Writing a poem requires a structure. Poetry is a collection of stanzas separated from each other by space. Stanzas are nothing but a group of lines. Poetry is a powerful means of expressing love, anger, and any other form of emotion. Poetry is a thousand years old and used to express inner feelings in a beautiful phrase or word.
Thousands of years ago, some profound poets such as William Shakespeare gave us some exemplary poems of all time.
To write a beautiful Poetry, you need to understand its basics. Given below are two poems. This article discusses all the poetic devices used in the poems and also provides a brief description of the poem.
Poem 1
The sea and my love both are deep
I get as much as I give
Both are infinite
Poem 2
My bounty is as deep as the sea
My love as deep
The more I give to thee
The more I have
For both are infinite
Poetic Devices Available
1) Alliteration
Similar sounding word usage is a scholarly gadget that is available in the sound of the second or the third letter rehashes in an arrangement. Likewise, similar sounding word usage is utilized to pressure a consonant sound that is focused on syllables. As can be seen, it makes a musical impact.
2) Hyperbole
It is a misrepresented articulation that we can use to pressure some solid inclination yet not truly.
3) Imagery
It is a beautiful gadget that is utilized to add profundity to a sentence and is in this manner, expressive. It is of two kinds:
It is utilized to portray a thing by referencing some other thing. Additionally, a representation is utilized when something is legitimately identified with the another, without drawing any line of qualification between them.
One significant contrast between a metaphor and a simile is that in a simile, we depict two things as like one another. Though, in a metaphor, two things are introduced precisely as one.
Note: Since both simile and metaphor are bifurcations of imagery, there is a slender line between both. We can recognize a simile in a sentence if words like-'like', 'as, and so forth are utilized to feature comparability.
4) Irony
One of the most customarily utilized wonderful gadgets is incongruity. An unexpected explanation actuates a wry impact. We can recognize it when we compose something that is conflicting with what exactly is normal.
5) Oxymoron
Here, we take the help of words to mimic sounds.
6) Onomatopoeia
If there should arise an occurrence of an embodiment, we give human-like capacities to an item. Here non-living things are identified with human properties.
7) Rhyme Scheme
A rhyme conspire is the example of rhymes toward the finish of each line in a sonnet. By and large, a rhyme plot is spoken to by basic letters, with an alternate letter for an alternate rhyme.
Some Other Poetic Devices
We utilize it to express a condition or article so as to speak to a given thought.
It contains an outflow of lesser quality than what might be normal. For instance, Hit by the transport, the bandage carried out the responsibility.
Note: A given articulation can have more than one wonderful poetic device.
Poetic Devices Used :
Poem 1:
Both are infinite
1) I get as much as I give
2) The sea and my love both are deep
Poem 2:
E.g., My bounty is as deep as the sea
My love as deep
The rhyme scheme followed is ABAC.
Poem 1: Here, the poet is saying that the ocean and his affection both are profound. He gets as much as he gives. Both are limitless.
So basically, he is comparing his love with the depth of the ocean.
As the ocean has no end, similarly, his love knows no bounds.
Poem 2: Here the poet, William Shakespeare, is saying that abundance is as profound as the ocean. His affection is of great importance and depth.
The more he provides for you, the more he has for himself.
And both are limitless.
Here, the poet’s love is compared to the depth of the ocean.
The above lines are from the profound play- Romeo and Juliet.
Here Juliet portrays her affections for Romeo. Like Romeo, Juliet encounters love as a sort of opportunity: her affection is "endless" and "unbounded." Her experience of adoration is more straightforwardly sensual than Romeo's. Where Romeo draws on the regular symbolism of Elizabethan love verse, Juliet's language in these lines is unique and striking, which mirrors her naiveté, and causes her to appear to be incredibly true.
Difference Between the Two Poems
On looking at both, it is evident that poem 2 is better and more like a sonnet. Poem 1 is exceptionally crude. See that the subsequent sonnet has a rhyming plan. William Shakespeare composes the subsequent sonnet.