What are Cost, Costing, and Cost Accounting? Concept Explanation on Vedantu
The three terms, Cost Accounting, Costing and Cost, all are associated integrally with studies of fundamentals of accounting. Knowing them by heart is essential to continue understanding accounting in depth. The following essay is prepared with the aim of clearing the concept of all the three terms here and other things related to them.
Cost Accounting
When a company or organization’s cost accounting is in discussion, their business practice is referred to that involves the complete list of spending done by the company and recording them too for the purpose of summarizing and examining afterwards. The spending might be for various reasons such as acquiring a product or service, completing a process and others.
This way the cost spent can be studied and controlled if the need arises. Strategic plans can be formulated on the basis of cost accounting and cost efficiency is thus improved. The company authority is also aware of the cost information with improved visibility. Which areas need more cost approval and which section can do with lesser amounts sanctioned, can be identified from this.
The business practices, in which the company’s cost spent on any production process is recorded, examined, summarized, and studies are referred to as cost accounting. With the help of cost accounting, a company can control the cost and accordingly make strategic planning and decisions to improve cost efficiency. The management is able to analyze their cost information with the help of cost accounting and helps to create a future plan for the company.
Cost Accounting can be classified into various types which include marginal costing, activity-based costing, standard cost accounting, and lean accounting. With the use of them the costs of goods and services and the expenditure made, both can be calculated. All the expenditures made are formatted in an organised way so that cost control is done efficiently by the management. Cost of selling, production cost and distribution cost all are determined from cost accounting.
Characteristic Features of Cost Accounting
Some of the characteristics of cost accounting are listed below-
It is a branch of accounting involving the cost of goods and services.
Management is able to analyze the data which helps in decision-making and budgeting for the future. The data achieved is used in financial accounting.
It is the sub-field for accounting where the process for accounting of costs is studied. The costing data that are recorded in this helps the management in developing the budget. It is also used in future planning and decision making processes by the organisation.
Certain standard costs and budgets can be established with the help of cost accounting.
Whether a particular process adapted by the company is efficient or not can be determined from this data.
Costing data is provided that further helps in fixing the prices of products.
It helps to predict the amount of wastage of time and resources.
Types of Cost Accounting
There are mainly four types of Cost Accounting namely,
Standard Accounting
Lean Accounting
Marginal Accounting
Activity based Costing
Let us study the various types of cost accounting.
Standard Cost Accounting- The cost that could have incurred for the production of a particular product or service and the cost that actually have incurred are compared by the companies. This is known as standard accounting. In this type of cost, the manufacturers identify and analyze the differences between the actual costs in the production of these goods and the costs that were predicted by them in order to produce those goods.
Lean Accounting- Manufacturers collect the processes and principles to access numerical feedback so that they can implement lean inventory and manufacturing practices. This is known as lean accounting. This system is for the lean organization that provides the necessary financial and nonfinancial information which is relevant in order to execute the lean strategy and drive financial success.
Marginal Costing- In this type of costing, all the costs are divided separately into variable and fixed costs. The former is directly proportional to production levels. But in this case the cost per unit, though a variable, remains unchanged. The latter, fixed cost, is not associated with production levels. Here, though production quantities vary, the cost remains fixed. Or in simple terms, the fixed costs do not have any relation to the level of production while the variable costs change as there is a change in the production level.
Activity-Based Costing- As the name suggests, this method identifies activities in an organisation and allots cost of each of those activities as per the consumption. In this method overhead and indirect costs are also assigned. In this type of costing, all the costs of the various activities in an organization are identified, and then accordingly the costs are allocated to these activities. Then the costs that are accumulated in these activities are further assigned to the products on the basis of the activities that go into the production of these products and the number of resources that are consumed by these activities.
Objectives of Cost Accounting
Determining the price of goods and services
Controlling the cost of production, distribution and sales
Classifying the costs
Fixing the production standard
Advantages of Cost Accounting
Unprofitable activities can be identified
Fixing of prices
Efficiency can be measured and improved
Price determination
Reduction of prices
Stock control
Efficiency measurement and improvement
Identification of time and resource waste
Aids Future planning
Evaluation of the reasons for losses
The monetary value which a company spends in order to produce something is referred to as cost. In business, the amount of money is expressed in terms of cost which is spent on the production of a particular product. The expenditure as incurred during the production of a particular goods or service is also termed as cost. Thus, cost can be of various types such as factory cost, prime cost, sunk cost, indirect and direct cost etc.
Cost does not include profit mark-up. If the product is sold at the same price at which it cost, then the cost price and the selling price would break even. If something like this happens it means that there is neither a profit nor a loss.
From a buyer’s point of view, the cost of the product would be known as the price of the product. The price includes both the cost of production of the product and the mark-up cost which is added by the seller in order to produce a profit.
The technique and process in which the ascertaining of the cost is involved are referred to as the costing. It can be defined as a systematic process that is used to determine the unit cost of the output product or the service which is being rendered. It is a system that helps a company to determine its cost of production. Historical costing and standard costing are some methods followed in costing. Both the types of costs fixed and variable which are incurred in the whole production process are looked upon in this type of accounting.
While variable costs are assigned to the various activities according to the performance, it is termed as direct costing. Fixed costs, when assigned to activities irrespectively, it is termed as absorption costing.
Knowing costing, cost accounting and cost is of utmost importance in case of understanding accounting. When costing and accounting are applied together, it is termed as cost accountancy. This is the job of a cost accountant. The appropriate practice of this ensures the growth, development and profitability of a company or any business organisation.
FAQs on Cost, Costing, and Cost Accounting: Explained
1. What is meant by cost control in cost accounting?
The process which helps in taking actions in order to reduce the costs and the expenses to boost profitability and efficiency is referred to as cost control. The primary idea of cost control is to bring the actual figures as close to the budgeted figure or the target figures. If there is any deviation of the regulation of costs from the target it is involved in the cost control.
2. What are some of the functions of cost accounting?
Cost accounting has various functions some of which are listed below-
Its process of price-fixing is done with the help of the data provided by cost accounting.
It helps to calculate the profits of the products of each company with accuracy.
It helps in performing functions that enable cost control for labor, materials, and all the other miscellaneous expenses.
It helps to identify if there is any wastage of materials, time, expenses, tools, and so on and along with that it also suggests a way to minimize the wastage.
3. What are some of the differences between financial accounting and cost accounting?
The primary difference between financial accounting and cost accounting is that in case of the financial accounting the financial data of the organization is recorded while in the case of cost accounting the information and data relevant to the cost are summarized. Another key difference is that financial accounting is essential for all firms while cost accounting is done only by manufacturing firms.
4. What is meant by cost unit?
The device that is used for the purpose of the separation or the breakup of costs into smaller sub-divisions is referred to as the cost unit. The smaller sub-divisions of costs are important as they help to find out the cost of the product or the cost of the service or the cost of time for a particular job. In order to learn more about the cost unit, students can visit Vedantu.
5. Why is cost accounting important?
Cost accounting is important to not only the firm but also many different parties involved in a business such as the investors, government, employees, management, and even the consumers themselves. A costing system eases the concerns of the creditors and investors if they feel that the company has a sound financial system that helps them to make their decisions.