CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Important Questions - Chemical Effects of Electric Current - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 11 - Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Q1. What are conductors and insulators?
Ans: Conductors are those substances that allow the electric current to pass through them. Insulators are those substances that do not allow the electric current to pass through them. Some examples of good conductors are copper, steel, iron etc. Some insulators are rubber, wood, plastic etc. This is an important chapter that contains lots of terminologies and should be learnt with proper understanding and focus. You can refer to Vedantu's NCERT Solution for the details of the chapter.
Q2. Mention the uses of electroplating?
Ans: The uses of electroplating are as follows:
Electroplating is used in the metal industry for metal coating of the thin layer of the required metal.
Jewellery makers electroplate gold and silver on inexpensive metal to give the original appearance.
Tin cans which are useful for storing food are electroplated with the layer of tin because tin protects iron from corrosion.
Iron objects are electroplated with the coating of zinc to avoid corrosion.
Q3. What Is electroplating and how is the electroplating of the copper on an object done?
Ans: Electroplating is the process of coating metal on other metals through electricity. While electroplating copper on an object firstly the object is made to be dipped in the acidified solution of copper sulphate which is connected to the negative terminal of a battery. Next, the copper strips are dipped in the solution which is connected to the positive terminal of a battery. When the electric current is passed we can notice the deposit of the copper from the copper strip.
Q4. Mention the chemical effects of electrical current?
Ans: When the electric current is passed through a conducting solution the chemical reaction is caused which is called the chemical effect of electric current.
Below are the chemical effects of electric current.
There would be the formation of the gas bubbles at the electrodes.
There would be a deposit of metal on the electrodes.
The colour of the solution gets changed.
To know more about Chapter 11 - Chemical Effects of Electric Current of Class 8 Science refer to the notes provided by Vedantu. They are available on the website of Vedantu and their App and that too free of cost.
Q5. How can you test the conductivity of the solids?
Ans: Testing the conductivity is done by a conduction tester device which helps to know if the substance is a good conductor or a poor conductor. A simple conductor tester consists of an electric cell and a torch bulb. In the procedure, one terminal of the cell is connected to the terminal of the bulb with the help of a wire. The other terminal of the cells and the bulb is brought together so the conductivity can be tested. Now, if we notice the glowing of the bulb then we can conclude that the material is a good conductor and if the bulb does not glow then it is a poor conductor. A detailed explanation of the chapter is available on Vedantu.