CBSE Class 8 Social Science Our Past 3 Important Questions Chapter 8 - The Making of the National Movement: 1870s-1947 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Our Past 3 Chapter 8 - The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947
1. What is the making of the national movement?
The government announced elections to the provincial legislatures in 1937. The Congress won seven out of 11 provinces and formed governments in the seven provinces. Quit India, the phase of the civil disobedience movement was started by Gandhiji. Vedantu provides a series of important question answers for the students to get well versed in this Chapter. To download important questions of this Chapter, follow below steps.
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2. Who were the moderates? How did they propose to struggle against British rule, according to Chapter 8 of Class 8 Social Science Our Pasts 3?
The leaders of the Congress were termed as the moderates for twenty years. They proposed a non-violence battle against British rule. They wanted to raise awareness among the people about the unjust rule of the Britishers. Students can practise the important questions provided by the Vedantu. These questions are created after a deep analysis of previous year's question papers by the subject experts at Vedantu. Students need not worry about missing out on any questions as Vedantu will help the students cover all the questions and score well in the exams.
3. What was the Indian national movement, according to Chapter 8 of Class 8 Social Science Our Pasts 3?
The Indian national movement perpetuated equality irrespective of class, colour, caste, creed, language, or gender. It wanted to speak for all the people in India. It stated that the government and the resources of the state were not for one community or caste. It is for all the people of India. Vedantu offers a PDF of important questions for the students to help them in their exam preparations. Students are advised to download the important question on the official website of Vedantu or use the Vedantu app on their phones to access the pdf free of cost.
4. What were the means of spreading awareness adopted by the moderates, according to Chapter 8 of Class 8 Social Science Our Pasts 3?
The moderates spread their goals and created awareness among the people with the help of the newspapers and published articles. Students can check important questions of this Chapter provided by Vedantu to understand the Chapter thoroughly. These questions are developed by expert faculty, allowing students to ace their exams. Download these important questions free of cost on the Vedantu website or the Vedantu app to prepare for the exams.
5. Where to download the important questions for Chapter 8 of Class 8 Social Science Our Pasts 3?
Students can download the important questions from the Vedantu. These questions are created after a deep analysis of the previous year's question papers. The experts at Vedantu ensure that the solutions align with the CBSE curriculum to enable the students to prepare well for their exams. Also, you do not have to fret about any of the questions being out of the syllabus. Prepared by a qualified group of experts, these solutions are your perfect study partner. You can also access it offline by downloading the solutions from Vedantu's website.