About Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 Summary
Class 12 English comprises a chapter based on the fairy tales and fables children like to listen to. Should Wizard Hit Mommy is all about bedtime stories and questions related to the stories children ask their parents. These bedtime stories have the sole purpose to make children go to sleep faster. When the children start growing up, they start analyzing things and ask questions to their parents. They have the urge to learn things and find out the reasons behind certain explanations. The fables and bedtime stories do not have many logical explanations apart from a message hidden in them. This is why many parents feel irritated and discourage their kids from asking questions. The author of this piece explains whether it is appropriate to discourage questioning of young minds or not.
Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 summary prepared by the experts at Vedantu will help you find out the exact context of the chapter to answer the questions accordingly. Refer to the summary of Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 when you are preparing the chapter and complete your syllabus quickly.
About the Author
John Hoyer Updike was an American novelist, poet, short-story writer, art critic, and literary critic who lived from March 18, 1932, until January 27, 2009. Only three writers have won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction multiple times.
Summary of Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12
The story revolves around a father named Jack and his two kids, Bobby and Jo. Jack’s wife is Clare. She was bearing the third child of the couple. Since Jo was 2 years old, Jack used to tell her a story so that she can fall asleep faster. He still maintained this tradition and told stories to her daughter during her bedtime. Jack also makes different stories all the time and his daughter loves it. Despite the difference in stories, every time Jack uses the name Roger for a small character. It is either Roger The Fish or Roger The Wise Owl. Roger goes to a wizard to solve a problem. The wizard casts a spell in exchange for a service fee.
The name of the story makes it more interesting. Students will be compelled to think about why a wizard would hit mommy. Jo is growing up and has started to develop her senses. She is making more sense now and her frequency of asking questions has increased a lot. As per the story Should Wizard Hit Mommy summary Class 12, Jack told the story of a skunk named Roger. His problem was that he smelled awful. The skunk went to the wizard to find a proper solution to this problem as no one was coming closer to him. The wizard asks what kind of smell he wanted on his body. The skunk answered that he wanted to smell like roses. The wizard grants his wish and casts a spell to make Roger smell like roses. The skunk then returns to his mom. Jo thought that the story had ended but Jack continued.
Should Wizard Hit Mommy Class 12 summary suggests how the mommy skunk reacted to the rosy smell. For her, the skunk smell was normal and she found her son smelled horrible. Her mother becomes infuriated that Roger chose to smell like roses and became disgusting. He even paid the wizard. She ordered her to return to normal. Roger returned to the wizard and paid again to reverse the spell. The story ended but Jo did not like the ending at all. She wanted the wizard to hit Roger's mommy. As per Should Wizard Hit Mommy summary Class 12 English, Jack was stunned to see his daughter’s reaction.
He was stunned to find out that Jo did not like the ending and wanted her father to change it. She wanted the wizard to hit the skunk’s mother as she was no one to tell him to reverse his smell. As per the Class 12 Should Wizard Hit Mommy, Jack was disappointed by the sudden change in Jo. He told him to go back to her room or else she will get a good beating from him. The girl was utterly disappointed.
The conclusion of the story is that parents were unable to make the child understand what the story meant. On the other hand, the parents were unable to understand why the child wanted the wizard to hit the skunk’s mom. It left the parents in a dilemma. They could not decide what to do. The Class 12 English Should Wizard Hit Mommy will help you understand the dilemma and realize how children grow up fast to analyze more and ask questions. You will get a good glimpse of the innocent mind of the child and the adult’s authority.
A Quick Revision:
When the tradition began, his daughter was two years old, and she is now four years old. Every evening before going to bed, Jack would tell Jo a story from his imagination, and on Saturday afternoons during her nap time, he would do the same.
Now, the problem was that he had been telling her stories for so long that he had run out of decent story ideas. Even Jo was no longer sleeping during the narrative sessions. So every time he told her a story, the core storyline remained the same — the story revolved around Roger, an animal who changed every day. When Roger had difficulty, he would go to the wise owl for assistance, who would then refer him to the wizard.
