Eminent Management Thinkers – F.W. Taylor and Henry Fayol
Management is a process that brings together members of an organization. The management process gets the job done with the help of other people (the employees). The decision-making process and the management efficiency are being guided by the various principles of management. These management theories are composed by scholars and thinkers. Among such great thinkers, the eminent-most thinkers are - Fredrick Winslow Taylor, popularly known as F.W. Taylor, and Henry Fayol.
Students studying business studies will come across these two great management thinkers. They delivered management principles that act as a guiding star for today’s corporate managers. We will discuss their theories and differentiate between both theories.
Difference Between Fayol and Taylor's Theories of Management
Taylor and Fayol have constructed their own theories of Management. Their respective theories of management give a whole different perspective about management. Studying the two theories of management individually will give an understanding which will be beneficial for the managers. The speciality about these two theories is, you cannot brush aside one theory for another, which means both the theories are important, they do not supersede one another. Both the theories of management are logical enough in their respective perspectives.
We will understand and learn about the theories of management delivered by Fayol and Taylor separately under ‘What is Fayol and Taylor’s theory of management?’ and also study the differences between these two theories.
What is Fayol and Taylor’s Theory of Management?
Theory of Management by Henry Fayol
Henry Fayol is known as the ‘father of modern management theory’ this theory provided by Fayol gave a new perception to this concept of management. Fayol had introduced a general theory that is to be applied at all levels of management and in every department. The Fayol theory of management is practised by the managers which help them to organize and regulate the internal activities of an organization. Studying the theory one can understand, Henry Fayol has concentrated on accomplishing managerial efficiency.
Theory of Management by F.W. Taylor
F.W. Taylor expanded as Fredrick Winslow Taylor is known as the ‘father of scientific management. The name which he had earned as the ‘father of scientific management’ proves that his practical theories using a scientific method is magnificent and the theories are well-designed to implement the same in the management process. This scientific process involves experiments, observation, analysis, and inference which was applied to create the cause and effect of this relationship. Taylor invested much of his concentration on the supervisory level of management. While he analyzed the performance of managers and workers at an operational level.
Know the Differences Between Fayol and Taylor’s Theories of Management
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Henry Fayol was originally a French Mining Engineer, who developed the concept of general theory in his administration. He gave14 principles of management. While, on the other hand, F.W. Taylor originated as an American Mechanical Engineer, who basically advanced the concept of Scientific Management and had given 4 major Principles of Management.
Management is being viewed as a process where the responsible members of the organization get their work done through and with the employees. Principles of Management are the general guidelines that govern and base the decision making and the behaviour of a manager, which will affect the organization.
As discussed earlier, there were many management principles delivered by many management thinkers, but the principles given by Fayol and Taylor remained outstanding. Here, we will discuss those principles in brief.
Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Management are Listed below:
Division of Work: Work is being divided into small tasks or jobs; this will result in the specialization of a particular job.
Authority and Responsibility: Authority is the right to give the command. Responsibility is the sense of dutifulness of the employees which arises out of the act of authority.
Discipline: Discipline is necessary. Discipline means adhering to the organizational rules and the terms of employment. This is done to ensure compliance and respect for the seniors.
Unity of Command: An employee must receive orders from one boss only, in order to lessen the chaos.
Unity of Direction: All the organizational units should have the motive to work for the same objectives that are the betterment of the organization. This is done through coordinated efforts.
Subordination: This principle says you need to sacrifice your own or group interest and replace it with the general interest of the organization.
Remuneration: Fair and satisfactory payment should be done by both the employer and the employee.
Centralization: There must be total utilization of the organization’s resources.
Scalar Chain: Scalar chain means the superior-subordinate relation, which exists in the organization.
Order: This is the flow of the organization. An organization must be a proper place for work activities. Things or resources required should be kept in order, this is done to lessen unnecessary fuss.
Equity: This principle is required in all organizations. There should be a sense of equity existing at all levels of the organization.
Stability of Tenure of Personnel: Efforts by the managers are to be made to reduce employee turnover.
Initiative: Initiative means thinking out and implement the plan.
Esprit de Corps: This principle focuses on the need for teamwork in the organization.
Scientific Management Given by Taylor Is Also as Important. We Will Present the Same in the Following:
Science, not the Rule of Thumb: F.W> Taylor believes in order to improve the performance level, the rule of thumb is being replaced by the logic of science.
Harmony, not Discord: There should exist coordination of the activities of the employees and not discord or disharmony.
Cooperation, not Individualism: In an organizational environment, there should be accurate cooperation among the co-workers which will highlight their mutual interest.
Development of Every Person to His Greatest Efficiency: Motivation is the key factor in this principle. Motivation is required to be provided to the greatest efficiency to every other member of the organization.
Difference Chart – Theories of Henry Fayol Vs. F.W. Taylor
Now we will represent the difference table which will help us to understand the differences conceptually.
FAQs on Difference Between Fayol and Taylors Theories of Management
1. Define Management.
Ans: “Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which. individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.” - Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich. Management is best defined as the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling.
2. What gave Rise to these Principles by the Great Thinkers of Management?
Ans: The evolution of management as a whole contributed to its own growth of managerial principles. The thought process which started in the early days of men about how to suitably manage the organization also had its contribution. This originally began since the period, when men saw the need to live and exist in groups.
3. What did Henry Fayol Believe in?
Ans: Fayol believed in focusing on managerial practices. He formulated such theories which could minimize misunderstandings and thereby increase the efficiency in the organizations. He enlightened the managers on how to accomplish and fulfil their managerial duties.