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Article Writing: Explore the Types, Objectives, Processes, Samples and Practise Problems

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Introduction of Article Writing

Table of Content
1. Introduction of Article Writing
2. Interesting Facts about Article Writing
3. Types of Articles
4. Objectives
5. How to Write an Article?
6. Article Writing Examples
    6.11. Informative Article
    6.22. Persuasive Article
    6.33. Narrative Article
    6.44. “How-To” Article
7. Test your Knowledge on the Topic of Article Writing
8. Takeaways from this Page

Article writing is an important part of the English curriculum for CBSE students. Writing skills of any type prepare a student for any kind of situation and help in scoring good marks in the exams. The article writing section is very scoring in an English exam. In this article, students will get the step-by-step guidelines for writing an appropriate article for his/her exams. But first, what is an article writing? An article is long-form content written on a particular topic to be published online or offline, ie, in newspapers. So to be able to write a proper article, it is important to know what is asked to be written about and how to articulate your thoughts into words to make appropriate content.

Interesting Facts about Article Writing

  • Articles can influence public opinion and even lead to societal change. Thought-provoking articles have historically played a role in movements like civil rights and environmental awareness.

  • Some of the most famous articles, like those from "The Federalist Papers" or early newspaper editorials, have stood the test of time, continuing to be studied and referenced centuries later.

  • Articles optimised for search engines can significantly boost a website's visibility, making them a critical tool for digital marketing and online presence.

  • There’s no one way to write an article. Writers can experiment with style, tone, and structure, allowing endless creativity in expressing ideas.

Types of Articles

Before jumping on to the rules of article writing, let's first be acquainted with the types of articles. Articles are not only used to inform the masses of some kind of news but also for analysis, debate and creative columns in magazines and newspapers. Research results publications also fall under the category of article writing. While some types of articles like research results on sciences require appropriate and formal format and language, articles are mostly written in informal words.


The article content needs to be under the heading or main information to be conveyed throughout. Therefore, every kind of article should have three objectives: to inform, remind and persuade. Therefore, articles should not only be able to inform but also have conviction and influence on readers.

Articles should also be able to provide advice on relevant topics that the readers will find useful. If an article is about a cooking recipe, it can mention a few tips when it comes to handling ingredients that are difficult to cook or it can mention what goes well with what. Next, come the format and steps for efficiently writing an article.

How to Write an Article?

The format of an article is what catches the attention of the readers. How an article is presented, what outstanding elements are added and what eye catching phrases are used are what make an article unique in its own sense.

An article can not only be an advertisement but also a science magazine column. So it is obvious that the contents and elements of the two will not be the same but the overall basic format follows more or less in a similar way. The format includes the following:

  • A title or headline

  • Introduction

  • Content in paragraphs and under subheadings

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography or references only in the case of scientific journals.

There are no hard and fast set of rules to write by but in writing an article, following some steps will make it easier to present it in a proper way.

  1. Topic selection is very crucial for article writing in case it is not already provided as the idea of the topic itself will open a valley of contents to write upon, out of which the discretion of the writer in including things to write about will attract the reader.

  2. Determining the target is very important for setting the format of an article as mentioned earlier, a scientific journal and a newspaper column debate will not have the same language or format of writing.

  3. Identifying the aim of the content provided will help write the article better.

  4. Gathering useful information on the topic and researching before proceeding to write will help the writer formulate proper thoughts and words to write according to the need of the article.

  5. Organizing everything written out in a neat and proper manner will help attract the attention of the audience. The article should also be informative.

  6. Using correct grammar and punctuation is very important for setting the mood. This may put the writer's vocabulary to the test but it is important to use appropriate yet catchy words wherever possible. It is also important to check for any errors before turning an article in for publishing.

Article Writing Examples

1. Informative Article

Title: "The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Mental Health"

Introduction: Regular exercise is often associated with physical health benefits, but its impact on mental well-being is equally significant. Engaging in physical activity can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, making it an essential component of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Improved Mood: Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood lifters, which help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Better Sleep: Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality, allowing for more restful nights and increased energy during the day.

  • Increased Self-Esteem: Achieving fitness goals can boost self-confidence and self-worth, contributing to a more positive self-image.

  • Cognitive Benefits: Exercise stimulates brain function, improving memory, focus, and overall cognitive abilities.

Conclusion: Incorporating regular exercise into your routine can significantly enhance mental health, offering a natural and effective way to manage stress and improve overall well-being.

