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English Worksheet for Kids| Common and Proper Nouns Worksheets


English Worksheet for Kids| Common and Proper Nouns - Download Free PDF with Solutions

Nouns are the prime parts of speech used to depict names of objects, animals, professions, things, etc. There are two categories of nouns that are common and proper nouns. To understand what they are and their difference, download and solve the Common and Proper Nouns Worksheets designed by the subject experts of Vedantu.

These worksheets have been designed to include suitable questions as per the KG-3 level of education. Students will easily understand the context of these questions and will solve them to assess their preparation level for this topic.

What are Common Nouns and Proper Nouns?

The naming words used to depict a person, thing, object, place, condition, profession, etc are called nouns.

A proper noun is a naming word that signifies or depicts a special place, person, object etc. Example: English, London, India, etc. The first letter of a proper noun is always in uppercase.

A common noun is a naming word that depicts places, objects, things, professions, etc of a similar kind. Example: picnic, cricket, table, computer, car, book, etc. The first letter of this noun is not capitalised or is always in lowercase.

Access Worksheet for English KG-2 Common and Proper Nouns

A proper noun is a noun that is used to name a particular person, place, day, or month. Common nouns are words used to name general items rather than specific ones.


1. Classify the following as common or proper nouns:

i. Doctor

ii. Student

iii. Street

iv. Edward Wennis 

v. Elm street

vi. Dr. Forbes

2. Find proper nouns in the following sentences:

i. Harry is a good man.

ii. That dog is called Snoopy.

iii. A lady named Gina came by today.

iv. Yolande is a woman.

3. Find common nouns in the following sentences:

i. Harry is a good man.

ii. That dog is called Snoopy.

iii. A lady named Gina came by today.

iv. Yolande is a woman.

4. Match the following common nouns with the appropriate proper nouns:

Column 1

Column 2


Juhu Beach


Mike’s Pizza


Diary of Anne Frank


Mr. Jonathan

5. Match the following proper nouns with the appropriate common nouns:

Column 1

Column 2



Windy Road School


Yellowstone National Park


North Carolina



6. Circle the proper nouns from the following:

an image of a box containing words, Mother's Day, ship, elephant, beach, teacher, Matias, San Jose, Cody, mom, Pizza Hut, book, Children's Day

an image of a box containing words, Mother's Day, ship, elephant, beach, teacher, Matias, San Jose, Cody, mom, Pizza Hut, book, Children's Day


7. Circle the common nouns from the following:

an image of a box containing words McDonald’s, Antonio, car, Karla, scissors, mother, Spain, uncle, paper, Toyota, America, balloon, shoes, teacher, Domino’s, Sara, Argentina, Bellavista, copybook street

an image of a box containing words McDonald’s, Antonio, car, Karla, scissors, mother, Spain, uncle, paper, Toyota, America, balloon, shoes, teacher, Domino’s, Sara, Argentina, Bellavista, copybook street


8. Write a proper noun for each of the following common nouns:

i. Truck

ii. Restaurant

iii. Park

iv. Girl

v. Boy


9. Write a common noun for each of the following proper noun:

i. Kayla


iii. Delhi

iv. India 

v. Wendy’s Restaurant


10. Colour the common nouns with yellow colour and proper nouns with blue colour:

an image of clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, song, corn, India, dog, turkey, city, hotel, Sunday, Lucknow, newspaper, friend, beach, truck, December, girl, Australia, John, hospital, school

an image of clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, song, corn, India, dog, turkey, city, hotel, Sunday, Lucknow, newspaper, friend, beach, truck, December, girl, Australia, John, hospital, school


11. Answer the following questions by using proper nouns:

i. What is the name of your school?

ii. What is the name of your favourite restaurant?

iii. What is the name of your mother?

iv. What is the name of your father?

v. What is the name of the country you live in?


12. Write whether the following statements are true or false:

i. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.

ii. A common noun always starts with a capital letter.


13. Give three examples of a proper noun.


14. Give three examples of common nouns.


15. Write whether the names of days in a week are considered as a proper noun or a common noun.



i. Common

ii. Common

iii. Common

iv. Proper

v. Proper

vi. Proper


i. Harry

ii. Snoopy

iii. Gina

iv. Yolande 


i. Man

ii. Dog

iii. Lady

iv. Woman 


Column 1

Column 2


Mr. Jonathan


Juhu Beach


Mike’s Pizza


Diary of Anne Frank


Column 1

Column 2



Windy Road School


Yellowstone National Park


North Carolina




an image of a box containing words, Mother's Day, ship, elephant, beach, teacher, Matias, San Jose, Cody, mom, Pizza Hut, book, Children's Day in which the words Mother’s Day, Matias, San Jose, Cody, Pizza Hut, Children’s Day are encircled.

