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Essay Topics – 500+ Engaging Writing Ideas for Students

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Explore 500+ Essay Writing Topics and Ideas

Are you intimidated about writing interesting essays? Well, there are some basic rules on how to write an essay so as to express one’s side of the argument, experiences, stories, etc. The word ‘essay’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘exagium’, meaning the ‘presentation of a case.’ Essay writing in English is basically making a case for the validity of a particular point of view, analysis, interpretation, or set of facts or procedures pertaining to the essay topics. Correct selection, critical evaluation, organization, and presentation of these facts are key to engrossing essay writing.

Certain essay writing topics in English may be tough but it is not rocket science. Proper chronology and expressive writing can help the writer draw the readers’ attention to a great extent.

Main Types of English Essays

Depending on what the writer wants to convey to his reader, essays can be classified into the following types:

  1. Narrative Essays: Here the writer narrates a real-life incident on a story in the first person. The purpose is to make the reader feel present in the scenario described by the writer.

  2. Descriptive Essays: The writer here describes a memory, a place, an object, or an event such as to evoke the senses of the reader. The idea is to give the reader the essence of the emotion felt by the writer.

  3. Expository Essays: These essays are completely based on facts, statistics, examples, etc that the writer has acquired through extensive study and research. They are mainly thesis and have sub-types like contrast essays, cause and effect essays, etc.

  4. Persuasive Essays: These essays not only present facts but also persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view. These are more like written debates where the writer’s arguments hold the cornerstone.

In order to write a simple essay in English, one needs to follow the following format:

English Essay Format

  • Introduction

  1. Synopsis of the Topic

  2. Attention-grabbing 

  3. Four to Six Lines

  • Body

  1. Chronological Lists of Arguments

  2. Systematic Flow

  3. One Paragraph or more

  • Conclusion

  1. Rephrasing the main Topic and Subtopics

  2. Global Statement or Call to Action

Best Essay Topics

  • Importance of Family

  • A Visit to a Historical Monument

  • Life after a Pandemic Breakout

  • Importance of Mangroves

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

  • India- A Land of Diversity

  • Effects of Technological Development on the Environment

  • Importance of the Health Sector in the Progress of the Country

Practice more with versatile vocabulary to ace English essay writing.

Essays can be described as a writer which combines authors on argument in a number of various ways. An essay was first to be written by Michael Montaigne who was a French writer who prepared an informal write-up and named that it as an "attempt' . Essay is a French word that means "to try" or "attempt". Essays can be broadly classified into formal and informal.


Formal essays are generally written for series purposes, it is quite dignified, and logical organizations and lengths are kept in mind while writing these types of formal essays.


Informal essays include personal elements which include self-regulation, individual taste, and experiences. It can also involve write-ups that are confidential humerus and depicts a graceful style. Informal sums up a huge type of essay which includes rambling structures and unconventional or Novelty of the theme.


Essays are used in a wide range of applications which includes literary criticism, political manifestos, arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, memorandums, and reflections of the author.

There is three force that makes an essay exist:

  • The essays can be personal and autobiographical. This type of essay includes some personal details such as the experiences noted by the authors. This simply uses their own way and makes themselves the protagonist to keep their point of view.

  • The second one is the objective, factual and concrete types of essay. These essays are also personal but are indirect. The author doesn't use himself or herself in order to give a point of view. The author usually uses a particular situation as different peoples who are troubled or are helped by a particular fact objective.

  • The abstract-universal is the third type of essay. These essays are not at all personal. They are mostly research-oriented. This essay includes things which are not at all related to any type of memory, objective, fact.

Essays include a huge range of types and forms which includes the following bulleted forms:

  • Cause and Effect:

This format generally discusses a particular problem, the causes, and the effects, also suggestions and includes a proper well-researched write-up.

  • Classification and Division:

This type of essay sums up the classification and divisions of particular objects and detailed information about those classifications.

  • Compare and Contrast:

As the name suggests these forms compare two objects with each other and give detailed information about their contrasting characters and criteria.