2. Persuasive Article

Title: "Why Every Workplace Should Implement Flexible Working Hours"

Introduction: The traditional 9-to-5 workday is becoming outdated in today's fast-paced world. Flexible working hours can lead to increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and a better work-life balance.


  • Improves Productivity: Employees who have control over their schedules are more likely to work during their peak productivity hours, leading to better results.

  • Reduces Burnout: Flexible hours allow employees to manage their personal and professional lives more effectively, reducing the risk of burnout.

  • Attracts Talent: Offering flexible work options can make a company more attractive to top talent who value work-life balance.

  • Encourages Innovation: Employees with flexible schedules are often more creative and innovative, as they feel less restricted by rigid work hours.

Conclusion: Adopting flexible working hours is not just a trend; it's a necessity for modern businesses. It enhances productivity, employee well-being, and overall company success.

3. Narrative Article

Title: "A Day in the Life of a Remote Worker"

Introduction: As remote work becomes more common, many wonder what a typical day looks like for someone who works from home. Here's a glimpse into the daily routine of a remote worker balancing productivity and personal life.


  • Morning Routine: The day begins with a leisurely breakfast and some light exercise, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

  • Work Setup: After settling into a comfortable home office, the workday kicks off with a review of emails and setting priorities for the day.

  • Balancing Work and Breaks: Regular breaks are essential for maintaining focus, with activities like a short walk or a quick coffee break to recharge.

  • Afternoon Focus: The afternoon is dedicated to deep work, tackling complex tasks with minimal distractions.

  • Evening Wind Down: The workday wraps up with a review of accomplishments, followed by some time to relax and unwind.

Conclusion: Remote work offers the flexibility to create a balanced and productive day, blending professional responsibilities with personal well-being.

4. “How-To” Article

Title: "How to Create a Content Calendar for Your Blog"

Introduction: A content calendar is an important tool for bloggers, helping to plan and organise content in advance. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an effective content calendar that keeps your blog consistent and engaging.


  • Step 1: Identify Your Goals: Determine the purpose of your blog and what you want to achieve with your content.

  • Step 2: Choose a Platform: Decide whether you'll use a digital tool like Google Calendar or a physical planner to track your content schedule.

  • Step 3: Plan Content Themes: Outline monthly or weekly themes to ensure your content remains focused and relevant.

  • Step 4: Schedule Posts: Assign specific dates for each post, considering holidays, events, and audience behaviour.

  • Step 5: Review and Adjust: Regularly review your content calendar to make adjustments based on performance and feedback.

Conclusion: A well-organised content calendar is key to maintaining a successful blog, helping you stay consistent and relevant to your audience.

These samples offer a variety of approaches to article writing, each tailored to different purposes and audiences.

Test your Knowledge on the Topic of Article Writing

1. "The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Education"
Explore how AI is transforming the education sector, from personalised learning experiences to automated grading systems, and discuss the potential benefits and challenges.

2. "The Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Security"
Discuss the effects of climate change on agriculture and food production, and how these changes are influencing global food security. Highlight potential solutions and strategies to mitigate these impacts.

3. "The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace"
Examine the growing need for mental health awareness in professional environments, the impact of mental health on employee productivity, and the steps companies can take to support their employees' well-being.

Find out if you got them all right from the answers below.

Article 1: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept confined to science fiction; it has become a transformative force in various industries, including education. As educational institutions seek to enhance learning experiences and streamline administrative processes, AI is playing a crucial role in shaping the future of education. From personalised learning platforms to AI-driven assessment tools, the integration of AI in education is revolutionising how students learn and how educators teach.

Personalised Learning Experiences
One of the most significant impacts of AI in education is the ability to create personalised learning experiences. AI-driven platforms can analyse individual student data, such as learning pace, strengths, and weaknesses, to tailor educational content accordingly. For example, AI can recommend specific exercises to help students struggling with particular concepts or adjust the difficulty level of quizzes based on a student's performance. This personalised approach not only improves learning outcomes but also keeps students engaged and motivated.