Roger's difficulty would be solved by the wizard, but he would be asked for more pennies than he had, as well as a solution to go get the pennies from a certain location. Then Roger would go to that location, retrieve the pennies, and gleefully return to his companions to play. Roger would return home before it became dark, after having a good day with his pals, and wait for his father's return from Boston. Then Jack would tell the story by describing what Roger and his family had for supper.
On one particular Saturday afternoon sleep, Jack inquired as to which creature she would want to hear a story about, to which she replied, "Skunk." So Jack began the story with Roger the skunk, a pretty stinky creature. His friends didn't want to play with him. He went to the wise owl one day and told him about his predicament. After that, the wise owl advised him to pay a visit to the wizard. The skunk then went to the magician and told him about his dilemma. The magician then assisted him in resolving his issue and inquired as to how he desired to smell. Roger skunk responded by saying he wanted to smell like roses. He began to smell like roses as a result of the wizard's spell.
He then ran out of pennies to pay the wizard, so the wizard advised him to go to the magic well, turn three times, and he would discover three pennies there, which he could fetch and present to the wizard. The skunk performed everything as instructed and delivered the wizard's pennies. Later, he walked outside and all the other animals flocked around him because he smelled so good, but when he returned home, his mother did not enjoy the stench and demanded to know who had made him smell so bad. Roger skunk told his mother the full thing, and she said she liked his smell earlier and that he smelt like a small skunk should smell.
The skunk then told his mother that the other animals had fled from him due to his bad odour, but his mother stated she didn't mind. She returned him to the wizard, and as soon as the wizard opened the door, she blew his head with her umbrella, causing the skunk's fragrance to alter, and he began to smell rotten once more. The skunk heard the train approaching while returning. That train was carrying his father. They shared a meal. When the skunk was about to go to sleep, his mother approached him and informed him that he was perfect the way he was and that he didn't need to change. That was the end of the discussion.
After that, Jo asked her father if the animals fled from the skunk, to which he answered, "no." They'd all become accustomed to the way he smelled. Jo despised the way the skunk's mother pushed him and made him stink once more. The next day, she requested her father to tell her another story in which the wizard slaps mommy and refuses to change the skunk's stench. Then Jack said he'd see, and the story's primary point was that the skunk loved his mother more than any other animal in the woods and that mommy always knew what was best for him. He then told her to go to sleep because her baby brother was asleep as well. He then walked downstairs, closing the door behind him.
His wife was in the process of painting the chair rail. He chastised Jo after hearing footsteps above him. The footsteps fade away. Clare then questioned whether it was a long story, to which he answered, "the poor kid." Then he stood there watching his wife paint and labour, but he was too exhausted to assist her.
The Importance of Storytelling for School Kids-
Storytelling is an excellent learning practice since it is highly engaging. Children raise inquiries as a tale progresses and evolves. This is a fantastic educational activity. Storytellers should employ techniques to pique a child's interest and encourage them to ask questions, as this encourages them to think. They strengthen their picturing capacity and creativity by associating images in the book with the story.
Storytelling is a fantastic way to learn because it is so interesting. As a story grows and evolves, children ask questions. This is an excellent educational opportunity. Storytellers should use tactics to spark the curiosity of children and urge them to ask questions, as this stimulates them to think. By linking images in the book with the story, they improve their visualizing capacity and creativity.
FAQs on Should Wizard Hit Mommy Summary: A Story of Moral Dilemmas
1. What is the Common Character’s Name in the Stories Told by Jack?
As per Class 12 English Chapter Should Wizard Hit Mommy summary, the common name of the characters in his story was ‘Roger’. Only the animals playing the character changed all the time.
2. Why did Roger Change his Smell?
Roger The Skunk was unhappy with his body odour. According to the Should Wizard Hit Mommy summary Class 12 CBSE, a wizard helped him change his body odour.
3. Who is Jo?
Jo is the nickname for Joanne. She is Jack and Clare's four-year-old daughter. Her father, Jack, has been giving her bedtime stories for the past two years.
4. Did she like it when her father used to narrate her bedtime stories?
Jo used to be very keen on bedtime stories.
5. How does the bedtime story end? Was Jo happy with the ending?
Jo thinks Jack closes the story in an unexpected way. Roger Skunk no longer reeked like roses. He reeked so much which Jo didn’t like.