CBSE Class 8 Social Science Resources and Development Important Questions Chapter 4 - Agriculture - Free PDF Download
FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Resources and Development Chapter 4 - Agriculture
1. What is agriculture?
Agriculture is one of the three economic activities from which people earn their livelihood. It is a primary activity. It includes growing crops, fruits, vegetables and rearing animals. It is concerned with the utilization and production of natural resources. Soil and climate are two important factors that determine the crops that can be grown in a region. More than 50% of the world's population is engaged in the primary sector.
2. What are the different types of economic activities?
There are three different types of economic activities, namely primary activities, secondary activities and tertiary activities. Primary activities include the extraction and use of natural resources with little to no change in their natural form. Secondary activities are concerned with the manufacturing and processing of products obtained from the primary sector. Tertiary activities are those that provide support to the primary and secondary sectors.
3. Explain shifting cultivation?
Shifting cultivation, also known as slash and burn cultivation, is a form of subsistence farming. It is practiced in regions covered with dense forests. Trees in one patch of land are felled down and burned, and the ashes are mixed with the soil. Various crops such as maize, potatoes and cassava are then grown there. The process continues until the land loses its fertility, and then cultivators move to a new patch of land. These areas receive abundant rainfall that regenerates the vegetation.
4. What is Chapter 4 of the Class 8 Geography book about?
The title of the chapter is Agriculture. The chapter explains what agriculture means in a simple language. The chapter describes various types of farming, such as subsistence farming and its various types, commercial farming and mixed farming. It explains the meaning of plantation and also helps us to develop an understanding of the various conditions that are suitable for growing different types of crops.
5. What do you understand about agriculture development?
In a country where more than 50% of the population is engaged in the primary sector and is the second most populated country in the world, it is imperative to increase and stabilize the productivity of our agriculture sector. Agriculture development employs various new means and technologies to improve the productivity of crops per acre, improve irrigation facilities, and use fertilizers and HYV seeds. The objective of agriculture development is to increase and ensure food security.