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Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 - Golu Grows A Nose


CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 - Golu Grows A Nose Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Golu Grows a Nose is a delightful story from Class 7's English supplementary reader An Alien Hand. It follows Golu, a curious young elephant, on his adventurous journey to the Limpopo River to find answers to his endless questions. Through his encounter with a crocodile, Golu undergoes a remarkable transformation, highlighting the themes of curiosity, courage, and adaptation. Our CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand  Important Questions offers a detailed breakdown of the chapter. Download the FREE PDF now of expert insight, aligned with the CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus.

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Study Important Questions Class 7 English - An Alien Hand Chapter 3- Golu Grows a Nose

A. Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark

1. Word – Meaning from the given chapter.

A. Bulgy 

Ans: Swollen.

B. Wiggle 

Ans: Movement of a thing from up to down or side to side.

C. Haunches

Ans: Thighs

D. Scooped

Ans: Pick up and move

2. Which wild animal has a trunk? 

Ans: Elephants are wild animals that have a trunk. 

3. Who is Golu in the story? 

Ans: Golu is a baby elephant in the story.

4. Does Golu have a trunk? 

Ans: No, Golu doesn’t have a trunk, he has a swollen nose. 

5. How big was Golu’s nose? 

Ans: Golu’s nose was as small as a boot.

B. Short Answer Questions: 2 Marks

1. What did Golu ask the ostrich? 

Ans: Golu, a baby elephant, always had questions in his mind. He asked his aunt ostrich why she did not fly as other birds do.

2. What did Golu ask the giraffe? 

Ans: Golu, a baby elephant, always had questions in his mind. He asked his tall uncle giraffe why his skin was so full of spots.

3. What did Golu ask the hippopotamus? 

Ans: Golu, a baby elephant, always had questions in his mind. He asked his uncle hippopotamus the reason behind his red eyes. 

4. What did Golu ask the baboon? 

Ans: Golu had a very weird question for his uncle baboon. He asked him the reason behind melons tasting like melons. 

5. What do all the animals have to say about Golu’s questions? 

Ans: Golu always had questions in his mind and used to ask those to the other animals. The animals have the following things to say about Golu’s questions:

  • They thought of Golu as a naughty kid.

  • They considered his questions to be very difficult to answer. 

C. Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

1. Who does Golu meet one day? 

Ans: Golu met a bird named mynah one day. Golu saw her sitting amidst a bush. He questioned her about the dinner of the crocodile. The mynah bird asked her to go to the Limpopo River to get his answer.

2. Where did Golu go first after Mynah asked him to visit the Limpopo River? 

Ans: Golu first went back to his home and collected dozens of sugar canes, bananas, and melons. Then he waved goodbye to his family as he was going to start his journey to the great, grassy Limpopo river to meet the crocodile and find out what it eats for dinner.

3. Who did Golu find on his way to the Limpopo River? 

Ans: When he was going to the Limpopo River, Golu found a python that was coiled on a tree. Golu asked him whether he had ever seen a crocodile. He did not stop here and continued with his questions like what the crocodile looks like and what eats at dinner. 

4. How did python react to Golu’s questions? 

Ans: When Golu asked the python his questions about the crocodile, the python reacted in the following manner:

  • Firstly, he uncoiled himself from the tree.

  • After that, he maintained silence and spoke nothing. 

So, Golu simply helped the python in re-coiling around the branch and waved him goodbye.


5. How did Golu reach the Limpopo River? 

Ans: The Limpopo river was quite far from Golu’s home. So, he reached there by walking a long way and eating the following things:

  • Sugar canes

  • Bananas 

  • Melons.

This way Golu somehow reached the edge of the great, grassy Limpopo River and on its banks saw a log of wood which was actually a crocodile. 

D. Long Answer Questions: 5 Marks

1. Who winked at Golu? What does Golu ask him? What does the other person reply?

Ans: After Golu reached the banks of the Limpopo river, he saw that a crocodile winked at him.

However, Golu wasn’t aware of the fact that he was a crocodile and so asked if he had ever seen one.

To Golu’s absurd question, the crocodile replied the following:

  • Firstly, the crocodile winked once more. 

  • Then lifting a portion of his tail out of the mud, he asked Golu to go nearer to him. 

  • He also asked Golu why he was asking such questions. 

2. How did the crocodile convince Golu that he is the crocodile? 

Ans: When Golu questioned the crocodile if had seen the creature named crocodile, he asked Golu to come closer and informed him that he was the crocodile. To convince Golu, he did the following things:

  • He shed some tears that are named “crocodile tears” 

  • He tried to display his false emotions. 

Golu was scared of him but still sat on the bank and told the crocodile that he was just the person Golu was looking for as he wished to know about his dinner.

3. How did the crocodile trap Golu? 

Ans: When the crocodile got to know that Golu was curious about knowing his dinner plans, he planned to trap Golu. He trapped Golu in the following manner:

  • Firstly, he asked Golu to go closer to him.

  • The crocodile then said that he would like to whisper the answer in Golu’s ears. But in his cunning mind, he planned to get hold of Golu once he would come near and then enjoy the baby elephant as his dinner. 

  • Innocent Golu didn’t understand this and put his head down close to the crocodile’s snout. At that very moment, the crocodile got the chance and trapped him by the nose. And he told Golu that on that particular day, a baby elephant (Golu) would be his dinner.

4. Who followed Golu and how did he save him from the Crocodile? 

Ans: The python who Golu met on his way to the Limpopo River had followed Golu. 

When the python saw that the crocodile was dragging Golu into the river, he saved Golu in the following manner:

  • Firstly, the python encouraged Golu by telling him to pull harder or else the crocodile would drag him into the stream. Golu listened to him and tried his best. 

