance. Every variety of custom was acknowledged and even encouraged by the people. Pt. Nehru meant that every person irrespective of religion should respect each other’s feelings, customs and rituals etc. Despite their differences, all Indians are united in their celebration of national festivals and days, and in their singing of the national anthem. This shows that we all are united.

19. What was the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre? Describe.

Ans: The poem reads:

Don't forget the days of blood, O friend

In the midst of your happiness remember to shed a tear for us 

The hunter has torn away every single flower

Do plant a flower in the desert garden dear friend 

Having fallen to bullets we slept in Jallianwala Bagh 

Do light a lamp on this lonely grave O friend

The blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today 

Do soak your robe in this river of blood dear friend 

Some rot in jails while others lie in their graves

Do shed a few tears for them O friend.

The line, “The blood of Hindus and Muslims flow together today” reflects India’s unity. This line in the poem sung after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre reflects India’s essential unity.

Both Hindus and Muslims struggled together to fight against the British for the freedom of the country. This shows that the strength of unity made it very difficult for the British to continue their rule in India and Indians gained their Independence. Also, the same National Flag was unfurled as an example of protest against the British throughout the country.

20. Choose any two regions of India and differentiate their diversity and also explain how the people in these two diverse states are still connected?

Ans: Rajasthan is one of the western states of India. It has an extremely dry desert on its boundary and the international border with Pakistan runs through the desert. It has a very low density of vegetation and the rainfall is scanty.

Odisha, on the other hand, is located in the near eastern part of India. It receives occasional rainfall from cyclones and monsoons. The entire region has mountains as well as plains. It also has a lot of beautiful beaches in India with migratory birds.

However, the people in both Rajasthan and Odisha have inhabited the region for millennia. The people of the two regions have been connected politically since the time of Ashoka. The people of both Odisha and Rajasthan have held their culture enacted even after invasions. They celebrate their festivals around the year and are known by them. For example, Pushkar Fair and Desert Festival in Rajasthan and Rath Yatra in Odisha. Moreover, both states have a diverse cuisine which is peculiar but contains both Wheat and Rice. Also, the parent language of the people from both states is Sanskrit.

Benefits of Studying our Class 6 Social Science Important Questions on Social and Political Life Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

The following reasons are why you should study our important questions before your Class 6 Social Science exams.

  • The questions and answers are at par with the CBSE Board guidelines.

  • These questions will definitely help students score well in their Class 6 Social Science exams. The questions are prepared to make sure that no student fails to practice any important questions that may come from this chapter in the exam. 

  • Our expert teachers have made it a point that these questions are absolutely aligned with the syllabus of the Class 6 CBSE Social Science exam.

We all are different from one another, and these differences are what make us unique. You can find such diversities all across India and the world, and it is important that we learn about the factors that bring up these diversities. These factors have been discussed elaborately in this chapter and the important questions can be accessed from Vedantu’s website for better preparation of the same.


We are all distinct from one another, and it is our differences that distinguish us. Such diversity can be seen all throughout India and the world, and it is critical that we understand the reasons that contribute to these differences. These elements have been thoroughly explored in this chapter, and the key questions may be accessible from Vedantu's website for better preparation.

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FAQs on Class 6 Social Science Important Questions on Social and Political Life Chapter 1 Understanding Diversity

1. What is diversity according to Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science NCERT?

Diversity is a broad term that refers to the differences between individuals based on caste, colour, creed, and gender. It represents the fact that everyone is unique in terms of culture and lifestyle. It teaches students how to make friends with people of diverse backgrounds, regardless of caste, religion, or region. It also educates pupils to make friends with anyone regardless of their religion or caste.

2. What do you know about the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?

On April 13, thousands of men, women, and children came to Jallianwal Bagh to hold a peaceful protest and to celebrate Baisakhi. People from surrounding regions also came here. There was only one door to go out of the Bagh.  When General Dyer came to know the news he sent troops to close the only exit. The army officers opened fire on people and thousands of people were killed in the incident. The troops left the place leaving people injured and dead. 

3. India is a diverse country. Give reasons.

India is a diverse country due to many reasons. People from different parts of the world migrated to India due to different reasons such as in the search for a job, for doing business, etc. People of different cultures live in India. They speak different languages, eat different kinds of food, wear different types of clothes, have different types of festivals, etc. People belonging to different castes, religions, cultures, and traditions live here together and celebrate different festivals with each other. 

4. What are the important topics discussed in Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science?

In Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science Social And Political Life, students will learn the meaning of diversity. They will learn how diversity affects our lives. They will also study the reasons for which India is said to be a diverse country. They will understand the different meanings of diversity. Students will also understand how they can make friends from different religions, cultures, and traditions. Chapter 1 is an interesting chapter and students can also learn important questions to understand the concepts of the chapter. 

5. What are the benefits of studying from the important questions of Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science Social provided by Vedantu?

Important questions that are available online on Vedantu are selected from the previous years’ papers that can help students to understand the basic pattern of questions asked in the final exam of Class 6 Social Science. Students can easily download important questions of  Chapter 1 of Class 6 Social Science free of cost from Vedantu website and can save them on their computers. All basic concepts of the chapter are explained in simple and easy-to-understand language so that students can prepare for their exams properly. Important questions are also available on the Vedantu app.