An Introduction to Giving and Asking Directions
The knowledge of directions is important to complete any long or short journey. When we are in a place where we are not familiar with the locations at some point during the trip, there are chances of getting lost even if we have a map. So it is required to have knowledge of asking and giving directions in English so that we can reach our destination. It’s also a great idea to give directions yourself to tourists or foreign travellers. In this article, some words and phrases are given that can help you in learning how to give directions and ask for them.

The four main directions - North, South, East and West
Basic Vocabulary of Directions
We need to know some basic vocabulary. The most important words and phrases are given below which are used in asking and giving direction.

Basic vocabulary of directions
Asking for Directions
We can ask for directions very politely to someone using the following phrases.
Hey, can you help me, please?
Good evening, sir/ma’am. May I ask for some help?
Excuse me, ma’am! Could you please help me?
Once you get the attention of someone gently using the above sample phrases, you can ask for help to reach your destination. Some examples of phrases are given below.
Could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?
Do you know any good restaurants near to this location?
We are not able to find the subway station. Is it near here?
Where can we find a hotel nearby?
If you are still confused about the particular location, you can make sure by asking the following questions.
Are we on the right road to the railway station?
Is this the right way to the restaurant?
Which is the best route to go to the city centre?
Giving Directions
In the same way as we learnt about asking for directions, sometimes we need to guide someone who may ask us for directions. For that, some common phrases are given below that will help you in giving directions.
Pass the city centre road by going straight.
Go along that road.
Go straight and do not turn anywhere.
Go through the tunnel.
At the roundabout, take the first exit.
Turn left at the crossroads.
Take the right turn.
It is situated on your left.
It is located on the other side of the famous Shiva Temple.
You are going the wrong way.
The above article is useful for knowing the way of asking and giving directions in English as it is an important part of a journey or a trip whether the trip is long or short. Some words of the basic vocabulary of directions are also provided. Parents should not only teach their kids about directions but also encourage them to use them in conversation as often as possible so that they can form a strong sense of direction.
FAQs on Giving and Asking Directions in English: Key Phrases
1. What is the need for asking and giving directions?
The knowledge of direction is important and we are also required to know how to ask and give directions as well. When anyone has lost their path and needs our help and guidance to reach his/her destination, we must try to help them in the best way possible and try not to misdirect them. In the same way, when we are at any new place, we might need to ask for directions to reach our destination.
2. How can you learn to give and ask directions in English?
To learn the way of giving and asking directions, we should know some words and phrases that are used in the conversation of asking and giving directions. When we are doing such conversions, we should be polite and should use humble words like please, thank you for your help, etc.