  • Narrative types of Essays:

Most of the time these essays are about a story narration or a historical moment. It also includes some autobiographical histories or any type of narration.

  • Argumentative Types of Essays:

These are truly the author's own suggestions and arguments on the basis of some social or economic issues.

  • Exposition:

This includes the social evils or any type of negative instances that have been encountered for a long time.

  • Descriptive:

As the name depicts itself this type of essay is quite a good description of a particular topic.

  • Dialect :

These are types that include philosophy.

  • Exemplification

  • History

  • Familiar

  • Economics

  • Reflective

  • And other logical structures

Essay Topic List

In general, the variety of English essay topics are:

  • Schools, Examinations

  • Personalities we come across

  • Festivals, Functions, and Events

  • Daily Incidents, Scenes, and Journeys

  • Nature

  • Relationships

  • About Myself

  • Visits/Monuments/Cities

  • Sports, Health and Fitness

  • Holidays

  • Environmental and Social Awareness

  • Science and Technologies

  • National Essays

  • Current Affairs

  • Essay on Proverbs

  • Educational and Moral value Essays

Some Simple Essay Topics Pertaining to School Level Current Essay Topics are:-

  • A Scene in the Examination Hall

  • A Festival

  • Annual Day Function

  • My Ambition in Life

  • Importance of Family

  • A Visit to a Historical Monument

  • My Favorite City

  • A Journey to a Hill Station/ Beach

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

  • India- A Land of Diversity

  • Where There is a Will There's a Way

  • My Role Model

  • Autobiographies

  • Biography of a Leader

  • Right to Education

Some Essay Topics For College Students are:

  • How does “fake news” change Political and Social Life?

  • Socio-economic impact of a Global Pandemic

  • Communism vs. Capitalism

  • Effects of Technological Development on Mankind

  • Importance of Health Sector

During exams, brainstorming a few minutes to frame the chronological idea of arguments can save you from a haphazard representation of the topic. As the proverb goes, “a stitch in time saves nine”, prior practice and through proofing can do wonders in your English essay.

Points To Remember While Writing Essays:

  • Do proper research about the topic you are going to write which should include advantages disadvantages and even includes the wrong statement about the particular topic

  • Your introduction part should be effective.

  • Essays are considered to be informative. So try not to repeat the lines again and again while writing the body parts. For instance, you should not repeat the sentences in the conclusion part which you have already mentioned in your body or in the introduction part.

  • Make well-oriented paragraphs with different views and statements.

  • Even if your write-up has some contrast or conflict involving itself, do not forget to mention them too.

  • A well oriented essay includes a good introduction a well-written body which further includes advantages and disadvantages points to note your own suggestions except and finally the conclusion part where you update the things about the topic. While writing about some conflicting topics try to note down the positive impact that has been created around.

Essays play an important role in a wide variety of ranges. It is used in academic fields, non-literary fields, magazines, newspapers, and filmmaking too. The documentations not only help in proper knowledge but also provide access to knowledge and wide expressional views of people. Sometimes it is of a particular person, but most of the time, it acts as a representative of a particular group of people.  In today's generation, essays are most appropriately considered as more about research and truth. It helps a writer to reach a large number of people with one's view or sometimes a group of people's view.

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FAQs on Essay Topics – 500+ Engaging Writing Ideas for Students

1. What is an Essay?

An essay is a form of writing where the writer shares his or her experience, ideas, observations, and arguments about an incident, person, people, or issue.

2. How to write an engrossing Essay?

The basic steps to write an interesting essay are:

  • Brainstorm to generate multiple potential ideas

  • Write down every idea you think of

  • Include variations in vocabulary

  • Proofread your essay thoroughly

  • Practice more to make it perfect

3. What are some of the important current Essay Topics?

A current essay topics list looks something like this:

  • Environmental Awareness

  • Renewable Energy

  • Socio-economic effects of a Global Pandemic

  • Effect of Technology on Young Minds 

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Urban vs. Rural Lifestyle