What is a Character?
In a story, a character is a human, animal, being, creature or an object. In order to execute the acts and deliver dialogues, authors use characters, pushing the story along a plotline. A tale can have only one (protagonist) character and yet be a full story. The conflict of this character may be an internal one (with himself), or a conflict with something normal, such as climbing a mountain. Many tales have different characters interacting, with one of them as the antagonist, leading the protagonist to clash.
Types of Character
a. Major Characters
These are the story's most significant characters. There are two kinds, for each of which there may be a few.
Protagonist: This is the main character who revolves around the entire plot. A conflict from within or externally with another character, nature, technology, culture or fates/God will influence the choices made by this character.
Antagonist: For the protagonist, this character, or group of characters, triggers the conflict. The antagonist, who may be the protagonist too, is torn by a dilemma inside. Most often, the issue is triggered by something external. The party, maybe the members of a team, community or institution, will be considered a group of people causing the dispute. In addition, an aspect of nature, such as an animal, the weather, a mountain or lake, maybe the antagonist. An object such as a pen, vehicle, phone, carpet, etc. will be a different form of an antagonist. These are all called technology since they are tools or instruments for the completion of a job. Finally, the adversary is destiny or God if the conflict comes from anything out of the reach of the character.
b. Minor Characters
There are other characters in the plot. They are not as significant as the main characters, but they still play a big role in the plot. Their actions lead to driving the story forward. They can influence the choices made by the protagonist or antagonist, either assisting or interfering with the conflict.
Characters may have numerous characteristics. Primary characters, although minor characters, can be more static. They will typically be more dynamic, evolving and increasing through the plot.
Foil: A foil is a character with opposite characteristics from another, intended to help emphasize or bring out the positive or negative side of another. Many times, the foil for the protagonist is the antagonist.
Static: In the plot, characters that are static do not shift. They may simply be used to produce or alleviate stress, or they were not intended to alter. Over the entire plot, the main character will stay static.
Dynamic: In the plot, dynamic characters shift. In complex ways, they can learn a lesson, become evil or improve.
Flat: A flat character, typically only positive or negative, has one or two key characteristics. They are the opposite of a character that is round. In the plot, the defect or strength has its use.
Round: The opposite of the flat character is round. There are several characteristics in these characters, good or bad, making them more fascinating.
Stock: These are the stereotypical characters, such as the genius kid, ambitious career person, loyal sidekick, crazy scientist, etc.
The Importance of Character
Characters are what make stories. There is no tale to tell without a character, just a lot of scenery. Many characters in books, television series and film have a significant influence on individuals. Through these characters, who tend to have more interesting lives, some people like to live their lives. These characters can also seem so genuine and inspiring that people forget that they are fictitious.
Characters are really important to the audience. Many conventions are held in cities across the nation in which people pay a lot of money to dress and act as their favourite characters. These characters can be from various kinds of shows, particularly from the genre of comic magazines (the type of literature).
Bottom Line
For any tale, characters are the whole reason. They can be used, depending on the author's goal for the storyline to help teach a lesson, to entertain, to educate and/or to convince. Characters, such as space aliens, may be based on actual people and events, or be entirely unrealistic. People get attached to characters as if they were real. They may establish favourites and connect to others who have experienced similar circumstances.
FAQs on Story Characters: Types and Traits
Q1. Give Any Two Examples of Characters in Literature?
Ans: Following are the two examples of characters in literature:
Example 1: Ebenezer Scrooge is a tight-fisted man in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. He pressures his employees to work hard but in exchange, gives them peanuts. However, he changes his ways after having some very odd and upsetting encounters with the ghosts. He starts paying his staff more than their salaries, giving them days off work and even delivering gifts. This transformation helps him fit into the role of a character that is complex.
Example 2: Frodo and his friend Sam discover their unanticipated personal engagement, emotional and physical strength and devotion to the cause in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Gandalf learns that his fellow wizards have broken his faith, so he becomes a magician with a stronger personality. Aragorn, an heir to the line of kings, gives up his title. He learns his leadership abilities over a period of time and decides to reclaim his crown. All of these characters give us good examples of round characters, each with a depth of character and the ability to surprise the readers.
Q2. What is the Main Function of a Character?
Ans: In a novel, the main role of a character is to expand or extend the plot, making it readable and interesting. Many stories use different characters, and each story has a main character who has a great deal of influence on the plot. A protagonist, an antagonist, a dynamic, a static, a flat or a round figure could be the main character. Readers believe that the characters in the literary pieces exist, and they enjoy reading their figures and acts that are actual and lifelike.