What is Investment?
Investment is typically an asset that is created with the only intention of allowing the money to grow. The wealth which is created can be used for a variety of objectives like - meeting the shortages in income, saving up for retirement, or fulfilling other and certain specific obligations like repayment of loans, payment of tuition fees, or purchase of other assets, etc.
Studying Investment, we will come across – Gross Investment and Net Investment. In this regard, we will discuss these two. Our main focus will be on the difference between these two investments – Gross Investment and Net Investment.
Difference Between Gross Investment and Net Investment
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In this section, we will discuss the difference between Gross Investment and Net Investment.
The fundamental difference between the gross investment and net investment is the consideration of depreciation between them both. In the gross investment, the expenditure which is being calculated doesn’t consider the amount of depreciation. On the other hand, while estimating the net investment, there is a consideration of calculating the amount of depreciation while calculating the expenditure.
In order to know the difference between these two even clearer, we must first answer these questions – ‘What is Gross Investment?’ and ‘What is Net Investment?’
Gross Investment Meaning
What is Gross Investment?
Gross investment is the total expenditure on the purchase of the fixed assets and the inventory that is accumulated during a financial year. In simpler words, gross investment is the sum total of expenditure that is incurred on the fixed assets and inventory during a financial year. Hence, if you say to define Gross Investment -
Gross Investment is referred to the total expenditure which is expensed out for buying capital goods over a long time period, without accounting for the amount of depreciation. For a company, gross investment is the amount which the company has invested in particular assets or the business as a whole without considering the amount of depreciation for the same (for the assets).
The Formula For Gross Investment
The formula for Gross Investment = Expenditure during the year on (Fixed assets + Inventory stock)
Which Inventory is Included, Which is Not?
Here, in the inventory stock, the unsold inventory stock is also included. This is done because the unsold stock of goods that lies with the producers is being treated as their purchases of the stock during the entire financial year.
What Actually Does to the Stock of Capital?
This is the expenditure of the fixed assets, the purchases of the new assets, as well as the replacement of the expenditure for the existing ones, which are included. As we also know, the fixed assets are used for another several years. And, they have some life potentiality for their use. Which becomes obsolete or worn out after a passage of a specific time period. Consequent to the same, these require some replacement as well. Hence, the replacement of these fixed assets, owing to their depreciation is a part of being the gross investment. But it never increases the total existing stock of capital. Thus, we see, the calculation only maintains the existing stock of capital.
After we have discussed and answered ‘What is Gross Investment?’, we will discuss Net Investment.
Meaning of Net Investment
The concept called - Net investment refers to the purchases of any new assets during a financial year. Net investment indicates the increase in the stock of capital which is done during a financial year.
The net investment is the actual addition that is made to the capital stock in a given time period. The Net Investment when taken into account is the depreciation which is calculated by subtracting the depreciation from the gross investment.
Calculation or Formula of Net Investment
If we are able to deduct the depreciation or the expenditure on the replacement of the fixed assets from the gross investment, we will get the net investment. Thus, it can be calculated as,
Net investment = Gross investment – Depreciation (expenditure on replacement of worn-out fixed assets)
Maintenance of the Existing Capital Stock
The net investment leads to the total stock of capital. Depreciation as a part of the gross investment replaces worn-out assets. Therefore, it helps in maintaining the existing capital stock.
After knowing the meaning of Gross Investment and Net Investment. We will know the difference between the two. For this, we will chart out the differences for better understanding.
Gross Investment Vs Net Investment
Are Investment and Savings the same?
The main question to be addressed is ‘What is Investment? Why does it become crucial when asked about savings on the same page?
Savings simply means putting other things aside which is a part of your earnings over time. The saved amount of money is subjected to no risk and, thus, it does not help you earn any profits or any returns. However, the value appreciation will remain stagnant, this happens as there is no addition over and above what you add in each month.
On the other hand, the Investment is based on the concept of earning the returns or profit on the money which you first put in a fund or you have spent on the asset which you have purchased. Remember that, there is the involvement of risk which makes the investment more profitable.
When we understand ‘what is an investment,’ remember that there is an exact and direct relation between the returns and risk, meaning that more significant is the risk involved, higher are the chances of earning a greater amount of returns. This is the reason you must check the risk profile of what you are investing.
FAQs on Difference Between Gross Investment and Net Investment
1. When Should We Invest?
Ans. People hesitate to consider the investment meaning for their wealth creation because of the involvement of risk factors. However, there are many investments that are also risk-free, and some of these carry only a little to moderate risk amount.
While you are young, first understand clearly ‘what is an investment,’ and its role in boosting your health, and then start to invest. In your youth, you have few responsibilities and, thus, you can experiment with different types of investment and leverage those, which suit your own requirement at its best.
2. Is Net Investment Better than Gross Investment?
Ans. Yes, net investment is better than gross investment. Net investment way better indicator than gross investment. It indicates how much an enterprise is investing in their business as it takes the depreciation factor into account. Investing an equal amount to the total depreciation in a year is the minimum required to keep the asset base from the shrinking process.
3. What is the Risk Associated With Investing?
Ans. Risk is nothing but uncertainty with respect to the investments made. The risk of investment has the potentiality to negatively affect financial welfare. For example, the value of your investment might rise or fall because of the market conditions.