AI in Administrative Tasks
Beyond the classroom, AI is also streamlining administrative tasks, allowing educators to focus more on teaching and less on paperwork. Automated grading systems, for instance, can quickly assess student assignments, provide feedback, and even identify patterns that may indicate areas where a student needs additional support. AI chatbots are being used to handle routine inquiries from students, freeing up time for administrators to address more complex issues. These AI-driven tools are making educational institutions more efficient and responsive to student needs.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations
While AI offers numerous benefits, its integration into education also presents challenges and ethical considerations. Privacy concerns arise when collecting and analysing student data, necessitating stringent data protection measures. Additionally, there is the risk of over-reliance on AI, which could lead to a reduction in human interaction and critical thinking. Educators must strike a balance between leveraging AI for its advantages while ensuring that it complements, rather than replaces, traditional teaching methods.

Artificial Intelligence is undeniably shaping the future of education, offering innovative solutions to personalise learning and improve administrative efficiency. However, as with any technological advancement, it is essential to approach AI with caution, considering the ethical implications and potential challenges. By doing so, educational institutions can harness the power of AI to create a more effective and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Article 2: The Impact of Climate Change on Global Food Security

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today, with far-reaching consequences for various sectors, including agriculture. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable, the global food supply is under threat. The impact of climate change on agriculture is not just an environmental issue; it is a critical factor in global food security. Understanding how climate change affects food production and exploring potential solutions is essential to ensuring a stable food supply for future generations.

Effects on Agriculture
Climate change has a direct impact on agricultural productivity, affecting crop yields, livestock health, and the availability of water for irrigation. Extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heat waves, can devastate crops and reduce harvests. For example, prolonged droughts can lead to soil degradation, making it difficult for plants to grow, while floods can wash away fertile topsoil and disrupt planting schedules. Additionally, rising temperatures can alter the growth patterns of crops and increase the prevalence of pests and diseases, further threatening food production.

Impact on Food Security
The decline in agricultural productivity due to climate change has serious implications for global food security. As crop yields decrease, food prices are likely to rise, making it more difficult for vulnerable populations to afford nutritious food. This can lead to increased rates of malnutrition, particularly in developing countries where people are heavily reliant on agriculture for their livelihoods. Furthermore, climate change can exacerbate existing inequalities, as smallholder farmers, who often lack the resources to adapt to changing conditions, are disproportionately affected.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
Addressing the impact of climate change on global food security requires a combination of mitigation and adaptation strategies. Mitigation efforts, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, are crucial to slowing the pace of climate change. At the same time, adaptation strategies, including the development of climate-resilient crops, improved irrigation techniques, and sustainable farming practices, are necessary to help farmers cope with the changing environment. International cooperation and investment in agricultural research and development are also essential to building a more resilient global food system.

Climate change poses a significant threat to global food security, with the potential to disrupt agricultural production and increase food prices. However, by implementing both mitigation and adaptation strategies, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient food system. Ensuring food security in the face of climate change is not just an environmental imperative but a moral one, as it is essential to protecting the health and well-being of populations worldwide.

Article 3: The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

In recent years, mental health has gained increased attention as a crucial component of overall well-being. However, despite growing awareness, mental health issues in the workplace often remain unaddressed. With employees spending a significant portion of their lives at work, employers must prioritise mental health and create supportive environments. Mental health awareness in the workplace is not only beneficial for employees but also contributes to the overall success of the organisation.

Impact of Mental Health on Productivity
Mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, can have a profound impact on an employee's productivity and job performance. Employees struggling with mental health challenges may experience difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or managing their workload. This can lead to decreased efficiency, higher rates of absenteeism, and increased turnover. On the other hand, a workplace that prioritises mental health can help employees manage stress and maintain their productivity, leading to better outcomes for both the individual and the organisation.

Creating a Supportive Environment
Employers have a responsibility to create a workplace culture that supports mental health. This can be achieved through various initiatives, such as offering mental health resources, providing access to counselling services, and promoting work-life balance. Open communication is also key; employees should feel comfortable discussing their mental health concerns without fear of stigma or discrimination. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, employers can help employees feel valued and supported, which in turn can boost morale and job satisfaction.

The Role of Training and Education
Training and education play a crucial role in raising mental health awareness in the workplace. Employers can offer training programs that educate employees and managers about the signs of mental health issues and how to respond appropriately. Additionally, promoting mental health literacy can help reduce stigma and encourage employees to seek help when needed. Regular workshops, seminars, and mental health days can also serve as valuable opportunities to reinforce the importance of mental well-being in the workplace.

Mental health awareness in the workplace is essential for creating a positive and productive work environment. By prioritising mental health, employers can support their employees' well-being, enhance job performance, and foster a culture of inclusivity and respect. As mental health continues to gain recognition as a vital aspect of overall wellness, workplaces must take proactive steps to address and support mental health needs. Investing in mental health is not only beneficial for employees but also for the long-term success of the organisation.