  • When the python saw Golu losing his strength and still was not able to free himself from the crocodile, he coiled himself around Golu’s stomach to increase his strength and pull harder.

Finally, it was with his help that Golu got rid of the crocodile’s sudden attack and got saved.

5. What happened to Golu’s nose when he was being dragged by the crocodile into the river? How does it help Golu later? 

Ans: When Golu was struggling to save himself from the crocodile that had caught him from his nose, he realized that his nose was stretching and getting bigger and bigger. His nose grew into a five feet long trunk until Golu was free from the crocodile. Golu kept his nose in water for days to cool it down and make it return to its original size. But it didn’t shrink.

Later, the nose which grew into a trunk helped him in the following manner:

  • The trunk helped Golu kill the fly that disturbed him.

  • It helped him pluck a large bundle of grass and eat it easily.

  • The trunk also let him scoop some mud from the bank of the Limpopo River and slap it on his head. 

Golu was happy with these. He thanked the python and went back to his family.

Points to Remember From Class 7 English Essay Chapter 3: Golu Grows A Nose

  • Golu, a young elephant, was very curious and loved asking questions. He asked unusual questions to different animals, like why crocodiles eat specific things or why giraffes have spots.

  • Golu's curiosity about what crocodiles eat led him to the Limpopo River, showing his adventurous nature and willingness to find answers on his own.

  • At the river, Golu met a crocodile who tricked him by pretending to answer his question but instead grabbed his nose and tried to pull him into the water.

  • A python, whom Golu had helped earlier, came to his rescue. It wrapped around Golu and helped him pull away from the crocodile's strong grip.

  • During the struggle, Golu’s nose got stretched into a long trunk. This change marked a transformation that helped him in many ways.

  • Golu soon realized that his trunk was very useful. He could use it to eat, drink, and protect himself, showing how challenges can lead to unexpected advantages.


The story of Golu Grows a Nose teaches us the value of curiosity, bravery, and adapting to change. Golu's journey shows how challenges can lead to unexpected benefits, like his trunk becoming a useful tool. Through his experiences, we learn that exploring the unknown can help us grow and discover our strengths in surprising ways.

Vedantu's provision of important questions for CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 - "Golu Grows A Nose" serves as a valuable educational aid for students. These questions delve into the heart of the story, helping students explore its themes, characters, and narrative style in depth. They encourage critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the text, fostering a holistic appreciation for literature. Vedantu's commitment to quality education is evident, as these important questions empower students to excel in their English studies, enhancing their literary analysis skills, vocabulary, and overall academic performance.

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FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 3 - Golu Grows A Nose

1. Who is Golu in Chapter 3 of Class 7th English Supplementary?

In Chapter 3 of Class 7 English Supplementary Reader, An Alien Hand, Golu was the name given to a young elephant. He lacked a trunk and just had a bulging nose the size of a small boot. Golu was a whirlwind of questions and asked a lot of questions to everyone around him. He asked his family, relatives and family. He was very inquisitive and wanted to know about everything.

2. What were the few questions that Golu asked in Chapter 3 of Class 7th English Supplementary?

Golu was always full of questions. “Why don't you ever fly like other birds?” he questioned his towering aunt, the ostrich. “What makes your skin so spotty?” he questioned his towering uncle, the giraffe. “Why are your eyes usually so red?” he inquired of his enormous uncle, the hippopotamus. “Why do melons taste like melons?” he inquired of his hairy uncle, the baboon. “What does the crocodile have for dinner?” Golu asked the mynah bird sitting in the centre of a thicket one day. For more such important questions, notes and solutions are present on Vedantu's official website ( and mobile app for free of cost.

3. Why did Golu go to the river?

“What does the crocodile have for dinner?” Golu asked the mynah bird sitting in the centre of a thicket one day. “Go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out,” the mynah said. Golu returned home. A hundred sugar canes, fifty dozen bananas, and twenty-five melons were among the items he grabbed. “Goodbye,” he said to his family. He said that he was heading to the Limpopo River, which is huge and green. He said that he will see what the crocodile is having for dinner.

4. Who advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river?

Golu came upon a mynah bird resting in the midst of a bush one day and asked her, "What does the crocodile eat for dinner?" The mynah bird advised him to investigate along the banks of the vast, green Limpopo River. He decided to take her advice and began planning his journey. He bought food and then left for the river the next day after bidding adieu to his family.

5. What question did Golu ask the python in Chapter 3 of Class 7th English ?

When Golu encountered a python on his way to the river to see what a crocodile ate for supper, he asked him, "Have you ever seen a crocodile? What does he appear to be like? Can you tell me what he's having for dinner?”. The python uncoiled himself from a tree limb but remained silent. Golu kindly assisted the python in coiling around the branch again and bid him farewell.

6. How did the crocodile trick Golu in the story?

The crocodile pretended to be friendly and offered to answer Golu's question about what he ate for dinner. However, he grabbed Golu's nose and tried to pull him into the river to eat him.

7. What role did the python play in saving Golu?

The python came to Golu’s rescue when the crocodile grabbed his nose. He wrapped himself around Golu and helped him pull away from the crocodile, preventing him from being dragged into the river.

8. How did Golu's nose change during the story?

During the struggle with the crocodile, Golu’s nose got stretched into a long trunk. This transformation happened because the crocodile pulled his nose with great force.

9. What did Golu learn after his nose turned into a trunk?

Golu realized that his trunk was very useful. He could pluck fruits, pick up objects, and even splash water on himself to stay cool. He learned how to adapt to this change in his body.

10. What is the moral of Golu Grows a Nose?

The story teaches us the value of curiosity, courage, and adaptability. It shows that challenges can lead to growth and new strengths, as seen in Golu's transformation into a more capable elephant.