an image of a box containing words, Mother's Day, ship, elephant, beach, teacher, Matias, San Jose, Cody, mom, Pizza Hut, book, Children's Day in which the words Mother’s Day, Matias, San Jose, Cody, Pizza Hut, Children’s Day are encircled. 



an image of a box containing words McDonald’s, Antonio, car, Karla, scissors, mother, Spain, uncle, paper, Toyota, America, balloon, shoes, teacher, Domino’s, Sara, Argentina, Bellavista, copybook street in which the words, car, scissors, mother, uncle, paper, balloon, shoes, teacher, copybook and street are encircled.

an image of a box containing words McDonald’s, Antonio, car, Karla, scissors, mother, Spain, uncle, paper, Toyota, America, balloon, shoes, teacher, Domino’s, Sara, Argentina, Bellavista, copybook street in which the words, car, scissors, mother, uncle, paper, balloon, shoes, teacher, copybook and street are encircled.



i. Ford 

ii. Pizza Hut

iii. Trampoline Park

iv. Kayla

v. Shawn 


i. Girl

ii. School

iii. State

iv. Country

v. Restaurant 


an image of clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, song, corn, India, dog, turkey, city, hotel, Sunday, Lucknow, newspaper, friend, beach, truck, December, girl, Australia, John, hospital, school in which the clouds with the words, school, girl, hospital, truck, beach, friend, newspaper, city, hotel, song, sog, corn are coloured with yellow and the clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, Turkey, India, Sunday, Lucknow, December, Australia and John are coloured with blue.

an image of clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, song, corn, India, dog, turkey, city, hotel, Sunday, Lucknow, newspaper, friend, beach, truck, December, girl, Australia, John, hospital, school in which the clouds with the words, school, girl, hospital, truck, beach, friend, newspaper, city, hotel, song, sog, corn are coloured with yellow and the clouds containing words, Mrs. Jane, Turkey, India, Sunday, Lucknow, December, Australia and John are coloured with blue.


i. M.M. Public School

ii. Wendy’s Restaurant

iii. Caroline Forbes

iv. Denver Salvatore

v. India 


i. True

ii. False

13. Three examples of proper noun are as follows:

Mr. Damon Salvatore, Earth, Monday, Sunday, Rein’s restaurant.


14. Three examples of common noun are as follows: 

Girl, boy, city, park and restaurant.

15. The days of a week, like Sunday, Monday, etc., are considered as proper nouns.

Importance of Common and Proper Nouns Worksheets

We are now clear about the concept of common and proper nouns. In a nutshell, they are naming words that help us identify, recognise and point to particular objects, things, people, places, conditions, etc.

After studying the difference between a common and a proper noun, students will need the right platform to practise using their knowledge. This is where the Nouns Worksheet designed by the experts will come in very handy.

These worksheets contain the ideal questions that are designed by following the context and concepts of this topic. They will help to imbibe these concepts among the students well. These worksheets also come with proper solutions so that students can easily find out the precise answers and take their preparation to the next level.

Benefits of Solving Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet with Answers

  • The questions in a Nouns Worksheet will help you to focus on the context and understand how to answer them properly.

  • Assess your preparation level for this topic by solving this worksheet and comparing your answers to the solutions.

  • Realise the gaps in your preparation, if any, and fill them with proper knowledge of common and proper nouns to strengthen your concepts.

  • Develop your answering and English comprehension skills by practising solving such worksheets at home.

Download the Naming Words Worksheet PDF

Get the free PDF versions of this Exercise of Noun and understand the difference between proper and common nouns perfectly. Use your knowledge and answering skills to solve all the questions in this worksheet. Check where you need to be better in developing this basic foundation of English grammar and take the next step.

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FAQs on English Worksheet for Kids| Common and Proper Nouns Worksheets

1. How can you differentiate between a common and a proper noun?

A proper noun is generally a name of a specific person, place or object. It has an uppercase English letter in the beginning whereas common nouns don’t.

2. Why should I study nouns?

Nouns are an important part of speech we use in the English language. Studying nouns will increase your vocabulary and English grammar skills. You can use them to depict objects, things, ideas, places, professions, etc and to express yourself in English properly.

3. Why are nouns called naming words?

Nouns are called naming words because they are the names of things, objects, places, races, professions, etc.

4. Give an example where a common noun can be used as a proper noun.

An apple is a common noun. When it is a brand, it is a proper noun. It is expressed as ‘Apple’.

5. Is ‘star’ a common noun?

The word ‘star’ is a common noun. When we name a particular star such as the Sun then it is a proper noun.