Takeaways from this Page

  • Article writing serves various purposes, including informing, persuading, entertaining, or educating the reader. Identifying the purpose helps in structuring the content effectively.

  • A compelling introduction is essential to grab the reader's attention and set the tone for the rest of the article. It should clearly outline what the article will cover and engage the reader right from the start.

  • Staying focused on the main topic and avoiding unnecessary tangents ensures that the article remains clear and coherent. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall message or argument.

  • While providing detailed information is important, it's equally crucial to keep the reader engaged. Using examples, anecdotes, and a conversational tone can make the article more relatable and interesting.

  • For online articles, incorporating SEO-friendly keywords and phrases can help increase visibility on search engines. However, it's important to integrate these naturally without compromising the readability of the article.

FAQs on Article Writing: Explore the Types, Objectives, Processes, Samples and Practise Problems

1. How to write article?

Article writing is a creative process that tests a writer's penmanship and vocabulary. To write an effective article, it's important to have a good grasp of the language used and a deep understanding of the topic. For more detailed guidance, you can visit Vedantu's website or download their app for free resources on article writing.

2. What are the types of articles?

There are four main types of articles: expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive.

  • Expository Articles: These are subject-oriented and focus on providing informative content without expressing personal opinions.

  • Persuasive Articles: These aim to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take specific action.

  • Narrative Articles: Used for storytelling, these articles tell a story or recount an event.

  • Descriptive Articles: These articles focus on describing a topic using vivid sensory details to create a clear picture in the reader's mind.

3. What is the format of an article?

The basic structure of an article is consistent across different types and includes the following elements:

  • Heading: A catchy title that grabs the reader's attention.

  • Introduction: A brief overview of the topic and what the article will cover.

  • Content Body: The main part of the article, where the topic is discussed in detail.

  • Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or call to action.

4. What are common mistakes made in article writing?

Common mistakes in article writing include:

  • Grammatical Errors: Errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

  • Imbalance of Information: Providing too much or too little factual information.

  • Lengthy Paragraphs: Writing paragraphs that are too long can make the article difficult to read.

  • Inappropriate Language: Using informal language in situations where formal language is required.

  • Forcing Opinions: Imposing personal opinions where objectivity is needed.

5. How can I improve my article writing skills?

Improving article writing skills involves regular practice, reading a wide variety of articles, and seeking feedback. It's also helpful to study the structure and style of well-written articles, expand your vocabulary, and refine your grammar.

6. What is the importance of a good heading in an article?

A good heading is crucial because it is the first thing that captures the reader's attention. It should be engaging, relevant to the content, and give the reader a clear idea of what the article is about.

7. How do I choose a topic for my article?

Choosing a topic depends on the purpose of the article and the audience you are writing for. Select a topic that is relevant, interesting, and one that you have sufficient knowledge about. Researching trending topics can also inspire.

8. How long should an article be?

The length of an article depends on its purpose and the platform it will be published on. Generally, articles can range from 500 to 1,500 words. However, the focus should be on covering the topic comprehensively rather than adhering to a specific word count.

9. Why is editing important in article writing?

Editing is a crucial step in article writing because it helps to refine the content, correct errors, and improve the overall flow of the article. It ensures that the article is clear, concise, and polished before it is published.

10. How can I make my article more engaging?

To make your article more engaging, use a conversational tone, include interesting anecdotes or examples, and break up the text with subheadings, bullet points, or images. Ensuring that your content is relevant and valuable to the reader also helps maintain their interest.

These FAQs cover various aspects of article writing, providing a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to improve their skills or learn more about the process.

11. Famous Article Writing Topics.

  • Climate Change and Environmental Conservation

  • The Role of Technology in Modern Society

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Education and Learning in the Digital Age

  • The Future of Work: Remote Work and the Gig Economy

  • Personal Finance and Financial Literacy

  • The Influence of Social Media on Society

  • Health and Wellness Trends

  • The Impact of Globalisation

  • Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality

12. What is Article Writing

Article writing is the process of creating written content on a specific topic for newspapers, magazines, websites, or blogs. It involves sharing information, ideas, or opinions in a clear and structured way, usually to inform, persuade, or entertain the reader. A typical article includes a catchy headline, an introduction, a body with detailed content, and a conclusion. The goal is to engage the reader and provide them with valuable insights or knowledge on the topic.