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Subject in Literature: Definition, Examples, and Analysis

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What are the Subject Definition, Meaning and Uses

Vedantu provides a detailed explanation of the Subject in English grammar to help students grasp its meaning, definition, uses, and examples. In English grammar, the subject is a fundamental component of a sentence, typically indicating who or what the sentence is about. This page will cover the essential aspects of subjects, including their role in sentence structure, how they function, and practical examples to aid understanding.

Table of Content
1. What are the Subject Definition, Meaning and Uses
2. What is a Subject in English Literature?
    2.1Common Confusions:
    2.2Tips for Mastery:
3. Test Your Understanding of the Topic by Completing the Following Tasks:
4. Check Your Answers:
5. Takeaways from the Topic “Subject ”

Some Interesting Facts About the Subject!!

  • In questions and commands, the subject can be implied rather than explicitly stated.

  • Subject pronouns like "I," "you," and "they" often represent the subject in a sentence without repeating the noun.

What is a Subject in English Literature?

In English grammar, the subject of a sentence is the part that performs the action of the verb or is described by the verb. It usually tells us who or what the sentence is about and is typically found at the beginning of the sentence.

Refer to the following Table for more Detailed Explanation:


Example Sentence


Type of Subject

Simple Subject

The cat sleeps on the mat.

The cat


Compound Subject

Tom and Jerry went to the store.

Tom and Jerry


Noun Phrase Subject

The bright red car sped down the road.

The bright red car

Noun Phrase

Clause Subject

What you did was amazing.

What you did


Common Confusions:

  • Subject vs. Object: The subject acts, while the object receives the action.

  • Subject Pronouns vs. Object Pronouns: Subject pronouns (e.g., "he," "she") are used as the subject, while object pronouns (e.g., "him," "her") are used as the object of a verb or preposition.

Tips for Mastery:

  • Practice identifying the subject in different sentence structures to build familiarity.

  • Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, ensuring that the verb matches the number of the subject.

  • Use diagramming techniques to visually separate subjects from other sentence components.

Test Your Understanding of the Topic by Completing the Following Tasks:

Identify the subject in the following sentences. Underline the subject and indicate its type (simple, compound, noun phrase, or clause).

  1. Sentence: The tall building near the park was closed for renovations.

  2. Sentence: My brother and I are going to the concert tonight.

  3. Sentence: What she said during the meeting surprised everyone.

  4. Sentence: The new student in our class is very friendly.

  5. Sentence: The teacher and the students worked on the project together.

Check Your Answers:

  1. Sentence: The tall building near the park was closed for renovations.

Subject: The tall building near the park (Noun Phrase)

  1. Sentence: My brother and I are going to the concert tonight.

Subject: My brother and I (Compound)

  1. Sentence: What she said during the meeting surprised everyone.

Subject: What she said during the meeting (Clause)

  1. Sentence: The new student in our class is very friendly.

Subject: The new student in our class (Noun Phrase)

  1. Sentence: The teacher and the students worked on the project together.

Subject: The teacher and the students (Compound)

Takeaways from the Topic “Subject ”

  • Understanding the subject in English grammar is essential for constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences.

  • By recognising the role and types of subjects, students can improve their writing and comprehension skills, ensuring that their sentences are both accurate and meaningful.

FAQs on Subject in Literature: Definition, Examples, and Analysis

1. What is subject?

The subject in grammar refers to the person, place, thing, or idea that is performing the action or being described in a sentence. It is often the main focus of the sentence.

2. What is subject in a sentence?

The subject in a sentence is the part that tells us who or what the sentence is about. It usually acts as the verb or is described by the predicate.

3. Can you explain subject in grammar?

In grammar, the subject is the core element of a sentence that denotes what or who the sentence is about. It usually comes before the verb and can be a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.

4. What is the subject definition grammar?

The subject definition in grammar is the component of a sentence that identifies the person, thing, or concept performing or being affected by the action of the verb. It is essential for sentence structure and meaning.

5. Can you provide subject examples?

Certainly! Examples of subjects include:

  • "The cat" in "The cat slept on the mat."

  • "She" in "She is reading a book."

  • "The teacher and the students" in "The teacher and the students are in the classroom."

6. What are some subject examples list?

Here is a list of subject examples: 

  • "The dog"

  • "My friend"

  • "The weather"

  • "The company"

  • "The movie"

  • "A book"

  • "The children"

  • "The president"

  • "The team"

  • "The car"

7. How can I identify the subject in a sentence?

To identify the subject in a sentence, look for who or what is performing the action of the verb or who or what the sentence is about. The subject typically precedes the verb in English sentences.

8. What are some common subject examples in sentences?

Common subject examples include:

  • "The teacher" in "The teacher explained the lesson."

  • "The sun" in "The sun rises in the east."

  • "The cat" in "The cat chased the mouse."

9. Can you give more examples of subject in grammar?

More examples of subjects include:

  • "The birds" in "The birds are singing."

  • "My family" in "My family went on vacation."

  • "The car" in "The car broke down."

10. What is subject definition grammar in simple terms?

In simple terms, the subject definition in grammar refers to the part of the sentence that tells us who or what the sentence is about, typically performing the action or being described by the verb.