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National Income vs. Private Income: Key Differences

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What Do You Mean by Income?

Income is basically the money that is earned. The Income is used to fund the day-to-day expenditures.

Investments, Salaries, Pensions, and other Social Security are the primary sources of income for the retirees. For the individuals, the income is most often received in the form of wages or by salary. The Business income can refer to a company's remaining revenues that are paid after paying all the expenses and the taxes. In this case, the income is referred to as the "earnings.” Again, this income is subject to taxation.

Difference Between National Income and Private Income

The difference table is as follows:

Basis of Distinction

National Income

Private Income


National income is the total income which is generated by the economic activities that take place in an economy in a financial year.

Private income is the income that is generated by private individual or a household from engaging in any occupational activities or any type of income that has not received as salary or the commission

Sectors Involved

This includes the income which is generated from both the public and the private sectors

It includes income that is generated from the private sector precisely.


This consist of only factor income

Consists the transfers as well with the factor earning.


National Income = Rent + Compensation + Interest + Profit + Mixed income

Private Income = Income from domestic product accruing to private sector + Net factor income from abroad + All types of transfer incomes

What is National Income?

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National income is the value of goods and services that are produced by a country in a financial year. This is the outcome of the economic activities of any country which is during a period of one year and this is valued in terms of money. The National income, national dividend, national output, and national expenditure are all synonyms.


The National Income is the total amount of income that accrues to a country from its economic activities in a particular year’s time. This includes payments that are made to all the resources either in the form of wages, interest, rent, and profit.

The progress of a country is to be determined by the growth of the national income of the nation. There are two types of National Income Definition:

1. Traditional Definition

2. Modern Definition

Traditional Definition

According to Marshall “The labor and capital of a country acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds. The true net annual income or revenue of the country or national dividend.”

While the Modern National Income is:

  • GDP

  • GNP

Gross Domestic Product is the value of all goods which are being produced and the services that are served within a country during a year.

  Gross National Product, in order to calculate GNP, we need to collect and assess the data from all the productive activities, like the agricultural produce, wood, minerals, commodities.

What is Private Income?

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Private income is the factor of total incomes and the transfer incomes that are received from all the sources by the private sector that are the private enterprise and the households that are within or outside the country.

Private Income also includes the net factor income from abroad. The Private Sector consists of all the private enterprises and households, who are the factor owners.


Private income consists not only of the factor incomes which are earned within one's own territory and abroad but also consists of all the current transfers from the country’s government and the rest of the world. This is the sum of earned incomes and the transfer incomes that are received by the private sector.

So, this concept of private income is quite broader than that of personal income as private income consists of personal income + profit tax + the undistributed profit. This is required to be kept in mind that the net factor income from abroad is also allocated to the private sector and not to the government sector.

In the Formula

Private Income = Income from domestic product accruing to private sector + Net factor income from abroad + All types of transfer incomes

= National Income – Income from domestic product accruing to Government Sector + Transfer incomes

How to Make Notes on Private and National Income?

  • Go through Vedantu’s Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income

  • Read the page properly and then highlight all the key areas

  • Re-read the portions that are highlighted

  • Follow the sequential order as given on the page

  • Write brief and to the point sentences

  • Use drawings or flowcharts for a better retentive memory

  • Go through these before you sit for the test

Does Vedantu have Anything on Income in Commerce?

Vedantu has appropriate study material on Income. It contains Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income.

This page has all the relevant material that’s needed by the students of Commerce. Reading from here will clarify all doubts related to these concepts. The material has been provided on Vedantu completely free of cost so that the students do not hesitate before reading the page.  It needs to be revised well and also understood in the sense in which it was intended.  Income and its different types is a crucial chapter in Commerce that needs to be studied by all students as questions can come from any part of the chapter.

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FAQs on National Income vs. Private Income: Key Differences

1. What is private income?

Income that is generated by private households or enterprises is termed private income. It is usually generated by all the private sectors. More about this has been stressed upon in Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income. This page on Vedantu has explained the two kinds of income that are normally there. It is quite informative in terms of the matter and can be studied by all Commerce students blindly before an exam on the same. This material can be downloaded in PDF form and studied as well.

2. What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product is the value of all goods that are being produced as well as all services of a country. More about this has been described in Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income that is available on Vedantu. All the related definitions have been provided here which will make it easier for all students to understand the topics. GDP needs to be understood well so as to get the basics right. All Commerce students can even take notes from this page and then go over them.

3. How can students calculate Private income?

The formula and the explanation for calculating private income have been given on Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income on Vedantu’s online tutoring platform. This page has relevant material on National and Private income and is used by all students to know about the topics well. Understanding the fundamentals is key to understanding the sums related to those concepts. This needs to be gleaned by all students so that they do not mug up the topics but understand them in a rational way.

4. How can students differentiate between private and national income?

Students can check out  Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income on Vedantu’s e-learning portal and then find out the differences between each. All the distinctions have been made clear here so that all students of Commerce go through it and then understand the subtopics and topics.  National Income has to do with the income of the economy and private income has to do with the income accrued by a private entity. More descriptions have been provided on this page so that the students learn about the concepts.

5. Are GDP and GNP the same?

Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product are two separate concepts. The differences have been stressed upon in Know About The Difference Between National Income and Private Income. This page has useful inputs on the same and can be utilized by students to revise the topic well.  Knowing the differences will always come in handy so that students do not remain confused about the topic. This will see to it that they write only the correct answers during tests and do extremely well. Commerce is an interesting subject that makes a lot of sense. It is quite scoring as everything that the students learn about can be related to the thing that they are surrounded by.