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FAQs on Class 12 DK Goel Solutions: Financial Statements of Companies
1. Why is it important to study the chapter relating to Financial Statements?
It is extremely important to study this chapter because Financial Statements are the pillars on which Accountancy stands strong. It is very important to know every concept about Financial Statements to analyse the financial health of a business. Made at the end of each financial year i.e. 31st March, it reflects the profits made, losses incurred, total creditors, total debtors, the number of debts turned bad, total investments and total expenses. It helps the businessman plan his next financial year accordingly.
2. Who can derive benefit out of the Financial Statements of the Company?
All the parties or categories of people having an interest in a particular business can derive benefit from the Financial Statements published by the Company. Investors can decide whether they want to invest in that business or not, Shareholders can decide whether to retain, sale or purchase the shares of that Company, Clients or customers can decide whether or not to trade with the Company, and the Government can check whether the Company is in good financial health or is soon going to render losses to the common people who have invested heavily in the Company.
3. How are Financial Statements helpful for the Internal management of the Company?
A look at the annual financial statements will tell a lot about the Company, its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities that are still untapped and the divisions which are just demanding money without giving out any returns. This can be used as a tool to do the S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis of a business. The management can use this information to plan the future course of action, with regards to profit maximization, loss minimization, product diversification, distribution of dividends, issuance of shares, cost-cutting, investments and return on these investments etc.
4. How to study the theory with the help of Vedantu?
We can understand how difficult it can be to mug up theories and concepts especially for a practical subject like Accounts. That is why we believe that these concepts should be explained in detail so that they are imprinted on students’ minds for a long time. Our mentors have curated easy, fun and interesting videos explaining these concepts in detail. You can watch them as many times as you want and ask your doubts in the comments section of the video. If you wish to interact one on one with the mentor, you can also look up the schedule for that particular mentor’s masterclass and log into the session or you can also subscribe to our custom plans made just for you! Vedantu provides free access to chapter wise solutions to help students make the most of their time.
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