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What are Computer Languages?

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Computer Language - A Way to Talk to a Computer!

Humans need a language like Hindi, Telugu, English, or any other regional language or just a body gesture to tell things, express feelings and to communicate with others. Have you ever wondered how we talk to computers? Isn’t it mysterious and exciting?

Illustration of human-computer interaction with the help of a computer language

Human Computer

A computer cannot understand human languages directly. So, we need a language  to communicate with a computer. We developed several languages as a method of computer communications. Simply, the languages which are used to communicate with a computer are called computer languages. 

Definition of a Computer Language

A computer language is a group of instructions that are used to create computer programs. This is the brief of computer languages. The main goal is to achieve human-computer interaction. 

The kids interacting with computer

kids Interacting with Computer

Types of Computer Languages

Different types of Computer languages are given below.

The types of computer languages

Types of Computer Languages

  1. Low Level Language: A Low-level computer language includes only 1’s and 0’s. This language was used in first and second generation computers. A Low level language is very easily understood by a computer but hard to understand for Humans. 

Low level languages are designed to interact with computer hardware, which are categorized into two types: Machine level language and Assembly level language.

The detailed categorization of computer languages

Computer Languages

  1. Machine Language: As discussed above, Machine level language is a type of Low level language. Machine language is considered to be the oldest computer language. Machine language is developed by only using binary numbers i.e., 0 and 1. So, the instructions or the statements in this language use a sequence of 0’s and 1’s.

Example of a statement in Machine code: 101010001011

A machine language code

Machine Language Code

  1. Assembly Language: Assembly level language in computer programming has evolved with the advancements in the machine language. Assembly language uses symbols, which are popularly known as mnemonics in computer terminology to write the instructions. So, comparatively writing a program in Assembly language is more understandable to the Human than Machine Language.

Example of mnemonics in Assembly code: LOAD r2, a; CLR, MOV, MOVL, PUSH

The processing of Assembly Language

Processing of Assembly Language

The Assembly language code will be converted into a Machine language code with the help of an Assembler so that the computer can understand the binary converted Assembly Language. 

  1. High Level Language: High Level computer languages are the advanced development languages in the evolution of computer languages. These languages are designed to make the programming easier and less error-free.

High level language uses words and commands along with symbols and numbers.


The keywords used in High level languages are similar to English words and can be easily understood by Humans when compared to a Low level language. 

Types of programming languages in High level languages are:

  • C

  • C++

  • Java

  • Java Script

  • Python

  • C#

  • PHP

Example of high level programming languages list

High Level Programming Languages List

The above given computer languages list are a few examples but there are many other computer languages. Each of these languages have their own syntax (structured statements) and keywords.

Example of a statement in High level language: Printf (“Hi”);

Difference Between High-Level and Low-Level Computer languages

S. No

Low Level Computer Language

High Level Computer Language


Low level languages are hard to understand by humans as they use binary numbers and easy to understand by the computer.

High level languages are simple to understand by humans as they use English statements.


Low level languages are programmer-friendly

High level languages are human friendly.


Program execution  time (computational speed) is less.

Program execution time is longer.


These are complex to maintain.

These are simple to maintain.


Debugging process is hard.

It is easy to debug in High level languages.


The programs in low level language are not portable from one computer to another.

The programs in a high level language are portable, so we can use them on any computer.


Usage of low level language is less in today’s technologies.

We use high level language in today’s technologies.

The comparison of Low level and High level computer languages

Low Level and High Level computer Languages

Important Terms Used in Computer Languages

  • Statement: A statement is telling a computer on how to do a desired action using words or instructions. 

  • Syntax: Syntax is the structured arrangement of statements.

  • Algorithm: Algorithm is a set of instructions written to solve a problem. It's the logical thought process of a computer.

  • Binary numbers: Binary numbers are a way of expressing data. The numbers 1 and 0 are called binary numbers. Computers can only understand binary language. Computers can be able to process millions of 1’s and 0’s.

  • Coding: Do you know “what is computer code”? Coding is the process of creating computer instructions. Computer codes are also called Programs.

A simple C language code to print a statement is given below.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    printf("Vedant Supercoders - Coding Classes for Kids");   

// printf() displays the string inside quotation

   return 0;


  • Debug: Debugging is the process of finding and removing errors from a code.

  • Assemblar: An Assembler is a computer program designed in such a way that it converts mnemonics to 0’s and 1’s.


Learning about programming languages is extremely interesting as it gives a way for the technology-driven society we are living in today. Programming languages have come a long way from early machine codes to the human-readable code that now leads our favorite technologies. Computer programming will continue to evolve in the same way that it has for the past few years, keep learning the computer languages and it will be exciting to watch what the future holds. 

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FAQs on What are Computer Languages?

1. What is meant by a Computer Language?

A computer language is a method of communication that humans use to tell computers how to execute specific tasks. Using these languages, we write programs that do required tasks using a specific coding syntax.

2. How to teach Coding to Kids?

Kids can start learning coding in their early ages like starting with the basic computer parts from their kindergarten based on their own interest. Encourage your kids by showing them computer parts and simple computer programs which give interactive outputs and make them engaging. Parents can use several online resources developed to teach coding for their children.