Class 11 Books for Chemistry
FAQs on NCERT Books for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 - Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry - Free PDF Download
1. What are the benefits of NCERT books for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 - free PDF download?
Each solution of chapter 1- ‘some basic concepts of Chemistry’ of class 11th Chemistry is presented in a stepwise manner for a clear and easy understanding of the students. These solutions are specially curated by Vedantu’s Chemistry experts in an understandable language so that students can clearly grasp the concepts behind the questions and have a thorough understanding of the chapter. It’s also designed to enhance the concept-grasping skills of the students owing to its concise content and simple solutions. In order to get good grades in their term-wise exams, students are advised to understand all the topics and practice all the questions listed in the NCERT Books for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 PDF provided by Vedantu for a complete understanding of the topics in chapter 1.
2. Are NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1 challenging to understand?
Chemistry is both a conceptual and theoretical subject. It’s also one of the few subjects that students of 11th grade struggle to cope with. class 11th chemistry is full of complex formulas and advanced concepts that are difficult to grasp. Simply mugging up these concepts and formulas is not enough. It’s a clear fact that concept-building requires extensive practice and an understanding at the root level. This NCERT Book for class 11th Chemistry PDF by Vedantu provides just that. Designed strictly according to the CBSE curriculum, the topics are provided crisply and that will enable students to grasp the essence of the chapter and strengthen their foundation in the subject.
3. How many questions are in the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 1?
The 36 problems illustrated in this PDF cover all the essential concepts and have stepwise calculations of all the important parameters like molecular weight, atomic weight, molarity, molality, etc. The students are advised to solve all the questions provided and practice them on their own. This would surely make them capable of solving any question asked from the topic. For any further detail or information on the class 11 Chemistry, move to the website of Vedantu and select your option from the drop-down menu.
4. Give an overview of questions present in NCERT Solutions for Class 11th Chemistry- Chapter 1.
Chapter 1 of class 11th Chemistry- ‘Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry’ essentially consists of the fundamental understanding of basic chemistry parameters like molecular and atomic weights along with calculation of molar parameters like molarity, molality and normality. These terms will be encountered throughout the entire chemistry syllabus and it is important that students understand these. A comprehensive understanding of these terms, along with 36 specially curated problems on them, is designed to ensure that students completely understand these concepts and are easily able to calculate them. This chapter is very important from a fundamental point of view as the concepts in this chapter are the framework of later chapters. This PDF consists of numerical problems on the following concepts and their respective step-wise solutions.
Problems with calculating the molecular weight of the compounds.
Problems with the calculation of mass per cent students understand Problems on molecular and empirical formulae.
Calculation of molarity, molality and normality.
Miscellaneous problems on other attributes of mole concept like percentage compositions and expression of concentration in ppm (parts per million).