What are Prepositions?
Let’s first know what prepositions are before coming to the examples on “Preposition Behind”. A preposition is any word or group of words that combine with a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun to represent a relationship between the noun and other components of a sentence, often another noun and verb. In other words, prepositions help us to understand the relationship between different nouns and verbs in a single sentence.
Also, prepositions show the relationship of time, space, or possession between a subject and the object of a sentence. Look at the examples below. Here, each preposition in bold helps us to better understand how prepositions represent a relationship between subject and object in a sentence.
The kid sat on the table.
The kid sat beside the table.
The kid sat at the table.
The kid sat under the table.
In the above examples, the prepositions on, beside, under, and at help us to understand the relationship between “The Kid” (subject of the sentence) and “The Table” (Object of the sentence).
What Does the Preposition “Behind” Mean?
In English, the preposition “Behind” is used before a noun or pronoun to represent that something is placed after a person or thing. For example,
Sita closed the door behind her.
He is behind his gifts.

Preposition “Behind”
List of Common Prepositions Used in Sentences Other Than ‘Behind’
Following is the list of prepositions that are commonly used in a sentence.
Let’s now look at the use of the preposition “Behind” in different situations.
Different Uses of the Preposition “Behind”
If something is behind a person or thing, then it implies that it is on the other side of them from you, or nearer to their back rather than their front. For example:
I put one of the pillows behind his back.
Women were parked behind the car.
The moon completely disappeared behind the cloud.
If a person is walking or travelling behind someone or something, then it implies that he/she is following them. For example:
Tina along with her children is walking behind them.
If a person is standing behind a desk, counter, or bar, then it implies that they are on the other side of it from where you are standing. For example:
The dog was sitting behind the desk.
He could observe the little men standing behind the counter.
When you close the door behind you, you shut it after you pass through it. For example:
Tina walked out and closed the door behind her.
The people, reason, or event behind the situation are the main cause of it. For example:
Tina is embarrassed about the reason behind the situation.
It is still unclear who was behind the murder.
If someone or something is behind you, they support and assist you. For example:
Ram had the Government’s judicial power behind him.
If you are behind someone, then it implies that you are less successful than them or have done something less. For example:
India finished second behind the Americans in the 800 metres race.
Oil production has already fallen behind population growth.
If you leave someone or something behind, you don’t take them with you when you go. For example:
Hitesh moved to America, leaving his father behind to run his business.
The rebels disappeared into the mountain, leaving behind their weapons and supplies.
If you stay behind someone, you remain in that place after other people have gone. For example:
If the students have missed the lesson, they have to stay behind until 5’0 clock to complete it.
About 1200 workers will remain behind to take care of the helipad.
If a particular achievement is behind you, you have to manage yourself to attain the achievement, and other people consider it to be more important or valuable. For example:
He has 10 years of loyal experience at TCS behind him.
20 Best Examples on the Preposition “Behind”
The children are behind the teacher.
The bedroom is behind the drawing room.
Tina sits behind me in class.
The performers were waiting to perform behind the curtain.
She ran off and hid behind her mother.
He was accidentally left behind.
He is behind his payments.
The children are behind their homework.
The gift had fallen behind the desk.
The Sun disappeared behind the trees.
The construction work is already behind schedule.
The Australian team is three points behind the winners.
What was the reason behind her decision to leave the office?
Someone grabbed her from behind.
She left her friend behind.
Sita remained behind.
She hid behind a tree.
She is an hour behind.
I was standing right behind Tina.
The children heard the sound of voices behind them.
She shut the door behind her.
In short, a preposition is a word that links the noun, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. It is used before the noun, pronoun, or gerund to represent place(preposition of place), direction (preposition of movement), time (preposition of time), etc. in a sentence. The preposition behind is used before a noun or pronoun to represent that there is something in or towards the back.
FAQs on Preposition Behind Examples: Simple Sentences and Usage
1. How can the word “Behind” be used in a sentence?
The preposition “Behind” can be used in two different ways:
It can be used as a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun. For example: The children behind us are shouting.
It can be used as an adverb without following nouns. For example: She stayed behind to look after her kids.
2. Is “Behind” a preposition of place?
Yes, the preposition“Behind” is a type of preposition of place. The preposition “Behind” is the opposite of the preposition “In front of”. It means at the back of something. For example:
When the teacher writes something on the blackboard, the students are behind him/her.
Who is that person standing behind the garden?